Makta Pond <>

3 messages

James Driskill <>Sat, Apr 17, 2021 at 1:11 AM
To: AJ <>, "@GRUWUP [.NET]" <>
Cc: TruthFinder Help <>,,,
Tax Day 2021 below, 

AJ don't you dare ghost this.

The passing date relevancy sign of numerology confluence -

Hello?  CQ CQ CQ. - anyone listening to this communication? 

Do I have a clear and open channel?

The radio static that has been interfering and altering the messages I sent two useless junk I would suppose ?

Do we still have that interference . 

This Broadband way we exchange in our world today.

Interfering from human hands and human hearts and human eyes that have no authority to be watching from such a perspective to manipulate people's lives - touche and say is hidden. Those in this mix say touche they'll never get caught. 

I think everybody is in a Fear factor mode that won't stand up two such tyranny. 

You just have to have a little more fine-tuning. 

Information science information Theory and our human condition of natural law among other major factors to understand it all. That is who I am to you all. 

I have been exposed into this chasm of evilness.

Overtime the truth will always be revealed. 

Has the intentional static that you have generated Upon Our masses been removed?

 Gone finally?

Still holding blank face that it all hidden?

Perhaps you should take a assessments of what is actually happened.

An out-of-control elite few - thinking this is going to be something that is possible to possible to anything rectifiable to continue. 

Tried tuning in the dial a little more I have the fine tuning instruments. 

You all have lost all sensibility.

Those that you have had under your spell... The hate Collective organization that keeps people in line and you on the top of the stack it's collapsing believe me it's collapsing.

A house of cards you have built for several generations back.  I have a year estimated within a + -10 year time frame.

A coctrine of observance a maladjusted culture start the title force that is unimaginable. Let me access for sure and it has a manifesto which makes it even worse.

And still you keep quiet and in the back Ali's of hidden secret packs of agreements you still are trying to sell us a big huge bald face pack of lies.

As history unfolds from many samples of this. Those who are under your spell will become open and angry. For being deceived so badly. They may just do indeed take a dagger out and stab you right there on the spot and let you sit on your throne thinking you have it all. 

You have nothing but 

An illusion that money and greed are worthy things of human invention to exploit to all ends. Why?

Passing this carrd, 

Your tuner. 

Of reasoning pick the dial to which you actually come to play with other people's lives now has a hundredfold new resolution to finely tuned into your destiny .

The path that you are on is corrupt. That has nothing to do with monetary corruption.

The path that you're on is corrupted because you have taken yourself to think there's no God of goodness watching all of this and guiding a human being such as I am into conquering you absolutely conquering you into the hell.

To hell you will go if you don't heed my warning now and stop the bullshit. 

release the masses from this obvious attempt. 

I know the truth Dr. Gupta is not any kind of man that I see deserving of a penalty that can you put himself into 

Jeopardy just save you to protect you to keep this truth from being told 

Dr. Gupta is not a particularly bad person. But you have a spell on him and I want you to go away.

To contemplate where one person is going to turn into the unraveling the whole scheme. Just automatically it will be your undoing tell you now I know in my heart of hearts this message is coming from above into my my word of words. Give It Up. Checkmate.


CQ CQ CQ - May Day - Mayday first called on this matter May 1st 2005. Mayday mayday mayday??? Is there anybody listening to this emergency SOS SOS SOS 911 emergency?

I don't believe in coincidences.

Such things if we take a data analysis indeed calculates accuracy - and a 1979 article that one has faith understanding PK , which I obviously do . 

A matter of a finding paper at the American Psychological Association. 

In science reality a probable order somehow can be given value that is probable Beyond A Reasonable Doubt at this point 2021 on the science of God Existence or a higher intelligence presence in the universe and the evidence of Prayer intention sent into the universe from our brain effects the matter a real life beyond. 
prove order somehow beyond random occurrence I know this perhaps you know that but this is a confirmation one more time and how these ( #______LivesMatter. Has affected that dynamics of the horizons I see upon my life path. 

Tax Day

In the United States, 

Tax Day is the day on which individual income tax returns are due to be submitted to the federal government.[3] Since 1955, Tax Day has typically fallen on or just after April 15. Tax Day was first introduced in 1913, when the Sixteenth Amendment was ratified.

This is a consent under a condition of governance in the United States of America that has a controversial scheme that some people believe we never consented to such a a state system of compulsory tax. 

That the United States is committing a fraud.

I would say that majority of these people that have that belief also believe that it is capitalist wise to maintain a labor force that you don't have to pay for hourly compensation. 

This grew up in our country in the south. In the South where we had what is called slavery.

So on one hand the United States never consented to a taxation system and on the other hand that the formation of slavery allows for the exploitation a free labor to conduct valid business models of Commerce and Industry 

I'm not kidding. 

To supplement a taxation system for a slavery system to backdate what was attempted and fought over a Civil War in this country. To go back to what it was to then take away the tax system it is 

economics doesn't work that way. And social economics don't work that way and social engineering projects perhaps shouldn't work that way either but they are trying to do exactly what I'm trying to say here.

To.hold peaceful progress under what is called a social contract upon the citizens and people of our nation .

We are founded by our founding fathers under a democracy . 

A democracy in which we vote into position, because of our own interperspective life priorities do not give us the time or the energy to make it a complete thought of Our Lives . We have our own personal lives and then we have our civil society lives . It has been chosen that will be elected representatives to our best interest . 

Representatives that speak for us and our positions.

That is where we give our consent away from complete freedom to not be able to separate from our participation and the economics of our nation . We must participate participate in the mechanics of the land of the Homeland in which we are standing..

I tell you now this is my stated position.

If you disagree with this decision made in this country.,

Rather than trying to destroy this country Alex Foundation to meet your needs of exploitation

Go find a place on the planet that has no country. There's a good portion of our planet that has no authority of claims of governance you know and if a person is born in one of these areas a person is born without a country. 

Take it to start your own Foundation of ideals clearly and hard going to start a new country what do you start with how do you start a foundation of wisdom and guidance pick that will not collapse because it's a house of cards .

You have pride and what you're doing you want to do it to your best ability right ?

Instead of hating on the members of our society go start your own fucking country.

I think there should be a law somehow that the posts a person to a state of choice for such malfeasance of their citizenry Duty apartment this country as Community Duty social responsibility to such actions are so contrary to belief that they exist in this nation in the first place. 

How about this for an idea there is a computer program called SimCity it's a governmental Authority transition of time elapsed at you build a city from scratch and all of that. How about we take such a civil society education course and put it to a country level application and force the person who is contrary to our nation's structure to start their own country and under the successful dynamics of what is our science and everything that we can simulate country building not city building . A country is born and if they are successful at it destination will invest a certain dollar to your success and goodbye.  

You can go off to that area that we Annex for your special projects and we will be watching you watching you you can invite others from our country to join you if you would like such a deserving destin.

If you can build a country that adheres to the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights without the exploitation factor that you're trying to return our country to I would give you the best of all best of accomplishments of success . But it's not possible . 

Your country would corrupt itself without a system of Taxation. Let us engineer this project especially For You groups who cannot be long to this nation under its foundation and wishes destruction the ones who went to the Federal Capitol building in Washington DC on January 6th 2021 and mounted and Insurrection against this government that was very serious extremely serious much more than an infraction of thought it was what?

Because of the leader and the faults message you are a cult not a government ready to take over and you where I a cult I hate group cult and you're not going to make it any other than that from that is the definition of what happened January 6th 2021. 

A message of knowing all things happen in the order in which they are supposed to.

One of my students gives me some great advice let it happen.  

And that he gave me that advice I understood immediately. 

As a collective cumulative scoring on let it happen as it has happened and it's now time to make a reality audit to become a reality truth. 

That truth becomes a knowledgeable understanding what is happening here in a science.

A faith here set as science as we know it .

In science that is under a certain set of laws physics laws Rules of Order structure the deliverance of morals,  wisdom guidance, to be able to build a country from a foundation that is not on a house of cards an infant time there's destined to collapse, 

A doctrine of understanding that is ratified in this country as the Declaration of Independence and the original Bill of Rights of the US Constitution and then the subsequent amendments that follow up into the most ability to create a new Amendment war and Order day in Missouri to maintain the order of pace full progress 

These are religious context but they don't have to be but when we take away these guiding materials for each one of us individually on a life, we get into trouble and Reconciliation of our best conscience choices . It's not all science and it's not all God neither one of them function to not become unstable in an eventual collapse to the foundation of our individual lives and the foundation of our country.

An atheist view of science only cannot solve this and I don't believe that putting to a challenge they have been able to solve this too justifiable means that it can keep its stability without a manifestation of freedoms being lost and the decisions we made such as what is happening here I'm trying to describe overtime Krups itself of its integrity.

 Collective intelligence Collective conscience Collective social responsibility etc.

Community is human habitation of collective human conditions tbat meet our needs as individuals of what are structurally sounding strong from 1940s Maslow hierarchy of human needs .

Pretty solidly Foundation still holding some determinations that there is not a a controversy. To hold that as a foundation of Science in psychology and socio-economic dependents that we should be focused on those priorities in our overall scheme has crossed our entire nation which we're not doing. 

Can we quickly shift into a different dynamic, a paradigm shift of thought process and priorities? The answer is no.

At least not as the world is now but perhaps as the world could be if the United something about understanding instead of dismissing someone carelessly. 

On This, Apr 15, 2021, 9th:42 AM AJ. Of carrd dor co <

"Great! Let us know if anything else comes up."

My response to this is definitely. 

Not great not great not great.

Not us, not us, definitely not us. 


Don't Write Me Off

About โ€œDon't Write Me Offโ€ 

This song was written for the 2007 film Music and Lyrics. In it, songwriter Alex Fletcher (Hugh Grant) performs it live at a concert as a way of apologizing to his songwriting partner Sophie (Drew Barrymore) for the recent break in their relationship.

Inset commenting:

AJ, this email in its entirety goes out to each and every one person relationship that has suffered a breakage. Each and every one of these persons of our society made a choice of something of an illusionary factor of an outside influence of hidden view agenda. AJ I tell you right now. This is a warning. I see what you might think I am not able to see. The thing that you think is hidden is not-so-hidden. 

 I need some light to eliminate the truths and if you choose that same dark tunnel AJ...  this is going to get damn ugly before it gets better.

The time is now to choose the right way to handle this. I need to know exactly what was wrong with my account. It is not beyond any kind of purpose that my account was in a state of being tweaked somehow to a maligned value to prevent publishing. My account was verified. The status to pull it to unverified status  -i don't know . I searched your help index to find any kind of comfortable matching resolved for this already encountered there was none. I'm using your platform ( ) to conduct my tools of necessity. I updated my account so that can have more cards open I don't need hundreds because that's one of your fee levels. it. I've been publishing on this for a while. Now all the sudden I could not get it published now right just all of a sudden. I don't believe in coincidences. The message I saw which I could not repeat the process to which put it into my view is inaccurate. I hate when computers lie. A step by step by step deliverance of realism to my account status was maladjusted somehow to not allow processing to publish status. There was no error message to find a solution . It said it was published but then again it wasn't .Giving me no reason for such a condition. 

โš  Forewarning: There is absolutely nothing absolutely nothing to stop these people. 

Are you one of them or are you one of us? 

This email demands a reply. 

A silence reply of non-responsiveness, a ghosting, answers this question unconditionally.

I have an United States Department of Justice citizen complaint ID number - recently released into a confirmation copy that should have been issued in October but wasn't I'm not kidding. 

 I have nothing personal against you AJ. 

Perhaps you're not aware of what's going on and you didn't actually forensically determine what happened on my account.

Perhaps they reverse themselves in the middle of all this process ๐Ÿ’ˆ and inverted the tweak that may have incurred. 

I don't know but what I do know for sure Albany provable on LinkedIn and the establishment record there that my account has been suspended - a third time.

I'm not begging and clean to get my account back again . I'm not going to suffer knowing who's on what side on that platform .

I have my data on my posting on my own property the whole thing is ugly ๐Ÿ’ฉ the flies are flying everywhere in the version of that if smells stench yuck rancid and nasty.


Also on record is the Adam4Adam Zendedk. Customer service interface documented as being an accurately abusive. The Integrity to which some guys at the content moderator at zendesk ut had seemed to straighten itself out. 

But not really fully - an interference I captured again with communications I had with my own roommate. 


no no no we're not playing no games. 

My interfaces on all social media and now into a particular project delivery service is not reliable to not be corruptible until this is fixed.

I do not accept the conditions that are before me that I know there's something fishy going on here. 

At any one stage of this, I can't blame a person or service on first encounter troubleshooting. Without a more involved account of things on your side AJ I can't prove anything but I have suspicion . 've forewarned you. I don't have that luxury with you guys so I'm taking a quick solution in this to a face value - trusting that I seriously have needs here to external security relevance and I have paid service account fees on track here.

 Pardon the assignment and identity and adjusted attitude in the circumstances that actually apply that is presented here.

Take it personally and then not personally.  Receive this presentation position both ways.

 Respond accordingly please. 

I can't even believe that TruthFinder has betrayed me. But I'm at a 85% more truthful.assurance of my documented record, to my own evaluation that they have. And to all the actors involved, your insurance umbrella coverage does not cover these kind of acts as errors and omissions.

 That was a long time ago long long long time ago expired excuse as any good played activity.

A collective accumulative understanding of my documented record. 

I spent a lot of money over the years is a paid TruthFinder member, 

 I may have to find a replacement service and this email will be used to introduce such service to my delivery of care for sure. 

Yeah that's my next call coming up here in the morning.

To address why I have a suspension of my account.

I can't log in. I couldn't login for a while it didn't have a message. Now it's saying I don't I have to call membership services to reactivate my account okay another one of those tweaky suspiciousness services. I know what I know and don't tell me what I know before you get to know the whole story.

My comments from Member comments are not being applied to background check reports I've Associated persons that I needed to make a record of these events external of my own website documentation I had it at one time and then it was taken away from me without explanation.


 I'm not breaking any rules or if I am breaking rules The rules need to be broken.

Knowing unilateral decisions without any messaging explanation - and several attempts to bring a perspective to their customer service helpline with confirmation replies to email ( again, this email should generate one more )  and still no response. 

A matter that they have no response is conclusive enough evidence they have betrayed their relationship with me.

Without an intervention of a conversation goes to prove their allegiance to what they considered hidden activity is actually forensically provable to  be available.  A digital data record -- footprints -- of suspiciousness abnormal processing-- and it's not hidden. 

Once again my question to you AJ,

What exactly was wrong with my account?

CC: TruthFinder. you may want to get your shit together and actually respond to me as well immediately


Don't Write Me Off 


It's never been easy for me
To find words to go along with a melody

But this time there's actually something on my mind
So please forgive these few brief awkward lines
Since I met you my whole life has changed
It's not just my furniture you've re-arranged
I was living in the past
But somehow you've brought me back
And I haven't felt like this since before Frankie said "relax"
And now I know based on my track record
I might not seem like the safest bet
All I'm asking you is
Don't write me off just yet

For years I've been telling myself the same old story
That I'm happy to live off my so called former glories
But you've given me a reason
To take another chance
Now I need you despite the fact
That you've killed all my plants
And now I know
I've already blown more chances
Than anyone should ever get
All I'm asking you is
Don't write me off just yet
Don't write me off just yet

On This, Apr 15, 2021, 9th:42 AM AJ. Of carrd dor co <

"Great! Let us know if anything else comes up."

My response to this is definitely. 

Not great not great not great.

Not us, not us, definitely not us. 

As AJ is crossing into my space of

The definition and meaning of great has addendum and practical re definitions for our sensibilities.

The understanding of a collective - "us" has new definition and meaning as an addendum for practical reasons. 

As this is an informational technology network considered a trust-building and trust binding network.

I'm establishing that I have a trust ladder mechanism of concept that is practical to see and to utilize our mind whether or not the digital tool is there for it to be an automated process; something to reach for the Internet of Things.

It does not have to be a coded tool of digital processing development to maintain that it is a real thing. It does not have to be developed for our minds to put into perspective the need for such a thing.

There was once humans on this planet that had no understanding of what fire was.

To them fire was a big monster I'm sure.

One that would start by some sort of Godly Anger - Wrath - thier need to make the connection that lightning starts fire .

Way out in the distance to and now we have a forest fire and they're going to die.

They are being punished by a monster, a fire started by the god of the sky and they're going to die and they deserve to die for they must have done something wrong they must have done something wrong to deserve such cruelty.

My mother's handle from history is 

"Fire Dancer".

Now that's skip forward back into current day of 2021. 

My name is James Martin Driskill and my public digital footprint is extreme long-standing from back all the way to 1986.  

That's 3 years after I graduated in 1983 San Bernardino High School. 

My mom being graduated from San Bernardino High School.

My father being graduated from San Bernardino High School.

My brother not graduated from San Bernardino High School.

My uncle my mom's brother graduated from San Bernardino High School. 

The location of San Bernardino High School is three or four blocks away from the original standing McDonald's. There is a museum there. 

Furthermore the standing most closest operating McDonald's that is currently here today. 

My mom used to work for them while I was at Arrowview Junior High across the street.

My mom used to work for McDonald's the closest McDonald's to the original McDonald's.

I say this only to bring a little bit of history here. 

My mother also to her degree of employment merritt work for the International. 

Campus Crusade for Christ organization. 

She was employed as the receptionist that handled the international calls to be transferred to their division of organization.

She was the one responsible to handle the communications in an international focus  of the Campus Crusade for Christ. 

Once was headquartered here in San Bernardino with definite celebrity Hollywood ties to the hotel that is up the hill at the Arrowhead Hot Springs .

What has happened is an injustice highest order offense to this family. 

Considering, I have no voice to communicate. 

Me, James Martin Driskill. 

The one that is established here in this connection with you,


Something of crafted creations here I'm holding against us.

Yeah, against us not in support of us.

I'm standing against the wall of an informational quarantine that has no real space atoms and molecules of real estate property. 

The physical presence of a wall it definitely is a wall. 

A huge wall, if you just consider it stationary. 

But it's not stationary.

It's animated.

Not only is it an animated wall, but it has presents that is destructive.

It's animated to destroy people including me. 

. And 

As impractical as it may seem to listen to me, 

A forevermore cruelty is happening and a forevermore dunce defines the imprisonment that i am encapsulated in.

An informational quarantine.

I demand each and every one of my internet connections of my life and connections of interpersonal relationships to be able to see the wall and the activity of a monster creation that is being ignored.

I.demand an adjustment to be instantaneously.accepted so you can see the same reality I see.

I give no consent to any one and every human being that crosses my mind into my life space that has their ability to choose to ignore me..

An intention on my behalf to create a disturbance force by words alone, no matter how offensive or insulted you may temporarily be,

That such ignorance is unsatisfactory to hold against me especially under an intentional design.

it's irrationality of the human conditions between us, forced to my own devices, I would rather die first then to submit to such dastardly conclusions of an eventual predictability. ( ๐Ÿ”ฎ).

I demand some intelligence over intentional ignorance to release your hold.  

YOu HOLD ON TO something so severely wrong you can't even see how bad this is and to switch and change your focus!!

An unsatisfactorily service delivery as a role that you are employed and pay for .

I am your customer. 

And as in any practical business management standard, I demand that the customer is always right.

In this case at least. 

I demand address to even form scold and reprimand that you cannot ignore. To remain their in ignorance is an unsatisfactory score. Grade F #Fail

I demand you individually and as a collective that you see the reality that I see which is real and rationally made here. 

For those who are in civil society of a public service of my needs in the same role of interfaces into my life, 

I demand you address this or be replaced immediately by order of our United States President.

Or ?   What you say ? 

For sometime in the future it will be told -- whether or not I am still living --

I waz here.

i told you so.

The pain and human condition of such then delivered future human existence of mass suffering that perhaps you could have avoided that path of future time anti-humanity habitation existence. 

For now - this day.-- 

Barbra Streisand exclaims and decries in music track titled "Don't Lie.To Me' from album "Walls",

"Where is the new horizon?"

You will then have lost - your lost and humanities lost.

You are then feeling.

 The wrath of God I suppose.

I'll be in heaven.

Will you step up and join me and our ability to conquer this problem or will you continue to dismiss me push me away and disable me?

Furthermore depreciating my life disability while this matter continues to escalate.

It is already a matter imperative of paramount understanding,

Community wellness.

That would be in the mental health societal health, your health, my health, are being impacted here.

This unquestionably linked..

I don't write these words to be ignored and I don't write these words carelessly.

This is a matter of 

National Security.

Everything within this presentation I can prove it.

The lightning to strike the fire.

The fire already burning has been burning for years and nobody is smelling the smoke and making the confection.

Well one thing is the result of another. 

Calm down calm down calm down I keep getting advice from my mother calm down calm down calm down how can I come down and calm down from such outrageous behaviors?

The fire is coming the fire is coming cuz you see the fire is burning is coming. The fire is here and she wants me to calm down calm my anger in all of this - I call fault so ridiculous.

How can she even claim to be my mother?

I described this monster and she is allowing the monster to not only kill me but to kill her.

to believe it or not

I have explained to her to my satisfaction she understands what it is I described as this monster.

I'm in trouble with my own disability. A society affect of prejudice and disenfranchised empowerment as a person living in disability where mental illness diagnoses are complicating matters. 

My informational society interfaces in all ways crafted intermixed my very own intellectual properties stored on my internet domains are being utilized and no impact is not possible. 

A network of trueness that you all just choose to ignore.

How impractical this is.

An informational Theory that is true whether or not anybody sees me in the universe or not.

I exist!!

I repeat my statement here.

Requoting  AJ, from Carrd dot Co spelled.out as

A j @ c a r r d dot c o

The technical assistance customer service support for a online digital presence layout and design presentation creator which holds "published status" ( a very needed understanding of what this is ) under a shortcut URL process I am holding it's definition.

Actually several of these. They have different level of featured support paid I just need a few of these. 

But in terms of support hundreds of these are being developed in a particular model for particular needs for those out there that have more Financial Resources to this business model to ensure is profitable for sure. 

A concept of a card here - holding the ability to perhaps intervention in publishing. 

The understanding that we are living life that is more than publishing. 

But as this particular argument goes in a news paper printing process where actual paper is being printed upon Earth, where basically anybody in the whole facility was given the ability to say this or yellow out or command such

"Stop the Presses"

For whatever reason is the reason. 

The paper copies that have been put into existence cannot be used.

For the reputation of the paper no matter what it was cannot issue that release.

It was the Integrity of the information and the stopping the presses and what such release of public information in the name collective, of damages beyond out of this control is an intrinsic value to understand.

one meme to meme to meme sharing into public deliverance is the linking memetics known for a long long time. A ong long time . A long long time .

An equation that memes have nothing to do with technology or the internet. 

Even if that science has not defined yet it's a matter of understanding its relevance and reality is important to consider at all times especially in a newsprint operation 

Abled by giving confer granted  authority as a matter of fact as being a collective team ,  a collective responsibility is being placed into the introduction of training for each and every employee of such an organization

Anybody from the organization could demand : given that Authority. 
Even the janitor picking up a copy reading something the first time..

Come back?

from a janitor who just got the copy the First Time new the accuracy and could know the damage future yes they are committed to the resolve of what they are reading is so damaging . 

hold stop the presses and the stop the presses morally.

This has a moral presence people in all of our society.

This has been such for a long time.

A need to command the destruction of what was already done no matter how much it cost and to start all over again with the accuracy of best authentic of truth verified.

Nobody needs to know the mistake that was about to unfold okay but stop the presses start over and we will work to the highest degree of intelligence our ability as a collective team to get the job done .

 We will work to the highest best work we can only do our best in the end of the hour of we can get it right.  

In all human possibility of what is effort humanly possible , to get it right the first time nd never have to retract such damages after the fact. 

For the cause and effect into our society is a tidal wave force in newsprint. You can't have collateral damage for just being lazy. Or to save money and the bottom line. 

That is a fact people. 

and if we can't publish we can't publish there will be no paper.

Because the Integrity of the information is that damn important. 

A notary public is a part of that process is outside of a newsprint and directly related to instruments a business transactions upon people..

By the way did I tell you,

I happen to have a former notary public commission from 1999. 

And such a standard remains.

I'm sure and most newsprint papers today remains the standard of integrity.

I am no longer a notary public to notarize documents. 

I've transitioned that roll into an informational Network.


 nobody can consider this true..

We have lost our ability 

To hold such a regard for this kind of Integrity across everything we do . 

Into our everyday lives.

I can show you. I can map it all out. But why bother you haven't even met me yet this letter is trashed it's in the garbage already and you're not red ignore dismiss go away - go fuck off and die digital - bit bucket. 

I demand it ( the problem ) the master maladjusted manipulatively enabled, a true sense intention rather than an accidental imperfection problem.

Which is at the highest end of understanding.

 ( confected ),

A monster problem that monster is active and alive in real living tissues bio-matter.

We have to fight a monster with another monster the monster of intelligence the monster of Integrity the monster of honesty and the monster of our reputation.

The highest thing is the monster of our most precious concern.

The monster of our authenticity.

Artificial intelligence is going to win over us and them.

The highest-end of monster problem,

The one that human intelligence can and shall be able to overcome. 

Before we submit abscess species true are Jeopardy liability and vulnerability here to the monster that we have generated in The Sound of Silence that needs to be disturbed . 

For without this disturbance the problem of this monster will become and over reach that Humanity will never be able to come back from walking over a cliff of foolishness.

That last step.

Definitely within my perspective we are reaching all things element unwise to hold onto a power trip ego time that does not make any sense ability of reasoning or rationalization to remain unchanged. 

To keep this silence.

Is ungodly and Unholy. 

Against God's truth. 

Against all greater non religious doctrines of guidance of common sense everywhere.

There is a reach to the best of our angels, the best of our excellence that you say you have ( proclamation ) but can't claim you hold true people together to have a simple exchange of understanding the Deliverance of this demand into your perspective of reality you intentionally are blocking reality here respective to claim non responsibility. 

You can't claim that - I've never been so far I'm not found one person in the universe that does not attempt this breakage.

When the truth is being obscured from something so bad you can't be scolded to different language standards to discuss matters honestly.

All rational delivered truth something so bad so bad so bad on your parts to not be able to have a discussion.

That is not me nor my moral responsibility to.have to be subject to a forever cruel mental abuse to deny me my inalienable right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. 

It is not me me personally that has made you fearful and afraid. 

For I represent the truth. So in proxy you attack me - call / are you are killing the messenger another words. 

What you are actually afraid of is the truth. 

That my dearest is your responsibility to adjust yourself upon this ( #reckoning ).

As Mark Twain once wrote and it is a highly applicable,

"The Truth Hurts but Silence Kills"

I demand Deliverance. 

Both in a public expression of messaging.

And in the way I demand 

I demand You released from this evil creation of an artificially suspended intentional creation. 

Two weeks from today, 

I would probably claim it to be rationally concluded there is already been passed over the horizon shadow.

A song title of mine - US Copyright

Again the theme, 

For now - this day.-- 

Barbra Streisand exclaims and decries in her music track titled "Don't Lie.To Me' from album "Walls",

"Where is the new horizon?"

You will not then have any defense to havd ignored me to complete oblivion. (๐Ÿ’ฃ).

I have no practical reason to live with that conclusion delivered in two weeks under triple pissed considered warnings.


I know we have the intelligence to overcome this obstacle.

This wall and animated monster which is not even a real thing in the real world but only an equation of memetic imprint on to our collective sea of humanity. 

The Noosphere,

As we are living on this planet Earth .

Perhaps also injected into other brains of other living creatures. ( noosphere )

The science of biology of all living things, brain matter is brain matter.

You will find this is the truth.

There is subsequently no difference between the brain matter of every single brain as is operating functioning these mysteries in all living beings. 

God created our brain as a human species and all of life on planet Earth the same.

The states of brain matter all equal,  the irrationality of the matter that you hold onto something you can't hold on anymore. 

Something of artificial intelligence and automated processing and all of this stuff changes that dimension.

When all human brains are the same of the same possibility of the same rights no matter who what where why and what  birthed them - each human into existence. 

That being from all past time into present time into all-time future history.



I demand to be heard about this matter and I demand that a collected adaptive solution be considered imperative  important for all of humanity to survive this transition of the quickening. 

This is not rocket science people. 

It is a science but it is not rocket science. 

As a science it is conceptually our need to make information into knowledge in this regard.

Have I got your attention?

@Gruwup 2021

Great Reasons ( Not! ) Us Will Unite Peace,.

Nothing personal AJ.

Something you are not seeing and I demand that you see it for your own definition of how your digital object could be used to fix this.

Under the term as being a card.

A digital object that has no processing intervention. 

But could be.

If only had an intervention of creativity of a practical solution that I can show you that can hold us to a better tomorrow than the one we are living. 

For the one we are living, I would rather die first and I will die first before you all get your shit together and do something right for a change.

Every aspect of civil society will fail me. 

it already has.

"I have no hope" one of my friends said.

I have hope, but I don't have any hope that you all can get it instantaneously. Instantly is the urgency of a 911 emergency. 

I am pissed.

"pissed" is one of the emotional values that you can set to a Facebook post. 

Did you know that?

But I'm double pissed as of events eariier today and how that is related to my connection to you AJ in the creation to published status of this carrd.

( balanced wholeness ):

'Pissed" is a term that comes from urine and the basic human need of excrement to urinate. 

The wholeness approaching Healthcare I demand to be able to urinate this pissed off anger.

The doctor willing to commit a felony basically. Do not follow the law. 

A covid-19 pre-screening, which I had to answer yes to one of the questions. Making it an unconditional rescheduling for 2 weeks.

I related the okay I understand that and no problem acceptance through the screener to the interoffice. 

A fax already in place  several days ago .

A call to them from my mother earlier. The place on the agenda that they have to listen to me. that they have to listen to me. 

Nothing diversion of the inevitable predictability. All effort attempting to get resolved current winning resolve there is none and it is them and not me.

Dr. Gupta has the gall and the nerve and the intention to come out to the waiting door yell out my name to come into the clinic to cut my cast off.

I had to tell him if that's the agenda I have a fax and that I'm going to walk away.

The commotion in the office is a parent already. 

So once I have this cast cut off I have no further business with his doctor basically he wants to cut my cast off and throw me away. 

The agenda to which his intention is exposed is obvious. He would be willing to commit a felony in health safety codes in our pandemic emergency to have that happen rather than to have a discussion.

In that carrd, 

The evidence amounts to continued conspiracy. 

I had to reaffirm my position that we are going to follow the law. 

The doctor had to how to confess and release is standing and released me 

To release Me From his intention to call me into that office to cut my cast off and throw me out the door..

Oh that's not the end of this yet because I believe he's going to try to shift this off of the some other Clinic somewhere else and not deal with this himself. 

 I have a confirmed written on their schedule card appointment for 2 weeks from this day of thursday..... 

This is a do-or-die moment guys people listen to me what you have been told or have been thought to have been told things all the way back into school are not true 

The United States is under a condition of an Civil Society emergency up health safety codes in a doctor was willing to commit a felony to violate then to have a truth be told in the deliveries of the interface between him and I and the doctor care in the medical care. My last doctor had the same problem. That broke on March 2019. I wrote about it. I broke the restraining order shortly before the death of him. There was a release of a document on a National Institutes of Health on April 6th 2020.

Already in farming the place when all this went down that I would break the restraining order. I broke the restraining order. Confronting this matter I am right and the doctors are wrong. This is a huge conspiracy. 

Although I do not have proof that this statement is true I suspect dr. She do committed suicide on the 10th of April rather than confront this matter again with me when he is the one who broke all protocols and all the legalities a few dictionary responsibility to maintain a relationship with me in all honesty. 

He being a coward failed. Dr. Gupta is going to be a coward and fail somehow some way this is going to fail. 

And in two weeks I will be triple pissed if not one person stands to desire to vew the trutj.

To the lot of makes of mistakes are not accidents. 

a correction to the doctor side of this conflict is unconditionally demanded. 

If not. 

I'm done.

Transitioning from double pissed to tripple pissed,,

Enough is enough already..

No more no more forever more cruel no more forever more cruel.

Not a single day goes by step not one of you in my life smear has done the right thing and supported me unconditionally to stand by my side. 

So I must have to kill myself I must have to before you can do something outside of your own stupidity I have to think you all are IQ of 80 and I know better.. 

On Thu, Apr 15, 2021, 9:42 AM AJ. Of carrd dor co <

"Great! Let us know if anything else comes up."

My response to this is definitely. 

Not great not great not great..

Not us not us not us. 

Us ?




How about crashing down?


I recently put the perspective into my writing. 

This is something of rational consideration when you put together a confected understanding in this nightmare by day - outrageous -,disturbing - disoriented realism of truth.

I'm really have to question whether or not back to all of time history --  here and now --  I'm attempting to deal amd cope with something extreme -- iving a unique perspective that has never been dealt with ever before in human history. 

I can't answer this of course. 

it's impossible to answer. Maybe from a philosophy of a different culture and different language in different legal system.

That may not be true for them but it is true for us. 

That making this a unique United States or Western Civilization cultural problem rather than a global one 

Another words I can't do this anymore by myself. 

My mother is not truthfully a helpful situation. 

A dynamic till I don't want to have to describe at the moment .

I'm living in my family home. 

This family home since I was Age 5 

I'm 55 and I've traveled around from region to region in the United States of America 15 years 

I have this documented this evidence of documentation of what this is happening here.  


It really is not me it is them and are you a part of them or are you a part of us?

Us ( you collective us and I ) ?

A legal remedy, for those involved in not obeying practical sense?

I'm not sure I'm not sure I've talked to the ACLU 

I put it into perspective and even to the United Nations enable for the convention for the rights of persons with disabilities.

I'm serious people I'm serious

Trying to get a retainer and a projection of a solution through a criminal lawyer or a civil lawyer to represent my side of this?  Impossibly never. 

This is really bad people listen to me please.
October of last year I submitted a complaint in the process that is the United States Department of Justice civil rights compliance section.

I received no confirmation that my submission was received at the time. 

I took the factor that like any college in Tennessee of any kind of Technology processing for information now is that you get an instantaneous confirmation of things like this right that's the standard we're all using right right?

So I've been living a day-to-day daytime or awake time conscious time, "nightmare" started 15 years ago in my notice of it anyway. 

Over the last 15 years since June of 2005 when I registered an Internet domain, 

that is acknowledgements of the time stamp it is on a digital Information Society something here it's not quite right.

I think there are many in our society that know exactly what is happening.

A lawyer and trying to go to that process mentioned above be able to handle or would tackle this situation. 

The old operating systems a data and information processing that I'm aware of,

Back in the day there punch card IBM cards that you have to physically go over to a person and have them code out what you needed and take that the result of the card stack and put into the process manually. 

An auditing system is obviously not possible in their regard to prevent what is now malicious code or just errors in general of human imperfections. 

No certification process to the code that is being inserted into the process by way of a human carrying a code into y'all to be handled by the next process a human being carrying the code to which Saint is going to get processed. 

If I had such a degree of process right here right now I would not be in the nightmare truly a nightmare in which I see a big huge monster. 

And that would be a loving Siri I would be able to issue a complaint or a concern or anywhere in that insert of those cards into the process through which is a micro-level holt button to that process. 

In the case of current-day Life there isn't anything of such degree of a tool this includes going to law enforcement and the police.

There is no tool to stop this process. 

The pull string that is across the entire stretch of the entire train the pull string to activate the brakes emergency anybody on the train can pull. 

There's no such tool in 2021 what is happening to me individually and that work to our culture our community our society.


It's not hard to see the patterns of human intention an invention.

As a huge monster it is a weapon of mass destruction carrying a weapon of mass destruction that is killing people and it is killing me just the same and nobody cares to pull the string and stop this from happening.

The same monster we're all talking about on the news but we're not equating the monster to the underlying process that puts this monster into the behavioral effects of humans in our culture. 

Humans of this current year 2021 that we have a science called memetics that expresses an explanation scientifically for this monster that is very much real. This is not an illusion or delusion of my mind. We're not all talking about this on the news I'm just not seeing the monster the monster is real the monster has been talked about but we're not equating why there is no solution to this. 

What has happened here and continues to be processing is an artificially suspended condition. 

This rather than being a natural order of human condition of Law & Order and of generally speaking digression to humans from past and possible future

Savage life rather than civilized life. 

Please save the criticism of the basis for my conclusions of this writing that would only go to show that you know what's going on and what's a light yourself with the knowledge of culture that I know its true 

Silence or a non-responsive consideration of ghost in this conversation provides that sang deductive reasoning because that's the pattern that I have experienced so I'm taking that pattern and placing it on to this communication.

I have nothing against you. Except for that we have to find ourselves realizing this is a rational consideration rather than the concepts of persons in environment and society that are targeted individuals of gang stalking.

 Such an environment is a governmental supported mechanics of a putative function of government outside of due process against a certain set of people that I am one of them and there is no solution and there's no consulate. 

Have such as defined there is no where I can go but you try to develop from my interconnections of problem solving here in this moment in time on a site that has the possibility of creating a tool that would be in that mix that they will choose to ignore under the digital object term:

A Carrd. : 

I need to insert it into the spokes of this wheel if that's a euphemism I know where it goes I know where this card goes that will stop the flow of the disaster malfeasance that is on behalf of the doctor earlier today. 

My only legal mechanism is a a a redefinition from our assumed commons of 

The Social Contract

An illusion of one's mind that there is such a thing in the first place,

but we assume this when we are first born into this world. 

Under the doctrine of law I I currently experiencing human life under,

I have the right to consent or not to consent to anything and everything across my desk of my life.

If the would change beyond that -- that is because we here ( or I here ) live in a non-democracy - the government has failed to maintain this at least for me. It has betrayed the social contract it doesn't exist even in the first place.

A mechanic that somehow some way people think this is funny to have done this to this country intentionally.

A democracy government gives us this right to change the consent to a more effective model for a problem here that I know needs collectively cumulatively intense community effort 

But a democracy does not exist here.

So far efforts are unimaginable insurmountable that society has indeed contested itself to perceptions of blindness outside of natural law too which is self mesmerized. 

By mechanics of structured social design are we defined as memetically engineered inverse of our own human  survival.  

Any attempt to reason a rational preconceived notion that this is actually a possibility is met with a defense of behavioral mind control mechanic by shifting allegiance to become an adversary of the truth. To become my adversary to any kind of voice. 

As though the frame of time being shared has that influence from outside, a contaminating attempt at reason a conditioned response within the receivers mind to a high degree precision to extremely conduct informational warfare to annihilate the message trying to get through. 

The human brain basically receiving garbage. 

The brain tuned out by way of mechanics that are unnatural to experience over and over and over and to have been captured on call recording obvious obvious obvious this true bias. 

A bias so obvious it has to be precondition into existence.

Indoctrinated is a term used in a particular video by another situation. 

And please please save your criticism.

I don't write these words lightly or carelessly and I don't nees to give you references to why I have this conclusiveness authority of merit. 

Dynamics imbalanced of interpersonal relationships that should not exist. 

But do exist.

A slash of time can be determined between one set of moral standards and another.  time that does hold moral acceptance of our internal mechanisms of conscience . 

This is set across our entire cultural division that is in the news a part of a reckoning. 

But you will choose to throw away my message here because you too will be under that spell and not carry on this message to empowerment attempts at an understanding .

You too will be diverted to a failure to communicate. 

In simple form you will ghost this conversation.

And most extreme form you will file harassment charges prevent me from continuing to direct you messages.

I guess to the next form of violence. I guess you would take out some sort of figure to actually kill me to stop me. 

As I Define the term I'm Public Enemy Number One. My message so dangerous. So dangerous to culture. So dangerous I am to all of society I must be stopped at all cost.

Before my message of peace building under a technology-assisted conflict resolution Dynamic digital processing binding to the equivalence of the African adinkra #mpatapo gets empowered into one of the Internet of Things existing for everyone to use. 

Those that are at the top of the stack mentioned above must stop me and kill me.

They will not give it up.

Our society corrective events critical thinking skills... someone out in our society will end up killing me physically murdering me and it will go uninvestigated. 

A murder mystery. 

Justice never given real effort to find our way honor the foundation of this country's mission ideals.

Justice is not blind.
Equal justice is not true .

A huge big fat lie is being placed upon us.

A society that cannot obey its own laws. 

Not a democracy but a plutocracy.

We have a conversation to begin.


Information exception processing. 

That is where we can make a change where cards can intervene. 

And stop the process cold turkey stop the presses until the matter at hand is put into perspective of what it is that makes us collectively prioritize our "forced direction" ignorance over a collective intelligence. 

God save us all please. 

But God is watching and God will not intervene in this like a miracle.

There are no miracles in this.

Because we are supposed to have free will.


somebody out there thinks it's funny to restrict free will.

For a certain set of people.

I being one of the targeted individual class. 

Their and my destiny already judged unworthy for their lives and my life to be valid. 

Their lives do not matter and that is a fact of this "think tank" creation elitist class at the top of this destructive force.

End game here is to the collapse of our nation.

Be damned everyone who tries to save it.

I've been under this dimension of Life Path presence.

Documented for 15 years.

And everything that has been done , 

The advice of my networking associates on file to just let it happen and don't fight it. It was not about resistance is futile it's about when the time comes you'll know when resistance is no longer futile and fight.

No more idle mention Resistance is now upon your door

It is self-evident.

it has destroyed my life and repeats its cycle over and over again. There is collateral damage across the sea of homelessness that is exactly the same problem. Conditions against their control they have to accept their life living in a tent on the streets. Absolutely outrageous.

Not that I'm doing anything so direly wrong.

please play me a fool no more. I' never was.

I'm not a bad person doing anyting Dire Straits ( a band name ) wrong to deserve such a punitive force against me. 

Those in the control of this force of mass weaponized destructions thinks it is hidden and it's not. 

As though that which we are referencing here in this discussion is hidden. -- not hidden and something that we are talking about in the news.

 As though that is not something that is extremely occurring dynamically emotionally explosive already affecting others beyond my minion life.

Life under this condition is not worth saving .

My life is not worth saving 

I would rather die first knowing I said this and eventually it will come to pass because none of you none of you are you thinking properly independent. With a critically thinking properly focused. 

When what.hits you iin this interface as best as I can but my most Integrity wise mention attempt the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth is bestowed upon you.

Can you see what I see? 

It is a Christmas carol 

You see this manifestation or are you being purposefully blinded by a devil. ?

Follow that devil to your hell people.

Mark my words .

I don't write this lightly.

I don't believe in coincidences.


I believe that we can indeed change our reality - mind over matter mind by our stated intentions with the force of reality a believability of psychokinesis.

Mu defeat in this is not lack of effort or lack of the intensity or lack of anything but having a lack that you can understand me when I am completely comprehensively coherent here it is writing. 

So something other than me and something other than you is in the mix. It shouldn't be this way but it is.

 I can't do it by myself. 

I've asked God to take me home away from this Earth 

 It all is really lost. 

My emotional presence exhausted. 

 I have no more effort

I have no way to convince you because of Mind Control and that is a fact of life in 2021.

On Thu, Apr 15, 2021, 9:42 AM AJ <> wrote:
Great! Let us know if anything else comes up.

On Thu, Apr 15, 2021 at 3:06 AM James Driskill <> wrote:
Just in time dude just in time my doctor's appointments tomorrow

This is working now

On Wed, Apr 14, 2021, 6:59 PM AJ <> wrote:
Hmm, sites seem to be working. Are they not coming up for you though?

On Wed, Apr 14, 2021 at 2:34 PM James Driskill <> wrote:
I have not got it to work yet

On Wed, Apr 14, 2021, 9:13 AM AJ <> wrote:
Hey! Sorry, still having trouble with this?

On Tue, Apr 13, 2021 at 7:38 PM James Driskill <> wrote:
Had a message foot by me that my account needs to be verified so I can update my published URL but I'm not sure I don't see where is there is a verified message that verify account or anything please 

James Driskill <>Sun, Apr 18, 2021 at 4:05 AM
To: AJ <>, "@GRUWUP [.NET]" <>
Cc: TruthFinder Help <>,,,

Had a message foot by me that my account needs to be verified so I can update my published URL but I'm not sure I don't see where is there is a verified message that verify account or anything please help
I have not got it to work yet
Show quoted text
If I have to I'll provide screen snapshot so give it a little tiome. 

Let me check
Hide quoted text

On Wed, Apr 14, 2021, 6:59 PM AJ <> wrote:
Hmm, sites seem to be working. Are they not coming up for you though?

On Wed, Apr 14, 2021 at 2:34 PM James Driskill <> wrote:
I have not got it to work yet

On Wed, Apr 14, 2021, 9:13 AM AJ <> wrote:
Hey! Sorry, still having trouble with this?

On Tue, Apr 13, 2021 at 7:38 PM James Driskill <> wrote:
Had a message foot by me that my account needs to be verified so I can update my published URL but I'm not sure I don't see where is there is a verified message that verify account or anything please help
Just in time dude just in time my doctor's appointments tomorrow

This is working now

On Wed, Apr 14, 2021, 6:59 PM AJ <> wrote:
Show quoted text
Tax Day 2021 below, 

AJ don't you dare ghost this.

The passing date relevancy sign of numerology confluence -

Hello?  CQ CQ CQ. - anyone listening to this communication? 

Do I have a clear and open channel?

The radio static that has been interfering and altering the messages I sent two useless junk I would suppose ?

Do we still have that interference . 

This Broadband way we exchange in our world today.

Interfering from human hands and human hearts and human eyes that have no authority to be watching from such a perspective to manipulate people's lives - touche and say is hidden. Those in this mix say touche they'll never get caught. 

I think everybody is in a Fear factor mode that won't stand up two such tyranny. 

You just have to have a little more fine-tuning. 

Information science information Theory and our human condition of natural law among other major factors to understand it all. That is who I am to you all. 

I have been exposed into this chasm of evilness.

Overtime the truth will always be revealed. 

Has the intentional static that you have generated Upon Our masses been removed?

 Gone finally?

Still holding blank face that it all hidden?

Perhaps you should take a assessments of what is actually happened.

An out-of-control elite few - thinking this is going to be something that is possible to possible to anything rectifiable to continue. 

Tried tuning in the dial a little more I have the fine tuning instruments. 

You all have lost all sensibility.

Those that you have had under your spell... The hate Collective organization that keeps people in line and you on the top of the stack it's collapsing believe me it's collapsing.

A house of cards you have built for several generations back.  I have a year estimated within a + -10 year time frame.

A coctrine of observance a maladjusted culture start the title force that is unimaginable. Let me access for sure and it has a manifesto which makes it even worse.

And still you keep quiet and in the back Ali's of hidden secret packs of agreements you still are trying to sell us a big huge bald face pack of lies.

As history unfolds from many samples of this. Those who are under your spell will become open and angry. For being deceived so badly. They may just do indeed take a dagger out and stab you right there on the spot and let you sit on your throne thinking you have it all. 

You have nothing but 

An illusion that money and greed are worthy things of human invention to exploit to all ends. Why?

Passing this carrd, 

Your tuner. 

Of reasoning pick the dial to which you actually come to play with other people's lives now has a hundredfold new resolution to finely tuned into your destiny .

The path that you are on is corrupt. That has nothing to do with monetary corruption.

The path that you're on is corrupted because you have taken yourself to think there's no God of goodness watching all of this and guiding a human being such as I am into conquering you absolutely conquering you into the hell.

To hell you will go if you don't heed my warning now and stop the bullshit. 

release the masses from this obvious attempt. 

I know the truth Dr. Gupta is not any kind of man that I see deserving of a penalty that can you put himself into 

Jeopardy just save you to protect you to keep this truth from being told 

Dr. Gupta is not a particularly bad person. But you have a spell on him and I want you to go away.

To contemplate where one person is going to turn into the unraveling the whole scheme. Just automatically it will be your undoing tell you now I know in my heart of hearts this message is coming from above into my my word of words. Give It Up. Checkmate.


CQ CQ CQ - May Day - Mayday first called on this matter May 1st 2005. Mayday mayday mayday??? Is there anybody listening to this emergency SOS SOS SOS 911 emergency?

I don't believe in coincidences.

Such things if we take a data analysis indeed calculates accuracy - and a 1979 article that one has faith understanding PK , which I obviously do . 

A matter of a finding paper at the American Psychological Association. 

In science reality a probable order somehow can be given value that is probable Beyond A Reasonable Doubt at this point 2021 on the science of God Existence or a higher intelligence presence in the universe and the evidence of Prayer intention sent into the universe from our brain effects the matter a real life beyond. 
prove order somehow beyond random occurrence I know this perhaps you know that but this is a confirmation one more time and how these ( #______LivesMatter. Has affected that dynamics of the horizons I see upon my life path. 

Tax Day

In the United States, 

Tax Day is the day on which individual income tax returns are due to be submitted to the federal government.[3] Since 1955, Tax Day has typically fallen on or just after April 15. Tax Day was first introduced in 1913, when the Sixteenth Amendment was ratified.

This is a consent under a condition of governance in the United States of America that has a controversial scheme that some people believe we never consented to such a a state system of compulsory tax. 

That the United States is committing a fraud.

I would say that majority of these people that have that belief also believe that it is capitalist wise to maintain a labor force that you don't have to pay for hourly compensation. 

This grew up in our country in the south. In the South where we had what is called slavery.

So on one hand the United States never consented to a taxation system and on the other hand that the formation of slavery allows for the exploitation a free labor to conduct valid business models of Commerce and Industry 

I'm not kidding. 

To supplement a taxation system for a slavery system to backdate what was attempted and fought over a Civil War in this country. To go back to what it was to then take away the tax system it is 

economics doesn't work that way. And social economics don't work that way and social engineering projects perhaps shouldn't work that way either but they are trying to do exactly what I'm trying to say here.

To.hold peaceful progress under what is called a social contract upon the citizens and people of our nation .

We are founded by our founding fathers under a democracy . 

A democracy in which we vote into position, because of our own interperspective life priorities do not give us the time or the energy to make it a complete thought of Our Lives . We have our own personal lives and then we have our civil society lives . It has been chosen that will be elected representatives to our best interest . 

Representatives that speak for us and our positions.

That is where we give our consent away from complete freedom to not be able to separate from our participation and the economics of our nation . We must participate participate in the mechanics of the land of the Homeland in which we are standing..

I tell you now this is my stated position.

If you disagree with this decision made in this country.,

Rather than trying to destroy this country Alex Foundation to meet your needs of exploitation

Go find a place on the planet that has no country. There's a good portion of our planet that has no authority of claims of governance you know and if a person is born in one of these areas a person is born without a country. 

Take it to start your own Foundation of ideals clearly and hard going to start a new country what do you start with how do you start a foundation of wisdom and guidance pick that will not collapse because it's a house of cards .

You have pride and what you're doing you want to do it to your best ability right ?

Instead of hating on the members of our society go start your own fucking country.

I think there should be a law somehow that the posts a person to a state of choice for such malfeasance of their citizenry Duty apartment this country as Community Duty social responsibility to such actions are so contrary to belief that they exist in this nation in the first place. 

How about this for an idea there is a computer program called SimCity it's a governmental Authority transition of time elapsed at you build a city from scratch and all of that. How about we take such a civil society education course and put it to a country level application and force the person who is contrary to our nation's structure to start their own country and under the successful dynamics of what is our science and everything that we can simulate country building not city building . A country is born and if they are successful at it destination will invest a certain dollar to your success and goodbye.  

You can go off to that area that we Annex for your special projects and we will be watching you watching you you can invite others from our country to join you if you would like such a deserving destin.

If you can build a country that adheres to the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights without the exploitation factor that you're trying to return our country to I would give you the best of all best of accomplishments of success . But it's not possible . 

Your country would corrupt itself without a system of Taxation. Let us engineer this project especially For You groups who cannot be long to this nation under its foundation and wishes destruction the ones who went to the Federal Capitol building in Washington DC on January 6th 2021 and mounted and Insurrection against this government that was very serious extremely serious much more than an infraction of thought it was what?

Because of the leader and the faults message you are a cult not a government ready to take over and you where I a cult I hate group cult and you're not going to make it any other than that from that is the definition of what happened January 6th 2021. 

A message of knowing all things happen in the order in which they are supposed to.

One of my students gives me some great advice let it happen.  

And that he gave me that advice I understood immediately. 

As a collective cumulative scoring on let it happen as it has happened and it's now time to make a reality audit to become a reality truth. 

That truth becomes a knowledgeable understanding what is happening here in a science.

A faith here set as science as we know it .

In science that is under a certain set of laws physics laws Rules of Order structure the deliverance of morals,  wisdom guidance, to be able to build a country from a foundation that is not on a house of cards an infant time there's destined to collapse, 

A doctrine of understanding that is ratified in this country as the Declaration of Independence and the original Bill of Rights of the US Constitution and then the subsequent amendments that follow up into the most ability to create a new Amendment war and Order day in Missouri to maintain the order of pace full progress 

These are religious context but they don't have to be but when we take away these guiding materials for each one of us individually on a life, we get into trouble and Reconciliation of our best conscience choices . It's not all science and it's not all God neither one of them function to not become unstable in an eventual collapse to the foundation of our individual lives and the foundation of our country.

An atheist view of science only cannot solve this and I don't believe that putting to a challenge they have been able to solve this too justifiable means that it can keep its stability without a manifestation of freedoms being lost and the decisions we made such as what is happening here I'm trying to describe overtime Krups itself of its integrity.

 Collective intelligence Collective conscience Collective social responsibility etc.

Community is human habitation of collective human conditions tbat meet our needs as individuals of what are structurally sounding strong from 1940s Maslow hierarchy of human needs .

Pretty solidly Foundation still holding some determinations that there is not a a controversy. To hold that as a foundation of Science in psychology and socio-economic dependents that we should be focused on those priorities in our overall scheme has crossed our entire nation which we're not doing. 

Can we quickly shift into a different dynamic, a paradigm shift of thought process and priorities? The answer is no.

At least not as the world is now but perhaps as the world could be if the United something about understanding instead of dismissing someone carelessly. 

On This, Apr 15, 2021, 9th:42 AM AJ. Of carrd dor co <

"Great! Let us know if anything else comes up."

My response to this is definitely. 

Not great not great not great.

Not us, not us, definitely not us. 


Don't Write Me Off

About โ€œDon't Write Me Offโ€ 

This song was written for the 2007 film Music and Lyrics. In it, songwriter Alex Fletcher (Hugh Grant) performs it live at a concert as a way of apologizing to his songwriting partner Sophie (Drew Barrymore) for the recent break in their relationship.

Inset commenting:

AJ, this email in its entirety goes out to each and every one person relationship that has suffered a breakage. Each and every one of these persons of our society made a choice of something of an illusionary factor of an outside influence of hidden view agenda. AJ I tell you right now. This is a warning. I see what you might think I am not able to see. The thing that you think is hidden is not-so-hidden. 

 I need some light to eliminate the truths and if you choose that same dark tunnel AJ...  this is going to get damn ugly before it gets better.

The time is now to choose the right way to handle this. I need to know exactly what was wrong with my account. It is not beyond any kind of purpose that my account was in a state of being tweaked somehow to a maligned value to prevent publishing. My account was verified. The status to pull it to unverified status  -i don't know . I searched your help index to find any kind of comfortable matching resolved for this already encountered there was none. I'm using your platform ( ) to conduct my tools of necessity. I updated my account so that can have more cards open I don't need hundreds because that's one of your fee levels. it. I've been publishing on this for a while. Now all the sudden I could not get it published now right just all of a sudden. I don't believe in coincidences. The message I saw which I could not repeat the process to which put it into my view is inaccurate. I hate when computers lie. A step by step by step deliverance of realism to my account status was maladjusted somehow to not allow processing to publish status. There was no error message to find a solution . It said it was published but then again it wasn't .Giving me no reason for such a condition. 

โš  Forewarning: There is absolutely nothing absolutely nothing to stop these people. 

Are you one of them or are you one of us? 

This email demands a reply. 

A silence reply of non-responsiveness, a ghosting, answers this question unconditionally.

I have an United States Department of Justice citizen complaint ID number - recently released into a confirmation copy that should have been issued in October but wasn't I'm not kidding. 

 I have nothing personal against you AJ. 

Perhaps you're not aware of what's going on and you didn't actually forensically determine what happened on my account.

Perhaps they reverse themselves in the middle of all this process ๐Ÿ’ˆ and inverted the tweak that may have incurred. 

I don't know but what I do know for sure Albany provable on LinkedIn and the establishment record there that my account has been suspended - a third time.

I'm not begging and clean to get my account back again . I'm not going to suffer knowing who's on what side on that platform .

I have my data on my posting on my own property the whole thing is ugly ๐Ÿ’ฉ the flies are flying everywhere in the version of that if smells stench yuck rancid and nasty.


Also on record is the Adam4Adam Zendedk. Customer service interface documented as being an accurately abusive. The Integrity to which some guys at the content moderator at zendesk ut had seemed to straighten itself out. 

But not really fully - an interference I captured again with communications I had with my own roommate. 


no no no we're not playing no games. 

My interfaces on all social media and now into a particular project delivery service is not reliable to not be corruptible until this is fixed.

I do not accept the conditions that are before me that I know there's something fishy going on here. 

At any one stage of this, I can't blame a person or service on first encounter troubleshooting. Without a more involved account of things on your side AJ I can't prove anything but I have suspicion . 've forewarned you. I don't have that luxury with you guys so I'm taking a quick solution in this to a face value - trusting that I seriously have needs here to external security relevance and I have paid service account fees on track here.

 Pardon the assignment and identity and adjusted attitude in the circumstances that actually apply that is presented here.

Take it personally and then not personally.  Receive this presentation position both ways.

 Respond accordingly please. 

I can't even believe that TruthFinder has betrayed me. But I'm at a 85% more truthful.assurance of my documented record, to my own evaluation that they have. And to all the actors involved, your insurance umbrella coverage does not cover these kind of acts as errors and omissions.

 That was a long time ago long long long time ago expired excuse as any good played activity.

A collective accumulative understanding of my documented record. 

I spent a lot of money over the years is a paid TruthFinder member, 

 I may have to find a replacement service and this email will be used to introduce such service to my delivery of care for sure. 

Yeah that's my next call coming up here in the morning.

To address why I have a suspension of my account.

I can't log in. I couldn't login for a while it didn't have a message. Now it's saying I don't I have to call membership services to reactivate my account okay another one of those tweaky suspiciousness services. I know what I know and don't tell me what I know before you get to know the whole story.

My comments from Member comments are not being applied to background check reports I've Associated persons that I needed to make a record of these events external of my own website documentation I had it at one time and then it was taken away from me without explanation.


 I'm not breaking any rules or if I am breaking rules The rules need to be broken.

Knowing unilateral decisions without any messaging explanation - and several attempts to bring a perspective to their customer service helpline with confirmation replies to email ( again, this email should generate one more )  and still no response. 

A matter that they have no response is conclusive enough evidence they have betrayed their relationship with me.

Without an intervention of a conversation goes to prove their allegiance to what they considered hidden activity is actually forensically provable to  be available.  A digital data record -- footprints -- of suspiciousness abnormal processing-- and it's not hidden. 

Once again my question to you AJ,

What exactly was wrong with my account?

CC: TruthFinder. you may want to get your shit together and actually respond to me as well immediately


Don't Write Me Off 


It's never been easy for me
To find words to go along with a melody

But this time there's actually something on my mind
So please forgive these few brief awkward lines
Since I met you my whole life has changed
It's not just my furniture you've re-arranged
I was living in the past
But somehow you've brought me back
And I haven't felt like this since before Frankie said "relax"
And now I know based on my track record
I might not seem like the safest bet
All I'm asking you is
Don't write me off just yet

For years I've been telling myself the same old story
That I'm happy to live off my so called former glories
But you've given me a reason
To take another chance
Now I need you despite the fact
That you've killed all my plants
And now I know
I've already blown more chances
Than anyone should ever get
All I'm asking you is
Don't write me off just yet
Don't write me off just yet

On This, Apr 15, 2021, 9th:42 AM AJ. Of carrd dor co <

"Great! Let us know if anything else comes up."

My response to this is definitely. 

Not great not great not great.

Not us, not us, definitely not us. 

As AJ is crossing into my space of

The definition and meaning of great has addendum and practical re definitions for our sensibilities.

The understanding of a collective - "us" has new definition and meaning as an addendum for practical reasons. 

As this is an informational technology network considered a trust-building and trust binding network.

I'm establishing that I have a trust ladder mechanism of concept that is practical to see and to utilize our mind whether or not the digital tool is there for it to be an automated process; something to reach for the Internet of Things.

It does not have to be a coded tool of digital processing development to maintain that it is a real thing. It does not have to be developed for our minds to put into perspective the need for such a thing.

There was once humans on this planet that had no understanding of what fire was.

To them fire was a big monster I'm sure.

One that would start by some sort of Godly Anger - Wrath - thier need to make the connection that lightning starts fire .

Way out in the distance to and now we have a forest fire and they're going to die.

They are being punished by a monster, a fire started by the god of the sky and they're going to die and they deserve to die for they must have done something wrong they must have done something wrong to deserve such cruelty.

My mother's handle from history is 

"Fire Dancer".

Now that's skip forward back into current day of 2021. 

My name is James Martin Driskill and my public digital footprint is extreme long-standing from back all the way to 1986.  

That's 3 years after I graduated in 1983 San Bernardino High School. 

My mom being graduated from San Bernardino High School.

My father being graduated from San Bernardino High School.

My brother not graduated from San Bernardino High School.

My uncle my mom's brother graduated from San Bernardino High School. 

The location of San Bernardino High School is three or four blocks away from the original standing McDonald's. There is a museum there. 

Furthermore the standing most closest operating McDonald's that is currently here today. 

My mom used to work for them while I was at Arrowview Junior High across the street.

My mom used to work for McDonald's the closest McDonald's to the original McDonald's.

I say this only to bring a little bit of history here. 

My mother also to her degree of employment merritt work for the International. 

Campus Crusade for Christ organization. 

She was employed as the receptionist that handled the international calls to be transferred to their division of organization.

She was the one responsible to handle the communications in an international focus  of the Campus Crusade for Christ. 

Once was headquartered here in San Bernardino with definite celebrity Hollywood ties to the hotel that is up the hill at the Arrowhead Hot Springs .

What has happened is an injustice highest order offense to this family. 

Considering, I have no voice to communicate. 

Me, James Martin Driskill. 

The one that is established here in this connection with you,


Something of crafted creations here I'm holding against us.

Yeah, against us not in support of us.

I'm standing against the wall of an informational quarantine that has no real space atoms and molecules of real estate property. 

The physical presence of a wall it definitely is a wall. 

A huge wall, if you just consider it stationary. 

But it's not stationary.

It's animated.

Not only is it an animated wall, but it has presents that is destructive.

It's animated to destroy people including me. 

. And 

As impractical as it may seem to listen to me, 

A forevermore cruelty is happening and a forevermore dunce defines the imprisonment that i am encapsulated in.

An informational quarantine.

I demand each and every one of my internet connections of my life and connections of interpersonal relationships to be able to see the wall and the activity of a monster creation that is being ignored.

I.demand an adjustment to be instantaneously.accepted so you can see the same reality I see.

I give no consent to any one and every human being that crosses my mind into my life space that has their ability to choose to ignore me..

An intention on my behalf to create a disturbance force by words alone, no matter how offensive or insulted you may temporarily be,

That such ignorance is unsatisfactory to hold against me especially under an intentional design.

it's irrationality of the human conditions between us, forced to my own devices, I would rather die first then to submit to such dastardly conclusions of an eventual predictability. ( ๐Ÿ”ฎ).

I demand some intelligence over intentional ignorance to release your hold.  

YOu HOLD ON TO something so severely wrong you can't even see how bad this is and to switch and change your focus!!

An unsatisfactorily service delivery as a role that you are employed and pay for .

I am your customer. 

And as in any practical business management standard, I demand that the customer is always right.

In this case at least. 

I demand address to even form scold and reprimand that you cannot ignore. To remain their in ignorance is an unsatisfactory score. Grade F #Fail

I demand you individually and as a collective that you see the reality that I see which is real and rationally made here. 

For those who are in civil society of a public service of my needs in the same role of interfaces into my life, 

I demand you address this or be replaced immediately by order of our United States President.

Or ?   What you say ? 

For sometime in the future it will be told -- whether or not I am still living --

I waz here.

i told you so.

The pain and human condition of such then delivered future human existence of mass suffering that perhaps you could have avoided that path of future time anti-humanity habitation existence. 

For now - this day.-- 

Barbra Streisand exclaims and decries in music track titled "Don't Lie.To Me' from album "Walls",

"Where is the new horizon?"

You will then have lost - your lost and humanities lost.

You are then feeling.

 The wrath of God I suppose.

I'll be in heaven.

Will you step up and join me and our ability to conquer this problem or will you continue to dismiss me push me away and disable me?

Furthermore depreciating my life disability while this matter continues to escalate.

It is already a matter imperative of paramount understanding,

Community wellness.

That would be in the mental health societal health, your health, my health, are being impacted here.

This unquestionably linked..

I don't write these words to be ignored and I don't write these words carelessly.

This is a matter of 

National Security.

Everything within this presentation I can prove it.

The lightning to strike the fire.

The fire already burning has been burning for years and nobody is smelling the smoke and making the confection.

Well one thing is the result of another. 

Calm down calm down calm down I keep getting advice from my mother calm down calm down calm down how can I come down and calm down from such outrageous behaviors?

The fire is coming the fire is coming cuz you see the fire is burning is coming. The fire is here and she wants me to calm down calm my anger in all of this - I call fault so ridiculous.

How can she even claim to be my mother?

I described this monster and she is allowing the monster to not only kill me but to kill her.

to believe it or not

I have explained to her to my satisfaction she understands what it is I described as this monster.

I'm in trouble with my own disability. A society affect of prejudice and disenfranchised empowerment as a person living in disability where mental illness diagnoses are complicating matters. 

My informational society interfaces in all ways crafted intermixed my very own intellectual properties stored on my internet domains are being utilized and no impact is not possible. 

A network of trueness that you all just choose to ignore.

How impractical this is.

An informational Theory that is true whether or not anybody sees me in the universe or not.

I exist!!

I repeat my statement here.

Requoting  AJ, from Carrd dot Co spelled.out as

A j @ c a r r d dot c o

The technical assistance customer service support for a online digital presence layout and design presentation creator which holds "published status" ( a very needed understanding of what this is ) under a shortcut URL process I am holding it's definition.

Actually several of these. They have different level of featured support paid I just need a few of these. 

But in terms of support hundreds of these are being developed in a particular model for particular needs for those out there that have more Financial Resources to this business model to ensure is profitable for sure. 

A concept of a card here - holding the ability to perhaps intervention in publishing. 

The understanding that we are living life that is more than publishing. 

But as this particular argument goes in a news paper printing process where actual paper is being printed upon Earth, where basically anybody in the whole facility was given the ability to say this or yellow out or command such

"Stop the Presses"

For whatever reason is the reason. 

The paper copies that have been put into existence cannot be used.

For the reputation of the paper no matter what it was cannot issue that release.

It was the Integrity of the information and the stopping the presses and what such release of public information in the name collective, of damages beyond out of this control is an intrinsic value to understand.

one meme to meme to meme sharing into public deliverance is the linking memetics known for a long long time. A ong long time . A long long time .

An equation that memes have nothing to do with technology or the internet. 

Even if that science has not defined yet it's a matter of understanding its relevance and reality is important to consider at all times especially in a newsprint operation 

Abled by giving confer granted  authority as a matter of fact as being a collective team ,  a collective responsibility is being placed into the introduction of training for each and every employee of such an organization

Anybody from the organization could demand : given that Authority. 
Even the janitor picking up a copy reading something the first time..

Come back?

from a janitor who just got the copy the First Time new the accuracy and could know the damage future yes they are committed to the resolve of what they are reading is so damaging . 

hold stop the presses and the stop the presses morally.

This has a moral presence people in all of our society.

This has been such for a long time.

A need to command the destruction of what was already done no matter how much it cost and to start all over again with the accuracy of best authentic of truth verified.

Nobody needs to know the mistake that was about to unfold okay but stop the presses start over and we will work to the highest degree of intelligence our ability as a collective team to get the job done .

 We will work to the highest best work we can only do our best in the end of the hour of we can get it right.  

In all human possibility of what is effort humanly possible , to get it right the first time nd never have to retract such damages after the fact. 

For the cause and effect into our society is a tidal wave force in newsprint. You can't have collateral damage for just being lazy. Or to save money and the bottom line. 

That is a fact people. 

and if we can't publish we can't publish there will be no paper.

Because the Integrity of the information is that damn important. 

A notary public is a part of that process is outside of a newsprint and directly related to instruments a business transactions upon people..

By the way did I tell you,

I happen to have a former notary public commission from 1999. 

And such a standard remains.

I'm sure and most newsprint papers today remains the standard of integrity.

I am no longer a notary public to notarize documents. 

I've transitioned that roll into an informational Network.


 nobody can consider this true..

We have lost our ability 

To hold such a regard for this kind of Integrity across everything we do . 

Into our everyday lives.

I can show you. I can map it all out. But why bother you haven't even met me yet this letter is trashed it's in the garbage already and you're not red ignore dismiss go away - go fuck off and die digital - bit bucket. 

I demand it ( the problem ) the master maladjusted manipulatively enabled, a true sense intention rather than an accidental imperfection problem.

Which is at the highest end of understanding.

 ( confected ),

A monster problem that monster is active and alive in real living tissues bio-matter.

We have to fight a monster with another monster the monster of intelligence the monster of Integrity the monster of honesty and the monster of our reputation.

The highest thing is the monster of our most precious concern.

The monster of our authenticity.

Artificial intelligence is going to win over us and them.

The highest-end of monster problem,

The one that human intelligence can and shall be able to overcome. 

Before we submit abscess species true are Jeopardy liability and vulnerability here to the monster that we have generated in The Sound of Silence that needs to be disturbed . 

For without this disturbance the problem of this monster will become and over reach that Humanity will never be able to come back from walking over a cliff of foolishness.

That last step.

Definitely within my perspective we are reaching all things element unwise to hold onto a power trip ego time that does not make any sense ability of reasoning or rationalization to remain unchanged. 

To keep this silence.

Is ungodly and Unholy. 

Against God's truth. 

Against all greater non religious doctrines of guidance of common sense everywhere.

There is a reach to the best of our angels, the best of our excellence that you say you have ( proclamation ) but can't claim you hold true people together to have a simple exchange of understanding the Deliverance of this demand into your perspective of reality you intentionally are blocking reality here respective to claim non responsibility. 

You can't claim that - I've never been so far I'm not found one person in the universe that does not attempt this breakage.

When the truth is being obscured from something so bad you can't be scolded to different language standards to discuss matters honestly.

All rational delivered truth something so bad so bad so bad on your parts to not be able to have a discussion.

That is not me nor my moral responsibility to.have to be subject to a forever cruel mental abuse to deny me my inalienable right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. 

It is not me me personally that has made you fearful and afraid. 

For I represent the truth. So in proxy you attack me - call / are you are killing the messenger another words. 

What you are actually afraid of is the truth. 

That my dearest is your responsibility to adjust yourself upon this ( #reckoning ).

As Mark Twain once wrote and it is a highly applicable,

"The Truth Hurts but Silence Kills"

I demand Deliverance. 

Both in a public expression of messaging.

And in the way I demand 

I demand You released from this evil creation of an artificially suspended intentional creation. 

Two weeks from today, 

I would probably claim it to be rationally concluded there is already been passed over the horizon shadow.

A song title of mine - US Copyright

Again the theme, 

For now - this day.-- 

Barbra Streisand exclaims and decries in her music track titled "Don't Lie.To Me' from album "Walls",

"Where is the new horizon?"

You will not then have any defense to havd ignored me to complete oblivion. (๐Ÿ’ฃ).

I have no practical reason to live with that conclusion delivered in two weeks under triple pissed considered warnings.


I know we have the intelligence to overcome this obstacle.

This wall and animated monster which is not even a real thing in the real world but only an equation of memetic imprint on to our collective sea of humanity. 

The Noosphere,

As we are living on this planet Earth .

Perhaps also injected into other brains of other living creatures. ( noosphere )

The science of biology of all living things, brain matter is brain matter.

You will find this is the truth.

There is subsequently no difference between the brain matter of every single brain as is operating functioning these mysteries in all living beings. 

God created our brain as a human species and all of life on planet Earth the same.

The states of brain matter all equal,  the irrationality of the matter that you hold onto something you can't hold on anymore. 

Something of artificial intelligence and automated processing and all of this stuff changes that dimension.

When all human brains are the same of the same possibility of the same rights no matter who what where why and what  birthed them - each human into existence. 

That being from all past time into present time into all-time future history.



I demand to be heard about this matter and I demand that a collected adaptive solution be considered imperative  important for all of humanity to survive this transition of the quickening. 

This is not rocket science people. 

It is a science but it is not rocket science. 

As a science it is conceptually our need to make information into knowledge in this regard.

Have I got your attention?

@Gruwup 2021

Great Reasons ( Not! ) Us Will Unite Peace,.

Nothing personal AJ.

Something you are not seeing and I demand that you see it for your own definition of how your digital object could be used to fix this.

Under the term as being a card.

A digital object that has no processing intervention. 

But could be.

If only had an intervention of creativity of a practical solution that I can show you that can hold us to a better tomorrow than the one we are living. 

For the one we are living, I would rather die first and I will die first before you all get your shit together and do something right for a change.

Every aspect of civil society will fail me. 

it already has.

"I have no hope" one of my friends said.

I have hope, but I don't have any hope that you all can get it instantaneously. Instantly is the urgency of a 911 emergency. 

I am pissed.

"pissed" is one of the emotional values that you can set to a Facebook post. 

Did you know that?

But I'm double pissed as of events eariier today and how that is related to my connection to you AJ in the creation to published status of this carrd.

( balanced wholeness ):

'Pissed" is a term that comes from urine and the basic human need of excrement to urinate. 

The wholeness approaching Healthcare I demand to be able to urinate this pissed off anger.

The doctor willing to commit a felony basically. Do not follow the law. 

A covid-19 pre-screening, which I had to answer yes to one of the questions. Making it an unconditional rescheduling for 2 weeks.

I related the okay I understand that and no problem acceptance through the screener to the interoffice. 

A fax already in place  several days ago .

A call to them from my mother earlier. The place on the agenda that they have to listen to me. that they have to listen to me. 

Nothing diversion of the inevitable predictability. All effort attempting to get resolved current winning resolve there is none and it is them and not me.

Dr. Gupta has the gall and the nerve and the intention to come out to the waiting door yell out my name to come into the clinic to cut my cast off.

I had to tell him if that's the agenda I have a fax and that I'm going to walk away.

The commotion in the office is a parent already. 

So once I have this cast cut off I have no further business with his doctor basically he wants to cut my cast off and throw me away. 

The agenda to which his intention is exposed is obvious. He would be willing to commit a felony in health safety codes in our pandemic emergency to have that happen rather than to have a discussion.

In that carrd, 

The evidence amounts to continued conspiracy. 

I had to reaffirm my position that we are going to follow the law. 

The doctor had to how to confess and release is standing and released me 

To release Me From his intention to call me into that office to cut my cast off and throw me out the door..

Oh that's not the end of this yet because I believe he's going to try to shift this off of the some other Clinic somewhere else and not deal with this himself. 

 I have a confirmed written on their schedule card appointment for 2 weeks from this day of thursday..... 

This is a do-or-die moment guys people listen to me what you have been told or have been thought to have been told things all the way back into school are not true 

The United States is under a condition of an Civil Society emergency up health safety codes in a doctor was willing to commit a felony to violate then to have a truth be told in the deliveries of the interface between him and I and the doctor care in the medical care. My last doctor had the same problem. That broke on March 2019. I wrote about it. I broke the restraining order shortly before the death of him. There was a release of a document on a National Institutes of Health on April 6th 2020.

Already in farming the place when all this went down that I would break the restraining order. I broke the restraining order. Confronting this matter I am right and the doctors are wrong. This is a huge conspiracy. 

Although I do not have proof that this statement is true I suspect dr. She do committed suicide on the 10th of April rather than confront this matter again with me when he is the one who broke all protocols and all the legalities a few dictionary responsibility to maintain a relationship with me in all honesty. 

He being a coward failed. Dr. Gupta is going to be a coward and fail somehow some way this is going to fail. 

And in two weeks I will be triple pissed if not one person stands to desire to vew the trutj.

To the lot of makes of mistakes are not accidents. 

a correction to the doctor side of this conflict is unconditionally demanded. 

If not. 

I'm done.

Transitioning from double pissed to tripple pissed,,

Enough is enough already..

No more no more forever more cruel no more forever more cruel.

Not a single day goes by step not one of you in my life smear has done the right thing and supported me unconditionally to stand by my side. 

So I must have to kill myself I must have to before you can do something outside of your own stupidity I have to think you all are IQ of 80 and I know better.. 

On Thu, Apr 15, 2021, 9:42 AM AJ. Of carrd dor co <

"Great! Let us know if anything else comes up."

My response to this is definitely. 

Not great not great not great..

Not us not us not us. 

Us ?




How about crashing down?


I recently put the perspective into my writing. 

This is something of rational consideration when you put together a confected understanding in this nightmare by day - outrageous -,disturbing - disoriented realism of truth.

I'm really have to question whether or not back to all of time history --  here and now --  I'm attempting to deal amd cope with something extreme -- iving a unique perspective that has never been dealt with ever before in human history. 

I can't answer this of course. 

it's impossible to answer. Maybe from a philosophy of a different culture and different language in different legal system.

That may not be true for them but it is true for us. 

That making this a unique United States or Western Civilization cultural problem rather than a global one 

Another words I can't do this anymore by myself. 

My mother is not truthfully a helpful situation. 

A dynamic till I don't want to have to describe at the moment .

I'm living in my family home. 

This family home since I was Age 5 

I'm 55 and I've traveled around from region to region in the United States of America 15 years 

I have this documented this evidence of documentation of what this is happening here.  


It really is not me it is them and are you a part of them or are you a part of us?

Us ( you collective us and I ) ?

A legal remedy, for those involved in not obeying practical sense?

I'm not sure I'm not sure I've talked to the ACLU 

I put it into perspective and even to the United Nations enable for the convention for the rights of persons with disabilities.

I'm serious people I'm serious

Trying to get a retainer and a projection of a solution through a criminal lawyer or a civil lawyer to represent my side of this?  Impossibly never. 

This is really bad people listen to me please.
October of last year I submitted a complaint in the process that is the United States Department of Justice civil rights compliance section.

I received no confirmation that my submission was received at the time. 

I took the factor that like any college in Tennessee of any kind of Technology processing for information now is that you get an instantaneous confirmation of things like this right that's the standard we're all using right right?

So I've been living a day-to-day daytime or awake time conscious time, "nightmare" started 15 years ago in my notice of it anyway. 

Over the last 15 years since June of 2005 when I registered an Internet domain, 

that is acknowledgements of the time stamp it is on a digital Information Society something here it's not quite right.

I think there are many in our society that know exactly what is happening.

A lawyer and trying to go to that process mentioned above be able to handle or would tackle this situation. 

The old operating systems a data and information processing that I'm aware of,

Back in the day there punch card IBM cards that you have to physically go over to a person and have them code out what you needed and take that the result of the card stack and put into the process manually. 

An auditing system is obviously not possible in their regard to prevent what is now malicious code or just errors in general of human imperfections. 

No certification process to the code that is being inserted into the process by way of a human carrying a code into y'all to be handled by the next process a human being carrying the code to which Saint is going to get processed. 

If I had such a degree of process right here right now I would not be in the nightmare truly a nightmare in which I see a big huge monster. 

And that would be a loving Siri I would be able to issue a complaint or a concern or anywhere in that insert of those cards into the process through which is a micro-level holt button to that process. 

In the case of current-day Life there isn't anything of such degree of a tool this includes going to law enforcement and the police.

There is no tool to stop this process. 

The pull string that is across the entire stretch of the entire train the pull string to activate the brakes emergency anybody on the train can pull. 

There's no such tool in 2021 what is happening to me individually and that work to our culture our community our society.


It's not hard to see the patterns of human intention an invention.

As a huge monster it is a weapon of mass destruction carrying a weapon of mass destruction that is killing people and it is killing me just the same and nobody cares to pull the string and stop this from happening.

The same monster we're all talking about on the news but we're not equating the monster to the underlying process that puts this monster into the behavioral effects of humans in our culture. 

Humans of this current year 2021 that we have a science called memetics that expresses an explanation scientifically for this monster that is very much real. This is not an illusion or delusion of my mind. We're not all talking about this on the news I'm just not seeing the monster the monster is real the monster has been talked about but we're not equating why there is no solution to this. 

What has happened here and continues to be processing is an artificially suspended condition. 

This rather than being a natural order of human condition of Law & Order and of generally speaking digression to humans from past and possible future

Savage life rather than civilized life. 

Please save the criticism of the basis for my conclusions of this writing that would only go to show that you know what's going on and what's a light yourself with the knowledge of culture that I know its true 

Silence or a non-responsive consideration of ghost in this conversation provides that sang deductive reasoning because that's the pattern that I have experienced so I'm taking that pattern and placing it on to this communication.

I have nothing against you. Except for that we have to find ourselves realizing this is a rational consideration rather than the concepts of persons in environment and society that are targeted individuals of gang stalking.

 Such an environment is a governmental supported mechanics of a putative function of government outside of due process against a certain set of people that I am one of them and there is no solution and there's no consulate. 

Have such as defined there is no where I can go but you try to develop from my interconnections of problem solving here in this moment in time on a site that has the possibility of creating a tool that would be in that mix that they will choose to ignore under the digital object term:

A Carrd. : 

I need to insert it into the spokes of this wheel if that's a euphemism I know where it goes I know where this card goes that will stop the flow of the disaster malfeasance that is on behalf of the doctor earlier today. 

My only legal mechanism is a a a redefinition from our assumed commons of 

The Social Contract

An illusion of one's mind that there is such a thing in the first place,

but we assume this when we are first born into this world. 

Under the doctrine of law I I currently experiencing human life under,

I have the right to consent or not to consent to anything and everything across my desk of my life.

If the would change beyond that -- that is because we here ( or I here ) live in a non-democracy - the government has failed to maintain this at least for me. It has betrayed the
#### correction - brain matter the same.. I was trying to refer to the noosphere. 

Brain matter across species are different.

 The fix it it's the noosphere that's the commonality as they looked at it now lost lost my train of thought. 


Not only humans have brains, of course. Almost all animals have a nervous system of some kind (only sponges do not). The brains of different animals are different in some ways but similar in many other ways.


Animated monster I said in the the minds of Bio matter of the brain ever in this is right now I'm too tired to Defiance definition and I know it so I'll fix it.



In the theory of Vernadsky, the noosphere is the third in a succession of phases of development of the Earth, after the geosphere (inanimate matter) and the biosphere (biological life). Just as the emergence of life fundamentally transformed the geosphere, the emergence of human cognition fundamentally transforms the biosphere. In contrast to the conceptions of the Gaia theorists, or the promoters of cyberspace, Vernadsky's noosphere emerges at the point where humankind, through the mastery of nuclear processes, begins to create resources through the transmutation of elements. It is also currently being researched as part of the Global Consciousness Project.[20]

Teilhard perceived a directionality in evolution along an axis of increasing Complexity/Consciousness. For Teilhard, the noosphere is the sphere of thought encircling the earth that has emerged through evolution as a consequence of this growth in complexity/consciousness. The noosphere is therefore as much part of nature as the barysphere, lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere, and biosphere. As a result, Teilhard sees the "social phenomenon [as] the culmination of and not the attenuation of the biological phenomenon."[21] These social phenomena are part of the noosphere and include, for example, legal, educational, religious, research, industrial and technological systems. In this sense, the noosphere emerges through and is constituted by the interaction of human minds. The noosphere thus grows in step with the organization of the human mass in relation to itself as it populates the earth. Teilhard argued the noosphere evolves towards ever greater personalisation, individuation and unification of its elements. He saw the Christian notion of love as being the principal driver of "noogenesis", the evolution of mind. Evolution would culminate in the Omega Pointโ€”an apex of thought/consciousnessโ€”whiuch he identified with the eschatological return of Christ



 the interaction of human minds. 

And we have something of creation here that is an artificially suspended mechanic. It does not exist in natural law and only exist because we have digital processing indented that digital processing we have our interaction online and then they are merged on with the interactions that are offline between people and all of this makes it animated and it's animated

It is a wall animated I'm a monster huge monster because we're not processing artminds with the interconnection between our technology properly

It is created a factor that we are also not observing the law on how to control an element called gang stalking for the law the natural law and the real law are counteracting each other and again creating a monster. 

Now how I just simply describe that in that line that I wrote earlier I don't know but I'm issuing a statement this is confusing when I'm tired I am tired of writing I want to die I really want to die and if this is not corrected in two weeks I will probably die I don't want to live here anymore on this planet when you all can't get it I have to assume you all are atiq right before you will talk to me

I can't say it many more times than a thousand more probably before I'm ready to actually expire my life f*

Fuck you all haters.

You all have pushed me away and sealed an envelope on my mouth as far as your brain is concerned and that is unintelligible I've never done anything and I'm not getting any b******* out in the world and I know but I'm wrong or a something's wrong with what I said when I was in the composing and at 3 in the morningm

Can you have 10 points ideas my creation you have damned it judged it and condemned it just because it's so extreme right luck you all haters why don't you have a conversation in the discussion with me instead of trying to attack my life to a point of Destruction why don't you have a conversation and be a man and stand and a courageous lion instead of a coward coward admit when I'm wrong and I was wrong in this case only because of tiredness I'm at my last run a list I have not ever written anything so bad to construction of truth and you all know it and if you claim I'm not a dangerous to society creation know I'm a dangerous to corrupted Society creation go to a different place on this planet head start your own country.

Leave this country to its founding fathers attempt to form a more perfect union than we have intelligence working in our society okay that would be intelligence over hate 

Get you and your friends a part of your hate culture out of this country or become decent people and get your head out of your asses okay.

by the way Truth finder did not confirm my email this time you pigs.

I've had it all I've looked it all up James Reyes projects in that all of the nonsense I'm standing on my websites without any complaints since 2005 nothing I have written is dangerous to our society and it is dangerous for you to claim such under the table and attack me and annihilate Me by gang stalking f*** you all haters

Stop the presses did I come up with a real thing for a not so real thing I know I wasn't sure it doesn't matter what I was trying to do was protect and idealism of course and we can in a first-hand story all of this is writing here that I can't concentrate on I'm having difficulty concentrating my mind is mechanically this functioning because of the stress involved that the police won't go doctors won't go into the Galaxy help me so when I look up what it is not too bad Times article I have I don't care The Story costumes. Or otherwise I might as well die because I don't feel like I'm living like this people I really don't I want to die.

 Z you all have disgraced the entire concept of an answer Nets upon me

Hide quoted text

On Sat, Apr 17, 2021, 1:11 AM James Driskill <> wrote:
Tax Day 2021 below, 

AJ don't you dare ghost this.

The passing date relevancy sign of numerology confluence -

Hello?  CQ CQ CQ. - anyone listening to this communication? 

Do I have a clear and open channel?

The radio static that has been interfering and altering the messages I sent two useless junk I would suppose ?

Do we still have that interference . 

This Broadband way we exchange in our world today.

Interfering from human hands and human hearts and human eyes that have no authority to be watching from such a perspective to manipulate people's lives - touche and say is hidden. Those in this mix say touche they'll never get caught. 

I think everybody is in a Fear factor mode that won't stand up two such tyranny. 

You just have to have a little more fine-tuning. 

Information science information Theory and our human condition of natural law among other major factors to understand it all. That is who I am to you all. 

I have been exposed into this chasm of evilness.

Overtime the truth will always be revealed. 

Has the intentional static that you have generated Upon Our masses been removed?

 Gone finally?

Still holding blank face that it all hidden?

Perhaps you should take a assessments of what is actually happened.

An out-of-control elite few - thinking this is going to be something that is possible to possible to anything rectifiable to continue. 

Tried tuning in the dial a little more I have the fine tuning instruments. 

You all have lost all sensibility.

Those that you have had under your spell... The hate Collective organization that keeps people in line and you on the top of the stack it's collapsing believe me it's collapsing.

A house of cards you have built for several generations back.  I have a year estimated within a + -10 year time frame.

A coctrine of observance a maladjusted culture start the title force that is unimaginable. Let me access for sure and it has a manifesto which makes it even worse.

And still you keep quiet and in the back Ali's of hidden secret packs of agreements you still are trying to sell us a big huge bald face pack of lies.

As history unfolds from many samples of this. Those who are under your spell will become open and angry. For being deceived so badly. They may just do indeed take a dagger out and stab you right there on the spot and let you sit on your throne thinking you have it all. 

You have nothing but 

An illusion that money and greed are worthy things of human invention to exploit to all ends. Why?

Passing this carrd, 

Your tuner. 

Of reasoning pick the dial to which you actually come to play with other people's lives now has a hundredfold new resolution to finely tuned into your destiny .

The path that you are on is corrupt. That has nothing to do with monetary corruption.

The path that you're on is corrupted because you have taken yourself to think there's no God of goodness watching all of this and guiding a human being such as I am into conquering you absolutely conquering you into the hell.

To hell you will go if you don't heed my warning now and stop the bullshit. 

release the masses from this obvious attempt. 

I know the truth Dr. Gupta is not any kind of man that I see deserving of a penalty that can you put himself into 

Jeopardy just save you to protect you to keep this truth from being told 

Dr. Gupta is not a particularly bad person. But you have a spell on him and I want you to go away.

To contemplate where one person is going to turn into the unraveling the whole scheme. Just automatically it will be your undoing tell you now I know in my heart of hearts this message is coming from above into my my word of words. Give It Up. Checkmate.


CQ CQ CQ - May Day - Mayday first called on this matter May 1st 2005. Mayday mayday mayday??? Is there anybody listening to this emergency SOS SOS SOS 911 emergency?

I don't believe in coincidences.

Such things if we take a data analysis indeed calculates accuracy - and a 1979 article that one has faith understanding PK , which I obviously do . 

A matter of a finding paper at the American Psychological Association. 

In science reality a probable order somehow can be given value that is probable Beyond A Reasonable Doubt at this point 2021 on the science of God Existence or a higher intelligence presence in the universe and the evidence of Prayer intention sent into the universe from our brain effects the matter a real life beyond. 
prove order somehow beyond random occurrence I know this perhaps you know that but this is a confirmation one more time and how these ( #______LivesMatter. Has affected that dynamics of the horizons I see upon my life path. 

Tax Day

In the United States, 

Tax Day is the day on which individual income tax returns are due to be submitted to the federal government.[3] Since 1955, Tax Day has typically fallen on or just after April 15. Tax Day was first introduced in 1913, when the Sixteenth Amendment was ratified.

This is a consent under a condition of governance in the United States of America that has a controversial scheme that some people believe we never consented to such a a state system of compulsory tax. 

That the United States is committing a fraud.

I would say that majority of these people that have that belief also believe that it is capitalist wise to maintain a labor force that you don't have to pay for hourly compensation. 

This grew up in our country in the south. In the South where we had what is called slavery.

So on one hand the United States never consented to a taxation system and on the other hand that the formation of slavery allows for the exploitation a free labor to conduct valid business models of Commerce and Industry 

I'm not kidding. 

To supplement a taxation system for a slavery system to backdate what was attempted and fought over a Civil War in this country. To go back to what it was to then take away the tax system it is 

economics doesn't work that way. And social economics don't work that way and social engineering projects perhaps shouldn't work that way either but they are trying to do exactly what I'm trying to say here.

To.hold peaceful progress under what is called a social contract upon the citizens and people of our nation .

We are founded by our founding fathers under a democracy . 

A democracy in which we vote into position, because of our own interperspective life priorities do not give us the time or the energy to make it a complete thought of Our Lives . We have our own personal lives and then we have our civil society lives . It has been chosen that will be elected representatives to our best interest . 

Representatives that speak for us and our positions.

That is where we give our consent away from complete freedom to not be able to separate from our participation and the economics of our nation . We must participate participate in the mechanics of the land of the Homeland in which we are standing..

I tell you now this is my stated position.

If you disagree with this decision made in this country.,

Rather than trying to destroy this country Alex Foundation to meet your needs of exploitation

Go find a place on the planet that has no country. There's a good portion of our planet that has no authority of claims of governance you know and if a person is born in one of these areas a person is born without a country. 

Take it to start your own Foundation of ideals clearly and hard going to start a new country what do you start with how do you start a foundation of wisdom and guidance pick that will not collapse because it's a house of cards .

You have pride and what you're doing you want to do it to your best ability right ?

Instead of hating on the members of our society go start your own fucking country.

I think there should be a law somehow that the posts a person to a state of choice for such malfeasance of their citizenry Duty apartment this country as Community Duty social responsibility to such actions are so contrary to belief that they exist in this nation in the first place. 

How about this for an idea there is a computer program called SimCity it's a governmental Authority transition of time elapsed at you build a city from scratch and all of that. How about we take such a civil society education course and put it to a country level application and force the person who is contrary to our nation's structure to start their own country and under the successful dynamics of what is our science and everything that we can simulate country building not city building . A country is born and if they are successful at it destination will invest a certain dollar to your success and goodbye.  

You can go off to that area that we Annex for your special projects and we will be watching you watching you you can invite others from our country to join you if you would like such a deserving destin.

If you can build a country that adheres to the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights without the exploitation factor that you're trying to return our country to I would give you the best of all best of accomplishments of success . But it's not possible . 

Your country would corrupt itself without a system of Taxation. Let us engineer this project especially For You groups who cannot be long to this nation under its foundation and wishes destruction the ones who went to the Federal Capitol building in Washington DC on January 6th 2021 and mounted and Insurrection against this government that was very serious extremely serious much more than an infraction of thought it was what?

Because of the leader and the faults message you are a cult not a government ready to take over and you where I a cult I hate group cult and you're not going to make it any other than that from that is the definition of what happened January 6th 2021. 

A message of knowing all things happen in the order in which they are supposed to.

One of my students gives me some great advice let it happen.  

And that he gave me that advice I understood immediately. 

As a collective cumulative scoring on let it happen as it has happened and it's now time to make a reality audit to become a reality truth. 

That truth becomes a knowledgeable understanding what is happening here in a science.

A faith here set as science as we know it .

In science that is under a certain set of laws physics laws Rules of Order structure the deliverance of morals,  wisdom guidance, to be able to build a country from a foundation that is not on a house of cards an infant time there's destined to collapse, 

A doctrine of understanding that is ratified in this country as the Declaration of Independence and the original Bill of Rights of the US Constitution and then the subsequent amendments that follow up into the most ability to create a new Amendment war and Order day in Missouri to maintain the order of pace full progress 

These are religious context but they don't have to be but when we take away these guiding materials for each one of us individually on a life, we get into trouble and Reconciliation of our best conscience choices . It's not all science and it's not all God neither one of them function to not become unstable in an eventual collapse to the foundation of our individual lives and the foundation of our country.

An atheist view of science only cannot solve this and I don't believe that putting to a challenge they have been able to solve this too justifiable means that it can keep its stability without a manifestation of freedoms being lost and the decisions we made such as what is happening here I'm trying to describe overtime Krups itself of its integrity.

 Collective intelligence Collective conscience Collective social responsibility etc.

Community is human habitation of collective human conditions tbat meet our needs as individuals of what are structurally sounding strong from 1940s Maslow hierarchy of human needs .

Pretty solidly Foundation still holding some determinations that there is not a a controversy. To hold that as a foundation of Science in psychology and socio-economic dependents that we should be focused on those priorities in our overall scheme has crossed our entire nation which we're not doing. 

Can we quickly shift into a different dynamic, a paradigm shift of thought process and priorities? The answer is no.

At least not as the world is now but perhaps as the world could be if the United something about understanding instead of dismissing someone carelessly. 

On This, Apr 15, 2021, 9th:42 AM AJ. Of carrd dor co <

"Great! Let us know if anything else comes up."

My response to this is definitely. 

Not great not great not great.

Not us, not us, definitely not us. 


Don't Write Me Off

About โ€œDon't Write Me Offโ€ 

This song was written for the 2007 film Music and Lyrics. In it, songwriter Alex Fletcher (Hugh Grant) performs it live at a concert as a way of apologizing to his songwriting partner Sophie (Drew Barrymore) for the recent break in their relationship.

Inset commenting:

AJ, this email in its entirety goes out to each and every one person relationship that has suffered a breakage. Each and every one of these persons of our society made a choice of something of an illusionary factor of an outside influence of hidden view agenda. AJ I tell you right now. This is a warning. I see what you might think I am not able to see. The thing that you think is hidden is not-so-hidden. 

 I need some light to eliminate the truths and if you choose that same dark tunnel AJ...  this is going to get damn ugly before it gets better.

The time is now to choose the right way to handle this. I need to know exactly what was wrong with my account. It is not beyond any kind of purpose that my account was in a state of being tweaked somehow to a maligned value to prevent publishing. My account was verified. The status to pull it to unverified status  -i don't know . I searched your help index to find any kind of comfortable matching resolved for this already encountered there was none. I'm using your platform ( ) to conduct my tools of necessity. I updated my account so that can have more cards open I don't need hundreds because that's one of your fee levels. it. I've been publishing on this for a while. Now all the sudden I could not get it published now right just all of a sudden. I don't believe in coincidences. The message I saw which I could not repeat the process to which put it into my view is inaccurate. I hate when computers lie. A step by step by step deliverance of realism to my account status was maladjusted somehow to not allow processing to publish status. There was no error message to find a solution . It said it was published but then again it wasn't .Giving me no reason for such a condition. 

โš  Forewarning: There is absolutely nothing absolutely nothing to stop these people. 

Are you one of them or are you one of us? 

This email demands a reply. 

A silence reply of non-responsiveness, a ghosting, answers this question unconditionally.

I have an United States Department of Justice citizen complaint ID number - recently released into a confirmation copy that should have been issued in October but wasn't I'm not kidding. 

 I have nothing personal against you AJ. 

Perhaps you're not aware of what's going on and you didn't actually forensically determine what happened on my account.

Perhaps they reverse themselves in the middle of all this process ๐Ÿ’ˆ and inverted the tweak that may have incurred. 

I don't know but what I do know for sure Albany provable on LinkedIn and the establishment record there that my account has been suspended - a third time.

I'm not begging and clean to get my account back again . I'm not going to suffer knowing who's on what side on that platform .

I have my data on my posting on my own property the whole thing is ugly ๐Ÿ’ฉ the flies are flying everywhere in the version of that if smells stench yuck rancid and nasty.


Also on record is the Adam4Adam Zendedk. Customer service interface documented as being an accurately abusive. The Integrity to which some guys at the content moderator at zendesk ut had seemed to straighten itself out. 

But not really fully - an interference I captured again with communications I had with my own roommate. 


no no no we're not playing no games. 

My interfaces on all social media and now into a particular project delivery service is not reliable to not be corruptible until this is fixed.

I do not accept the conditions that are before me that I know there's something fishy going on here. 

At any one stage of this, I can't blame a person or service on first encounter troubleshooting. Without a more involved account of things on your side AJ I can't prove anything but I have suspicion . 've forewarned you. I don't have that luxury with you guys so I'm taking a quick solution in this to a face value - trusting that I seriously have needs here to external security relevance and I have paid service account fees on track here.

 Pardon the assignment and identity and adjusted attitude in the circumstances that actually apply that is presented here.

Take it personally and then not personally.  Receive this presentation position both ways.

 Respond accordingly please. 

I can't even believe that TruthFinder has betrayed me. But I'm at a 85% more truthful.assurance of my documented record, to my own evaluation that they have. And to all the actors involved, your insurance umbrella coverage does not cover these kind of acts as errors and omissions.

 That was a long time ago long long long time ago expired excuse as any good played activity.

A collective accumulative understanding of my documented record. 

I spent a lot of money over the years is a paid TruthFinder member, 

 I may have to find a replacement service and this email will be used to introduce such service to my delivery of care for sure. 

Yeah that's my next call coming up here in the morning.

To address why I have a suspension of my account.

I can't log in. I couldn't login for a while it didn't have a message. Now it's saying I don't I have to call membership services to reactivate my account okay another one of those tweaky suspiciousness services. I know what I know and don't tell me what I know before you get to know the whole story.

My comments from Member comments are not being applied to background check reports I've Associated persons that I needed to make a record of these events external of my own website documentation I had it at one time and then it was taken away from me without explanation.


 I'm not breaking any rules or if I am breaking rules The rules need to be broken.

Knowing unilateral decisions without any messaging explanation - and several attempts to bring a perspective to their customer service helpline with confirmation replies to email ( again, this email should generate one more )  and still no response. 

A matter that they have no response is conclusive enough evidence they have betrayed their relationship with me.

Without an intervention of a conversation goes to prove their allegiance to what they considered hidden activity is actually forensically provable to  be available.  A digital data record -- footprints -- of suspiciousness abnormal processing-- and it's not hidden. 

Once again my question to you AJ,

What exactly was wrong with my account?

CC: TruthFinder. you may want to get your shit together and actually respond to me as well immediately


Don't Write Me Off 


It's never been easy for me
To find words to go along with a melody

But this time there's actually something on my mind
So please forgive these few brief awkward lines
Since I met you my whole life has changed
It's not just my furniture you've re-arranged
I was living in the past
But somehow you've brought me back
And I haven't felt like this since before Frankie said "relax"
And now I know based on my track record
I might not seem like the safest bet
All I'm asking you is
Don't write me off just yet

For years I've been telling myself the same old story
That I'm happy to live off my so called former glories
But you've given me a reason
To take another chance
Now I need you despite the fact
That you've killed all my plants
And now I know
I've already blown more chances
Than anyone should ever get
All I'm asking you is
Don't write me off just yet
Don't write me off just yet

On This, Apr 15, 2021, 9th:42 AM AJ. Of carrd dor co <

"Great! Let us know if anything else comes up."

My response to this is definitely. 

Not great not great not great.

Not us, not us, definitely not us. 

As AJ is crossing into my space of

The definition and meaning of great has addendum and practical re definitions for our sensibilities.

The understanding of a collective - "us" has new definition and meaning as an addendum for practical reasons. 

As this is an informational technology network considered a trust-building and trust binding network.

I'm establishing that I have a trust ladder mechanism of concept that is practical to see and to utilize our mind whether or not the digital tool is there for it to be an automated process; something to reach for the Internet of Things.

It does not have to be a coded tool of digital processing development to maintain that it is a real thing. It does not have to be developed for our minds to put into perspective the need for such a thing.

There was once humans on this planet that had no understanding of what fire was.

To them fire was a big monster I'm sure.

One that would start by some sort of Godly Anger - Wrath - thier need to make the connection that lightning starts fire .

Way out in the distance to and now we have a forest fire and they're going to die.

They are being punished by a monster, a fire started by the god of the sky and they're going to die and they deserve to die for they must have done something wrong they must have done something wrong to deserve such cruelty.

My mother's handle from history is 

"Fire Dancer".

Now that's skip forward back into current day of 2021. 

My name is James Martin Driskill and my public digital footprint is extreme long-standing from back all the way to 1986.  

That's 3 years after I graduated in 1983 San Bernardino High School. 

My mom being graduated from San Bernardino High School.

My father being graduated from San Bernardino High School.

My brother not graduated from San Bernardino High School.

My uncle my mom's brother graduated from San Bernardino High School. 

The location of San Bernardino High School is three or four blocks away from the original standing McDonald's. There is a museum there. 

Furthermore the standing most closest operating McDonald's that is currently here today. 

My mom used to work for them while I was at Arrowview Junior High across the street.

My mom used to work for McDonald's the closest McDonald's to the original McDonald's.

I say this only to bring a little bit of history here. 

My mother also to her degree of employment merritt work for the International. 

Campus Crusade for Christ organization. 

She was employed as the receptionist that handled the international calls to be transferred to their division of organization.

She was the one responsible to handle the communications in an international focus  of the Campus Crusade for Christ. 

Once was headquartered here in San Bernardino with definite celebrity Hollywood ties to the hotel that is up the hill at the Arrowhead Hot Springs .

What has happened is an injustice highest order offense to this family. 

Considering, I have no voice to communicate. 

Me, James Martin Driskill. 

The one that is established here in this connection with you,


Something of crafted creations here I'm holding against us.

Yeah, against us not in support of us.

I'm standing against the wall of an informational quarantine that has no real space atoms and molecules of real estate property. 

The physical presence of a wall it definitely is a wall. 

A huge wall, if you just consider it stationary. 

But it's not stationary.

It's animated.

Not only is it an animated wall, but it has presents that is destructive.

It's animated to destroy people including me. 

. And 

As impractical as it may seem to listen to me, 

A forevermore cruelty is happening and a forevermore dunce defines the imprisonment that i am encapsulated in.

An informational quarantine.

I demand each and every one of my internet connections of my life and connections of interpersonal relationships to be able to see the wall and the activity of a monster creation that is being ignored.

I.demand an adjustment to be instantaneously.accepted so you can see the same reality I see.

I give no consent to any one and every human being that crosses my mind into my life space that has their ability to choose to ignore me..

An intention on my behalf to create a disturbance force by words alone, no matter how offensive or insulted you may temporarily be,

That such ignorance is unsatisfactory to hold against me especially under an intentional design.

it's irrationality of the human conditions between us, forced to my own devices, I would rather die first then to submit to such dastardly conclusions of an eventual predictability. ( ๐Ÿ”ฎ).

I demand some intelligence over intentional ignorance to release your hold.  

YOu HOLD ON TO something so severely wrong you can't even see how bad this is and to switch and change your focus!!

An unsatisfactorily service delivery as a role that you are employed and pay for .

I am your customer. 

And as in any practical business management standard, I demand that the customer is always right.

In this case at least. 

I demand address to even form scold and reprimand that you cannot ignore. To remain their in ignorance is an unsatisfactory score. Grade F #Fail

I demand you individually and as a collective that you see the reality that I see which is real and rationally made here. 

For those who are in civil society of a public service of my needs in the same role of interfaces into my life, 

I demand you address this or be replaced immediately by order of our United States President.

Or ?   What you say ? 

For sometime in the future it will be told -- whether or not I am still living --

I waz here.

i told you so.

The pain and human condition of such then delivered future human existence of mass suffering that perhaps you could have avoided that path of future time anti-humanity habitation existence. 

For now - this day.-- 

Barbra Streisand exclaims and decries in music track titled "Don't Lie.To Me' from album "Walls",

"Where is the new horizon?"

You will then have lost - your lost and humanities lost.

You are then feeling.

 The wrath of God I suppose.

I'll be in heaven.

Will you step up and join me and our ability to conquer this problem or will you continue to dismiss me push me away and disable me?

Furthermore depreciating my life disability while this matter continues to escalate.

It is already a matter imperative of paramount understanding,

Community wellness.

That would be in the mental health societal health, your health, my health, are being impacted here.

This unquestionably linked..

I don't write these words to be ignored and I don't write these words carelessly.

This is a matter of 

National Security.

Everything within this presentation I can prove it.

The lightning to strike the fire.

The fire already burning has been burning for years and nobody is smelling the smoke and making the confection.

Well one thing is the result of another. 

Calm down calm down calm down I keep getting advice from my mother calm down calm down calm down how can I come down and calm down from such outrageous behaviors?

The fire is coming the fire is coming cuz you see the fire is burning is coming. The fire is here and she wants me to calm down calm my anger in all of this - I call fault so ridiculous.

How can she even claim to be my mother?

I described this monster and she is allowing the monster to not only kill me but to kill her.

to believe it or not

I have explained to her to my satisfaction she understands what it is I described as this monster.

I'm in trouble with my own disability. A society affect of prejudice and disenfranchised empowerment as a person living in disability where mental illness diagnoses are complicating matters. 

My informational society interfaces in all ways crafted intermixed my very own intellectual properties stored on my internet domains are being utilized and no impact is not possible. 

A network of trueness that you all just choose to ignore.

How impractical this is.

An informational Theory that is true whether or not anybody sees me in the universe or not.

I exist!!

I repeat my statement here.

Requoting  AJ, from Carrd dot Co spelled.out as

A j @ c a r r d dot c o

The technical assistance customer service support for a online digital presence layout and design presentation creator which holds "published status" ( a very needed understanding of what this is ) under a shortcut URL process I am holding it's definition.

Actually several of these. They have different level of featured support paid I just need a few of these. 

But in terms of support hundreds of these are being developed in a particular model for particular needs for those out there that have more Financial Resources to this business model to ensure is profitable for sure. 

A concept of a card here - holding the ability to perhaps intervention in publishing. 

The understanding that we are living life that is more than publishing. 

But as this particular argument goes in a news paper printing process where actual paper is being printed upon Earth, where basically anybody in the whole facility was given the ability to say this or yellow out or command such

"Stop the Presses"

For whatever reason is the reason. 

The paper copies that have been put into existence cannot be used.

For the reputation of the paper no matter what it was cannot issue that release.

It was the Integrity of the information and the stopping the presses and what such release of public information in the name collective, of damages beyond out of this control is an intrinsic value to understand.

one meme to meme to meme sharing into public deliverance is the linking memetics known for a long long time. A ong long time . A long long time .

An equation that memes have nothing to do with technology or the internet. 

Even if that science has not defined yet it's a matter of understanding its relevance and reality is important to consider at all times especially in a newsprint operation 

Abled by giving confer granted  authority as a matter of fact as being a collective team ,  a collective responsibility is being placed into the introduction of training for each and every employee of such an organization

Anybody from the organization could demand : given that Authority. 
Even the janitor picking up a copy reading something the first time..

Come back?

from a janitor who just got the copy the First Time new the accuracy and could know the damage future yes they are committed to the resolve of what they are reading is so damaging . 

hold stop the presses and the stop the presses morally.

This has a moral presence people in all of our society.

This has been such for a long time.

A need to command the destruction of what was already done no matter how much it cost and to start all over again with the accuracy of best authentic of truth verified.

Nobody needs to know the mistake that was about to unfold okay but stop the presses start over and we will work to the highest degree of intelligence our ability as a collective team to get the job done .

 We will work to the highest best work we can only do our best in the end of the hour of we can get it right.  

In all human possibility of what is effort humanly possible , to get it right the first time nd never have to retract such damages after the fact. 

For the cause and effect into our society is a tidal wave force in newsprint. You can't have collateral damage for just being lazy. Or to save money and the bottom line. 

That is a fact people. 

and if we can't publish we can't publish there will be no paper.

Because the Integrity of the information is that damn important. 

A notary public is a part of that process is outside of a newsprint and directly related to instruments a business transactions upon people..

By the way did I tell you,

I happen to have a former notary public commission from 1999. 

And such a standard remains.

I'm sure and most newsprint papers today remains the standard of integrity.

I am no longer a notary public to notarize documents. 

I've transitioned that roll into an informational Network.


 nobody can consider this true..

We have lost our ability 

To hold such a regard for this kind of Integrity across everything we do . 

Into our everyday lives.

I can show you. I can map it all out. But why bother you haven't even met me yet this letter is trashed it's in the garbage already and you're not red ignore dismiss go away - go fuck off and die digital - bit bucket. 

I demand it ( the problem ) the master maladjusted manipulatively enabled, a true sense intention rather than an accidental imperfection problem.

Which is at the highest end of understanding.

 ( confected ),

A monster problem that monster is active and alive in real living tissues bio-matter.

We have to fight a monster with another monster the monster of intelligence the monster of Integrity the monster of honesty and the monster of our reputation.

The highest thing is the monster of our most precious concern.

The monster of our authenticity.

Artificial intelligence is going to win over us and them.

The highest-end of monster problem,

The one that human intelligence can and shall be able to overcome. 

Before we submit abscess species true are Jeopardy liability and vulnerability here to the monster that we have generated in The Sound of Silence that needs to be disturbed . 

For without this disturbance the problem of this monster will become and over reach that Humanity will never be able to come back from walking over a cliff of foolishness.

That last step.

Definitely within my perspective we are reaching all things element unwise to hold onto a power trip ego time that does not make any sense ability of reasoning or rationalization to remain unchanged. 

To keep this silence.

Is ungodly and Unholy. 

Against God's truth. 

Against all greater non religious doctrines of guidance of common sense everywhere.

There is a reach to the best of our angels, the best of our excellence that you say you have ( proclamation ) but can't claim you hold true people together to have a simple exchange of understanding the Deliverance of this demand into your perspective of reality you intentionally are blocking reality here respective to claim non responsibility. 

You can't claim that - I've never been so far I'm not found one person in the universe that does not attempt this breakage.

When the truth is being obscured from something so bad you can't be scolded to different language standards to discuss matters honestly.

All rational delivered truth something so bad so bad so bad on your parts to not be able to have a discussion.

That is not me nor my moral responsibility to.have to be subject to a forever cruel mental abuse to deny me my inalienable right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. 

It is not me me personally that has made you fearful and afraid. 

For I represent the truth. So in proxy you attack me - call / are you are killing the messenger another words. 

What you are actually afraid of is the truth. 

That my dearest is your responsibility to adjust yourself upon this ( #reckoning ).

As Mark Twain once wrote and it is a highly applicable,

"The Truth Hurts but Silence Kills"

I demand Deliverance. 

Both in a public expression of messaging.

And in the way I demand 

I demand You released from this evil creation of an artificially suspended intentional creation. 

Two weeks from today, 

I would probably claim it to be rationally concluded there is already been passed over the horizon shadow.

A song title of mine - US Copyright

Again the theme, 

For now - this day.-- 

Barbra Streisand exclaims and decries in her music track titled "Don't Lie.To Me' from album "Walls",

"Where is the new horizon?"

You will not then have any defense to havd ignored me to complete oblivion. (๐Ÿ’ฃ).

I have no practical reason to live with that conclusion delivered in two weeks under triple pissed considered warnings.


I know we have the intelligence to overcome this obstacle.

This wall and animated monster which is not even a real thing in the real world but only an equation of memetic imprint on to our collective sea of humanity. 

The Noosphere,

As we are living on this planet Earth .

Perhaps also injected into other brains of other living creatures. ( noosphere )

The science of biology of all living things, brain matter is brain matter.

You will find this is the truth.

There is subsequently no difference between the brain matter of every single brain as is operating functioning these mysteries in all living beings. 

God created our brain as a human species and all of life on planet Earth the same.

The states of brain matter all equal,  the irrationality of the matter that you hold onto something you can't hold on anymore. 

Something of artificial intelligence and automated processing and all of this stuff changes that dimension.

When all human brains are the same of the same possibility of the same rights no matter who what where why and what  birthed them - each human into existence. 

That being from all past time into present time into all-time future history.



I demand to be heard about this matter and I demand that a collected adaptive solution be considered imperative  important for all of humanity to survive this transition of the quickening. 

This is not rocket science people. 

It is a science but it is not rocket science. 

As a science it is conceptually our need to make information into knowledge in this regard.

Have I got your attention?

@Gruwup 2021

Great Reasons ( Not! ) Us Will Unite Peace,.

Nothing personal AJ.

Something you are not seeing and I demand that you see it for your own definition of how your digital object could be used to fix this.

Under the term as being a card.

A digital object that has no processing intervention. 

But could be.

If only had an intervention of creativity of a practical solution that I can show you that can hold us to a better tomorrow than the one we are living. 

For the one we are living, I would rather die first and I will die first before you all get your shit together and do something right for a change.

Every aspect of civil society will fail me. 

it already has.

"I have no hope" one of my friends said.

I have hope, but I don't have any hope that you all can get it instantaneously. Instantly is the urgency of a 911 emergency. 

I am pissed.

"pissed" is one of the emotional values that you can set to a Facebook post. 

Did you know that?

But I'm double pissed as of events eariier today and how that is related to my connection to you AJ in the creation to published status of this carrd.

( balanced wholeness ):

'Pissed" is a term that comes from urine and the basic human need of excrement to urinate. 

The wholeness approaching Healthcare I demand to be able to urinate this pissed off anger.

The doctor willing to commit a felony basically. Do not follow the law. 

A covid-19 pre-screening, which I had to answer yes to one of the questions. Making it an unconditional rescheduling for 2 weeks.

I related the okay I understand that and no problem acceptance through the screener to the interoffice. 

A fax already in place  several days ago .

A call to them from my mother earlier. The place on the agenda that they have to listen to me. that they have to listen to me. 

Nothing diversion of the inevitable predictability. All effort attempting to get resolved current winning resolve there is none and it is them and not me.

Dr. Gupta has the gall and the nerve and the intention to come out to the waiting door yell out my name to come into the clinic to cut my cast off.

I had to tell him if that's the agenda I have a fax and that I'm going to walk away.

The commotion in the office is a parent already. 

So once I have this cast cut off I have no further business with his doctor basically he wants to cut my cast off and throw me away. 

The agenda to which his intention is exposed is obvious. He would be willing to commit a felony in health safety codes in our pandemic emergency to have that happen rather than to have a discussion.

In that carrd, 

The evidence amounts to continued conspiracy. 

I had to reaffirm my position that we are going to follow the law. 

The doctor had to how to confess and release is standing and released me 

To release Me From his intention to call me into that office to cut my cast off and throw me out the door..

Oh that's not the end of this yet because I believe he's going to try to shift this off of the some other Clinic somewhere else and not deal with this himself. 

 I have a confirmed written on their schedule card appointment for 2 weeks from this day of thursday..... 

This is a do-or-die moment guys people listen to me what you have been told or have been thought to have been told things all the way back into school are not true 

The United States is under a condition of an Civil Society emergency up health safety codes in a doctor was willing to commit a felony to violate then to have a truth be told in the deliveries of the interface between him and I and the doctor care in the medical care. My last doctor had the same problem. That broke on March 2019. I wrote about it. I broke the restraining order shortly before the death of him. There was a release of a document on a National Institutes of Health on April 6th 2020.

Already in farming the place when all this went down that I would break the restraining order. I broke the restraining order. Confronting this matter I am right and the doctors are wrong. This is a huge conspiracy. 

Although I do not have proof that this statement is true I suspect dr. She do committed suicide on the 10th of April rather than confront this matter again with me when he is the one who broke all protocols and all the legalities a few dictionary responsibility to maintain a relationship with me in all honesty. 

He being a coward failed. Dr. Gupta is going to be a coward and fail somehow some way this is going to fail. 

And in two weeks I will be triple pissed if not one person stands to desire to vew the trutj.

To the lot of makes of mistakes are not accidents. 

a correction to the doctor side of this conflict is unconditionally demanded. 

If not. 

I'm done.

Transitioning from double pissed to tripple pissed,,

Enough is enough already..

No more no more forever more cruel no more forever more cruel.

Not a single day goes by step not one of you in my life smear has done the right thing and supported me unconditionally to stand by my side. 

So I must have to kill myself I must have to before you can do something outside of your own stupidity I have to think you all are IQ of 80 and I know better.. 

On Thu, Apr 15, 2021, 9:42 AM AJ. Of carrd dor co <

"Great! Let us know if anything else comes up."

My response to this is definitely. 

Not great not great not great..

Not us not us not us. 

Us ?




How about crashing down?


I recently put the perspective into my writing. 

This is something of rational consideration when you put together a confected understanding in this nightmare by day - outrageous -,disturbing - disoriented realism of truth.

I'm really have to question whether or not back to all of time history --  here and now --  I'm attempting to deal amd cope with something extreme -- iving a unique perspective that has never been dealt with ever before in human history. 

I can't answer this of course. 

it's impossible to answer. Maybe from a philosophy of a different culture and different language in different legal system.

That may not be true for them but it is true for us. 

That making this a unique United States or Western Civilization cultural problem rather than a global one 

Another words I can't do this anymore by myself. 

My mother is not truthfully a helpful situation. 

A dynamic till I don't want to have to describe at the moment .

I'm living in my family home. 

This family home since I was Age 5 

I'm 55 and I've traveled around from region to region in the United States of America 15 years 

I have this documented this evidence of documentation of what this is happening here.  


It really is not me it is them and are you a part of them or are you a part of us?

Us ( you collective us and I ) ?

A legal remedy, for those involved in not obeying practical sense?

I'm not sure I'm not sure I've talked to the ACLU 

I put it into perspective and even to the United Nations enable for the convention for the rights of persons with disabilities.

I'm serious people I'm serious

Trying to get a retainer and a projection of a solution through a criminal lawyer or a civil lawyer to represent my side of this?  Impossibly never. 

This is really bad people listen to me please.
October of last year I submitted a complaint in the process that is the United States Department of Justice civil rights compliance section.

I received no confirmation that my submission was received at the time. 

I took the factor that like any college in Tennessee of any kind of Technology processing for information now is that you get an instantaneous confirmation of things like this right that's the standard we're all using right right?

So I've been living a day-to-day daytime or awake time conscious time, "nightmare" started 15 years ago in my notice of it anyway. 

Over the last 15 years since June of 2005 when I registered an Internet domain, 

that is acknowledgements of the time stamp it is on a digital Information Society something here it's not quite right.

I think there are many in our society that know exactly what is happening.

A lawyer and trying to go to that process mentioned above be able to handle or would tackle this situation. 

The old operating systems a data and information processing that I'm aware of,

Back in the day there punch card IBM cards that you have to physically go over to a person and have them code out what you needed and take that the result of the card stack and put into the process manually. 

An auditing system is obviously not possible in their regard to prevent what is now malicious code or just errors in general of human imperfections. 

No certification process to the code that is being inserted into the process by way of a human carrying a code into y'all to be handled by the next process a human being carrying the code to which Saint is going to get processed. 

If I had such a degree of process right here right now I would not be in the nightmare truly a nightmare in which I see a big huge monster. 

And that would be a loving Siri I would be able to issue a complaint or a concern or anywhere in that insert of those cards into the process through which is a micro-level holt button to that process. 

In the case of current-day Life there isn't anything of such degree of a tool this includes going to law enforcement and the police.

There is no tool to stop this process. 

The pull string that is across the entire stretch of the entire train the pull string to activate the brakes emergency anybody on the train can pull. 

There's no such tool in 2021 what is happening to me individually and that work to our culture our community our society.


It's not hard to see the patterns of human intention an invention.

As a huge monster it is a weapon of mass destruction carrying a weapon of mass destruction that is killing people and it is killing me just the same and nobody cares to pull the string and stop this from happening.

The same monster we're all talking about on the news but we're not equating the monster to the underlying process that puts this monster into the behavioral effects of humans in our culture. 

Humans of this current year 2021 that we have a science called memetics that expresses an explanation scientifically for this monster that is very much real. This is not an illusion or delusion of my mind. We're not all talking about this on the news I'm just not seeing the monster the monster is real the monster has been talked about but we're not equating why there is no solution to this. 

What has happened here and continues to be processing is an artificially suspended condition. 

This rather than being a natural order of human condition of Law & Order and of generally speaking digression to humans from past and possible future

Savage life rather than civilized life. 

Please save the criticism of the basis for my conclusions of this writing that would only go to show that you know what's going on and what's a light yourself with the knowledge of culture that I know its true 

Silence or a non-responsive consideration of ghost in this conversation provides that sang deductive reasoning because that's the pattern that I have experienced so I'm taking that pattern and placing it on to this communication.

I have nothing against you. Except for that we have to find ourselves realizing this is a rational consideration rather than the concepts of persons in environment and society that are targeted individuals of gang stalking.

 Such an environment is a governmental supported mechanics of a putative function of government outside of due process against a certain set of people that I am one of them and there is no solution and there's no consulate. 

Have such as defined there is no where I can go but you try to develop from my interconnections of problem solving here in this moment in time on a site that has the possibility of creating a tool that would be in that mix that they will choose to ignore under the digital object term:

A Carrd. : 

I need to insert it into the spokes of this wheel if that's a euphemism I know where it goes I know where this card goes that will stop the flow of the disaster malfeasance that is on behalf of the doctor earlier today. 

My only legal mechanism is a a a redefinition from our assumed commons of 

The Social Contract

An illusion of one's mind that there is such a thing in the first place,

but we assume this when we are first born into this world. 

Under the doctrine of law I I currently experiencing human life under,

I have the right to consent or not to consent to anything and everything across my desk of my life.

If the would change beyond that -- that is because we here ( or I here ) live in a non-democracy - the government has failed to maintain this at least for me. It has betrayed the

On Sat, Apr 17, 2021, 1:11 AM James Driskill <> wrote:
Tax Day 2021 below, 

AJ don't you dare ghost this.

The passing date relevancy sign of numerology confluence -

Hello?  CQ CQ CQ. - anyone listening to this communication? 

Do I have a clear and open channel?

The radio static that has been interfering and altering the messages I sent two useless junk I would suppose ?

Do we still have that interference . 

This Broadband way we exchange in our world today.

Interfering from human hands and human hearts and human eyes that have no authority to be watching from such a perspective to manipulate people's lives - touche and say is hidden. Those in this mix say touche they'll never get caught. 

I think everybody is in a Fear factor mode that won't stand up two such tyranny. 

You just have to have a little more fine-tuning. 

Information science information Theory and our human condition of natural law among other major factors to understand it all. That is who I am to you all. 

I have been exposed into this chasm of evilness.

Overtime the truth will always be revealed. 

Has the intentional static that you have generated Upon Our masses been removed?

 Gone finally?

Still holding blank face that it all hidden?

Perhaps you should take a assessments of what is actually happened.

An out-of-control elite few - thinking this is going to be something that is possible to possible to anything rectifiable to continue. 

Tried tuning in the dial a little more I have the fine tuning instruments. 

You all have lost all sensibility.

Those that you have had under your spell... The hate Collective organization that keeps people in line and you on the top of the stack it's collapsing believe me it's collapsing.

A house of cards you have built for several generations back.  I have a year estimated within a + -10 year time frame.

A coctrine of observance a maladjusted culture start the title force that is unimaginable. Let me access for sure and it has a manifesto which makes it even worse.

And still you keep quiet and in the back Ali's of hidden secret packs of agreements you still are trying to sell us a big huge bald face pack of lies.

As history unfolds from many samples of this. Those who are under your spell will become open and angry. For being deceived so badly. They may just do indeed take a dagger out and stab you right there on the spot and let you sit on your throne thinking you have it all. 

You have nothing but 

An illusion that money and greed are worthy things of human invention to exploit to all ends. Why?

Passing this carrd, 

Your tuner. 

Of reasoning pick the dial to which you actually come to play with other people's lives now has a hundredfold new resolution to finely tuned into your destiny .

The path that you are on is corrupt. That has nothing to do with monetary corruption.

The path that you're on is corrupted because you have taken yourself to think there's no God of goodness watching all of this and guiding a human being such as I am into conquering you absolutely conquering you into the hell.

To hell you will go if you don't heed my warning now and stop the bullshit. 

release the masses from this obvious attempt. 

I know the truth Dr. Gupta is not any kind of man that I see deserving of a penalty that can you put himself into 

Jeopardy just save you to protect you to keep this truth from being told 

Dr. Gupta is not a particularly bad person. But you have a spell on him and I want you to go away.

To contemplate where one person is going to turn into the unraveling the whole scheme. Just automatically it will be your undoing tell you now I know in my heart of hearts this message is coming from above into my my word of words. Give It Up. Checkmate.


CQ CQ CQ - May Day - Mayday first called on this matter May 1st 2005. Mayday mayday mayday??? Is there anybody listening to this emergency SOS SOS SOS 911 emergency?

I don't believe in coincidences.

Such things if we take a data analysis indeed calculates accuracy - and a 1979 article that one has faith understanding PK , which I obviously do . 

A matter of a finding paper at the American Psychological Association. 

In science reality a probable order somehow can be given value that is probable Beyond A Reasonable Doubt at this point 2021 on the science of God Existence or a higher intelligence presence in the universe and the evidence of Prayer intention sent into the universe from our brain effects the matter a real life beyond. 
prove order somehow beyond random occurrence I know this perhaps you know that but this is a confirmation one more time and how these ( #______LivesMatter. Has affected that dynamics of the horizons I see upon my life path. 

Tax Day

In the United States, 

Tax Day is the day on which individual income tax returns are due to be submitted to the federal government.[3] Since 1955, Tax Day has typically fallen on or just after April 15. Tax Day was first introduced in 1913, when the Sixteenth Amendment was ratified.

This is a consent under a condition of governance in the United States of America that has a controversial scheme that some people believe we never consented to such a a state system of compulsory tax. 

That the United States is committing a fraud.

I would say that majority of these people that have that belief also believe that it is capitalist wise to maintain a labor force that you don't have to pay for hourly compensation. 

This grew up in our country in the south. In the South where we had what is called slavery.

So on one hand the United States never consented to a taxation system and on the other hand that the formation of slavery allows for the exploitation a free labor to conduct valid business models of Commerce and Industry 

I'm not kidding. 

To supplement a taxation system for a slavery system to backdate what was attempted and fought over a Civil War in this country. To go back to what it was to then take away the tax system it is 

economics doesn't work that way. And social economics don't work that way and social engineering projects perhaps shouldn't work that way either but they are trying to do exactly what I'm trying to say here.

To.hold peaceful progress under what is called a social contract upon the citizens and people of our nation .

We are founded by our founding fathers under a democracy . 

A democracy in which we vote into position, because of our own interperspective life priorities do not give us the time or the energy to make it a complete thought of Our Lives . We have our own personal lives and then we have our civil society lives . It has been chosen that will be elected representatives to our best interest . 

Representatives that speak for us and our positions.

That is where we give our consent away from complete freedom to not be able to separate from our participation and the economics of our nation . We must participate participate in the mechanics of the land of the Homeland in which we are standing..

I tell you now this is my stated position.

If you disagree with this decision made in this country.,

Rather than trying to destroy this country Alex Foundation to meet your needs of exploitation

Go find a place on the planet that has no country. There's a good portion of our planet that has no authority of claims of governance you know and if a person is born in one of these areas a person is born without a country. 

Take it to start your own Foundation of ideals clearly and hard going to start a new country what do you start with how do you start a foundation of wisdom and guidance pick that will not collapse because it's a house of cards .

You have pride and what you're doing you want to do it to your best ability right ?

Instead of hating on the members of our society go start your own fucking country.

I think there should be a law somehow that the posts a person to a state of choice for such malfeasance of their citizenry Duty apartment this country as Community Duty social responsibility to such actions are so contrary to belief that they exist in this nation in the first place. 

How about this for an idea there is a computer program called SimCity it's a governmental Authority transition of time elapsed at you build a city from scratch and all of that. How about we take such a civil society education course and put it to a country level application and force the person who is contrary to our nation's structure to start their own country and under the successful dynamics of what is our science and everything that we can simulate country building not city building . A country is born and if they are successful at it destination will invest a certain dollar to your success and goodbye.  

You can go off to that area that we Annex for your special projects and we will be watching you watching you you can invite others from our country to join you if you would like such a deserving destin.

If you can build a country that adheres to the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights without the exploitation factor that you're trying to return our country to I would give you the best of all best of accomplishments of success . But it's not possible . 

Your country would corrupt itself without a system of Taxation. Let us engineer this project especially For You groups who cannot be long to this nation under its foundation and wishes destruction the ones who went to the Federal Capitol building in Washington DC on January 6th 2021 and mounted and Insurrection against this government that was very serious extremely serious much more than an infraction of thought it was what?

Because of the leader and the faults message you are a cult not a government ready to take over and you where I a cult I hate group cult and you're not going to make it any other than that from that is the definition of what happened January 6th 2021. 

A message of knowing all things happen in the order in which they are supposed to.

One of my students gives me some great advice let it happen.  

And that he gave me that advice I understood immediately. 

As a collective cumulative scoring on let it happen as it has happened and it's now time to make a reality audit to become a reality truth. 

That truth becomes a knowledgeable understanding what is happening here in a science.

A faith here set as science as we know it .

In science that is under a certain set of laws physics laws Rules of Order structure the deliverance of morals,  wisdom guidance, to be able to build a country from a foundation that is not on a house of cards an infant time there's destined to collapse, 

A doctrine of understanding that is ratified in this country as the Declaration of Independence and the original Bill of Rights of the US Constitution and then the subsequent amendments that follow up into the most ability to create a new Amendment war and Order day in Missouri to maintain the order of pace full progress 

These are religious context but they don't have to be but when we take away these guiding materials for each one of us individually on a life, we get into trouble and Reconciliation of our best conscience choices . It's not all science and it's not all God neither one of them function to not become unstable in an eventual collapse to the foundation of our individual lives and the foundation of our country.

An atheist view of science only cannot solve this and I don't believe that putting to a challenge they have been able to solve this too justifiable means that it can keep its stability without a manifestation of freedoms being lost and the decisions we made such as what is happening here I'm trying to describe overtime Krups itself of its integrity.

 Collective intelligence Collective conscience Collective social responsibility etc.

Community is human habitation of collective human conditions tbat meet our needs as individuals of what are structurally sounding strong from 1940s Maslow hierarchy of human needs .

Pretty solidly Foundation still holding some determinations that there is not a a controversy. To hold that as a foundation of Science in psychology and socio-economic dependents that we should be focused on those priorities in our overall scheme has crossed our entire nation which we're not doing. 

Can we quickly shift into a different dynamic, a paradigm shift of thought process and priorities? The answer is no.

At least not as the world is now but perhaps as the world could be if the United something about understanding instead of dismissing someone carelessly. 

On This, Apr 15, 2021, 9th:42 AM AJ. Of carrd dor co <

"Great! Let us know if anything else comes up."

My response to this is definitely. 

Not great not great not great.

Not us, not us, definitely not us. 


Don't Write Me Off

About โ€œDon't Write Me Offโ€ 

This song was written for the 2007 film Music and Lyrics. In it, songwriter Alex Fletcher (Hugh Grant) performs it live at a concert as a way of apologizing to his songwriting partner Sophie (Drew Barrymore) for the recent break in their relationship.

Inset commenting:

AJ, this email in its entirety goes out to each and every one person relationship that has suffered a breakage. Each and every one of these persons of our society made a choice of something of an illusionary factor of an outside influence of hidden view agenda. AJ I tell you right now. This is a warning. I see what you might think I am not able to see. The thing that you think is hidden is not-so-hidden. 

 I need some light to eliminate the truths and if you choose that same dark tunnel AJ...  this is going to get damn ugly before it gets better.

The time is now to choose the right way to handle this. I need to know exactly what was wrong with my account. It is not beyond any kind of purpose that my account was in a state of being tweaked somehow to a maligned value to prevent publishing. My account was verified. The status to pull it to unverified status  -i don't know . I searched your help index to find any kind of comfortable matching resolved for this already encountered there was none. I'm using your platform ( ) to conduct my tools of necessity. I updated my account so that can have more cards open I don't need hundreds because that's one of your fee levels. it. I've been publishing on this for a while. Now all the sudden I could not get it published now right just all of a sudden. I don't believe in coincidences. The message I saw which I could not repeat the process to which put it into my view is inaccurate. I hate when computers lie. A step by step by step deliverance of realism to my account status was maladjusted somehow to not allow processing to publish status. There was no error message to find a solution . It said it was published but then again it wasn't .Giving me no reason for such a condition. 

โš  Forewarning: There is absolutely nothing absolutely nothing to stop these people. 

Are you one of them or are you one of us? 

This email demands a reply. 

A silence reply of non-responsiveness, a ghosting, answers this question unconditionally.

I have an United States Department of Justice citizen complaint ID number - recently released into a confirmation copy that should have been issued in October but wasn't I'm not kidding. 

 I have nothing personal against you AJ. 

Perhaps you're not aware of what's going on and you didn't actually forensically determine what happened on my account.

Perhaps they reverse themselves in the middle of all this process ๐Ÿ’ˆ and inverted the tweak that may have incurred. 

I don't know but what I do know for sure Albany provable on LinkedIn and the establishment record there that my account has been suspended - a third time.

I'm not begging and clean to get my account back again . I'm not going to suffer knowing who's on what side on that platform .

I have my data on my posting on my own property the whole thing is ugly ๐Ÿ’ฉ the flies are flying everywhere in the version of that if smells stench yuck rancid and nasty.


Also on record is the Adam4Adam Zendedk. Customer service interface documented as being an accurately abusive. The Integrity to which some guys at the content moderator at zendesk ut had seemed to straighten itself out. 

But not really fully - an interference I captured again with communications I had with my own roommate. 


no no no we're not playing no games. 

My interfaces on all social media and now into a particular project delivery service is not reliable to not be corruptible until this is fixed.

I do not accept the conditions that are before me that I know there's something fishy going on here. 

At any one stage of this, I can't blame a person or service on first encounter troubleshooting. Without a more involved account of things on your side AJ I can't prove anything but I have suspicion . 've forewarned you. I don't have that luxury with you guys so I'm taking a quick solution in this to a face value - trusting that I seriously have needs here to external security relevance and I have paid service account fees on track here.

 Pardon the assignment and identity and adjusted attitude in the circumstances that actually apply that is presented here.

Take it personally and then not personally.  Receive this presentation position both ways.

 Respond accordingly please. 

I can't even believe that TruthFinder has betrayed me. But I'm at a 85% more truthful.assurance of my documented record, to my own evaluation that they have. And to all the actors involved, your insurance umbrella coverage does not cover these kind of acts as errors and omissions.

 That was a long time ago long long long time ago expired excuse as any good played activity.

A collective accumulative understanding of my documented record. 

I spent a lot of money over the years is a paid TruthFinder member, 

 I may have to find a replacement service and this email will be used to introduce such service to my delivery of care for sure. 

Yeah that's my next call coming up here in the morning.

To address why I have a suspension of my account.

I can't log in. I couldn't login for a while it didn't have a message. Now it's saying I don't I have to call membership services to reactivate my account okay another one of those tweaky suspiciousness services. I know what I know and don't tell me what I know before you get to know the whole story.

My comments from Member comments are not being applied to background check reports I've Associated persons that I needed to make a record of these events external of my own website documentation I had it at one time and then it was taken away from me without explanation.


 I'm not breaking any rules or if I am breaking rules The rules need to be broken.

Knowing unilateral decisions without any messaging explanation - and several attempts to bring a perspective to their customer service helpline with confirmation replies to email ( again, this email should generate one more )  and still no response. 

A matter that they have no response is conclusive enough evidence they have betrayed their relationship with me.

Without an intervention of a conversation goes to prove their allegiance to what they considered hidden activity is actually forensically provable to  be available.  A digital data record -- footprints -- of suspiciousness abnormal processing-- and it's not hidden. 

Once again my question to you AJ,

What exactly was wrong with my account?

CC: TruthFinder. you may want to get your shit together and actually respond to me as well immediately


Don't Write Me Off 


It's never been easy for me
To find words to go along with a melody

But this time there's actually something on my mind
So please forgive these few brief awkward lines
Since I met you my whole life has changed
It's not just my furniture you've re-arranged
I was living in the past
But somehow you've brought me back
And I haven't felt like this since before Frankie said "relax"
And now I know based on my track record
I might not seem like the safest bet
All I'm asking you is
Don't write me off just yet

For years I've been telling myself the same old story
That I'm happy to live off my so called former glories
But you've given me a reason
To take another chance
Now I need you despite the fact
That you've killed all my plants
And now I know
I've already blown more chances
Than anyone should ever get
All I'm asking you is
Don't write me off just yet
Don't write me off just yet

On This, Apr 15, 2021, 9th:42 AM AJ. Of carrd dor co <

"Great! Let us know if anything else comes up."

My response to this is definitely. 

Not great not great not great.

Not us, not us, definitely not us. 

As AJ is crossing into my space of

The definition and meaning of great has addendum and practical re definitions for our sensibilities.

The understanding of a collective - "us" has new definition and meaning as an addendum for practical reasons. 

As this is an informational technology network considered a trust-building and trust binding network.

I'm establishing that I have a trust ladder mechanism of concept that is practical to see and to utilize our mind whether or not the digital tool is there for it to be an automated process; something to reach for the Internet of Things.

It does not have to be a coded tool of digital processing development to maintain that it is a real thing. It does not have to be developed for our minds to put into perspective the need for such a thing.

There was once humans on this planet that had no understanding of what fire was.

To them fire was a big monster I'm sure.

One that would start by some sort of Godly Anger - Wrath - thier need to make the connection that lightning starts fire .

Way out in the distance to and now we have a forest fire and they're going to die.

They are being punished by a monster, a fire started by the god of the sky and they're going to die and they deserve to die for they must have done something wrong they must have done something wrong to deserve such cruelty.

My mother's handle from history is 

"Fire Dancer".

Now that's skip forward back into current day of 2021. 

My name is James Martin Driskill and my public digital footprint is extreme long-standing from back all the way to 1986.  

That's 3 years after I graduated in 1983 San Bernardino High School. 

My mom being graduated from San Bernardino High School.

My father being graduated from San Bernardino High School.

My brother not graduated from San Bernardino High School.

My uncle my mom's brother graduated from San Bernardino High School. 

The location of San Bernardino High School is three or four blocks away from the original standing McDonald's. There is a museum there. 

Furthermore the standing most closest operating McDonald's that is currently here today. 

My mom used to work for them while I was at Arrowview Junior High across the street.

My mom used to work for McDonald's the closest McDonald's to the original McDonald's.

I say this only to bring a little bit of history here. 

My mother also to her degree of employment merritt work for the International. 

Campus Crusade for Christ organization. 

She was employed as the receptionist that handled the international calls to be transferred to their division of organization.

She was the one responsible to handle the communications in an international focus  of the Campus Crusade for Christ. 

Once was headquartered here in San Bernardino with definite celebrity Hollywood ties to the hotel that is up the hill at the Arrowhead Hot Springs .

What has happened is an injustice highest order offense to this family. 

Considering, I have no voice to communicate. 

Me, James Martin Driskill. 

The one that is established here in this connection with you,


Something of crafted creations here I'm holding against us.

Yeah, against us not in support of us.

I'm standing against the wall of an informational quarantine that has no real space atoms and molecules of real estate property. 

The physical presence of a wall it definitely is a wall. 

A huge wall, if you just consider it stationary. 

But it's not stationary.

It's animated.

Not only is it an animated wall, but it has presents that is destructive.

It's animated to destroy people including me. 

. And 

As impractical as it may seem to listen to me, 

A forevermore cruelty is happening and a forevermore dunce defines the imprisonment that i am encapsulated in.

An informational quarantine.

I demand each and every one of my internet connections of my life and connections of interpersonal relationships to be able to see the wall and the activity of a monster creation that is being ignored.

I.demand an adjustment to be instantaneously.accepted so you can see the same reality I see.

I give no consent to any one and every human being that crosses my mind into my life space that has their ability to choose to ignore me..

An intention on my behalf to create a disturbance force by words alone, no matter how offensive or insulted you may temporarily be,

That such ignorance is unsatisfactory to hold against me especially under an intentional design.

it's irrationality of the human conditions between us, forced to my own devices, I would rather die first then to submit to such dastardly conclusions of an eventual predictability. ( ๐Ÿ”ฎ).

I demand some intelligence over intentional ignorance to release your hold.  

YOu HOLD ON TO something so severely wrong you can't even see how bad this is and to switch and change your focus!!

An unsatisfactorily service delivery as a role that you are employed and pay for .

I am your customer. 

And as in any practical business management standard, I demand that the customer is always right.

In this case at least. 

I demand address to even form scold and reprimand that you cannot ignore. To remain their in ignorance is an unsatisfactory score. Grade F #Fail

I demand you individually and as a collective that you see the reality that I see which is real and rationally made here. 

For those who are in civil society of a public service of my needs in the same role of interfaces into my life, 

I demand you address this or be replaced immediately by order of our United States President.

Or ?   What you say ? 

For sometime in the future it will be told -- whether or not I am still living --

I waz here.

i told you so.

The pain and human condition of such then delivered future human existence of mass suffering that perhaps you could have avoided that path of future time anti-humanity habitation existence. 

For now - this day.-- 

Barbra Streisand exclaims and decries in music track titled "Don't Lie.To Me' from album "Walls",

"Where is the new horizon?"

You will then have lost - your lost and humanities lost.

You are then feeling.

 The wrath of God I suppose.

I'll be in heaven.

Will you step up and join me and our ability to conquer this problem or will you continue to dismiss me push me away and disable me?

Furthermore depreciating my life disability while this matter continues to escalate.

It is already a matter imperative of paramount understanding,

Community wellness.

That would be in the mental health societal health, your health, my health, are being impacted here.

This unquestionably linked..

I don't write these words to be ignored and I don't write these words carelessly.

This is a matter of 

National Security.

Everything within this presentation I can prove it.

The lightning to strike the fire.

The fire already burning has been burning for years and nobody is smelling the smoke and making the confection.

Well one thing is the result of another. 

Calm down calm down calm down I keep getting advice from my mother calm down calm down calm down how can I come down and calm down from such outrageous behaviors?

The fire is coming the fire is coming cuz you see the fire is burning is coming. The fire is here and she wants me to calm down calm my anger in all of this - I call fault so ridiculous.

How can she even claim to be my mother?

I described this monster and she is allowing the monster to not only kill me but to kill her.

to believe it or not

I have explained to her to my satisfaction she understands what it is I described as this monster.

I'm in trouble with my own disability. A society affect of prejudice and disenfranchised empowerment as a person living in disability where mental illness diagnoses are complicating matters. 

My informational society interfaces in all ways crafted intermixed my very own intellectual properties stored on my internet domains are being utilized and no impact is not possible. 

A network of trueness that you all just choose to ignore.

How impractical this is.

An informational Theory that is true whether or not anybody sees me in the universe or not.

I exist!!

I repeat my statement here.

Requoting  AJ, from Carrd dot Co spelled.out as

A j @ c a r r d dot c o

The technical assistance customer service support for a online digital presence layout and design presentation creator which holds "published status" ( a very needed understanding of what this is ) under a shortcut URL process I am holding it's definition.

Actually several of these. They have different level of featured support paid I just need a few of these. 

But in terms of support hundreds of these are being developed in a particular model for particular needs for those out there that have more Financial Resources to this business model to ensure is profitable for sure. 

A concept of a card here - holding the ability to perhaps intervention in publishing. 

The understanding that we are living life that is more than publishing. 

But as this particular argument goes in a news paper printing process where actual paper is being printed upon Earth, where basically anybody in the whole facility was given the ability to say this or yellow out or command such

"Stop the Presses"

For whatever reason is the reason. 

The paper copies that have been put into existence cannot be used.

For the reputation of the paper no matter what it was cannot issue that release.

It was the Integrity of the information and the stopping the presses and what such release of public information in the name collective, of damages beyond out of this control is an intrinsic value to understand.

one meme to meme to meme sharing into public deliverance is the linking memetics known for a long long time. A ong long time . A long long time .

An equation that memes have nothing to do with technology or the internet. 

Even if that science has not defined yet it's a matter of understanding its relevance and reality is important to consider at all times especially in a newsprint operation 

Abled by giving confer granted  authority as a matter of fact as being a collective team ,  a collective responsibility is being placed into the introduction of training for each and every employee of such an organization

Anybody from the organization could demand : given that Authority. 
Even the janitor picking up a copy reading something the first time..

Come back?

from a janitor who just got the copy the First Time new the accuracy and could know the damage future yes they are committed to the resolve of what they are reading is so damaging . 

hold stop the presses and the stop the presses morally.

This has a moral presence people in all of our society.

This has been such for a long time.

A need to command the destruction of what was already done no matter how much it cost and to start all over again with the accuracy of best authentic of truth verified.

Nobody needs to know the mistake that was about to unfold okay but stop the presses start over and we will work to the highest degree of intelligence our ability as a collective team to get the job done .

 We will work to the highest best work we can only do our best in the end of the hour of we can get it right.  

In all human possibility of what is effort humanly possible , to get it right the first time nd never have to retract such damages after the fact. 

For the cause and effect into our society is a tidal wave force in newsprint. You can't have collateral damage for just being lazy. Or to save money and the bottom line. 

That is a fact people. 

and if we can't publish we can't publish there will be no paper.

Because the Integrity of the information is that damn important. 

A notary public is a part of that process is outside of a newsprint and directly related to instruments a business transactions upon people..

By the way did I tell you,

I happen to have a former notary public commission from 1999. 

And such a standard remains.

I'm sure and most newsprint papers today remains the standard of integrity.

I am no longer a notary public to notarize documents. 

I've transitioned that roll into an informational Network.


 nobody can consider this true..

We have lost our ability 

To hold such a regard for this kind of Integrity across everything we do . 

Into our everyday lives.

I can show you. I can map it all out. But why bother you haven't even met me yet this letter is trashed it's in the garbage already and you're not red ignore dismiss go away - go fuck off and die digital - bit bucket. 

I demand it ( the problem ) the master maladjusted manipulatively enabled, a true sense intention rather than an accidental imperfection problem.

Which is at the highest end of understanding.

 ( confected ),

A monster problem that monster is active and alive in real living tissues bio-matter.

We have to fight a monster with another monster the monster of intelligence the monster of Integrity the monster of honesty and the monster of our reputation.

The highest thing is the monster of our most precious concern.

The monster of our authenticity.

Artificial intelligence is going to win over us and them.

The highest-end of monster problem,

The one that human intelligence can and shall be able to overcome. 

Before we submit abscess species true are Jeopardy liability and vulnerability here to the monster that we have generated in The Sound of Silence that needs to be disturbed . 

For without this disturbance the problem of this monster will become and over reach that Humanity will never be able to come back from walking over a cliff of foolishness.

That last step.

Definitely within my perspective we are reaching all things element unwise to hold onto a power trip ego time that does not make any sense ability of reasoning or rationalization to remain unchanged. 

To keep this silence.

Is ungodly and Unholy. 

Against God's truth. 

Against all greater non religious doctrines of guidance of common sense everywhere.

There is a reach to the best of our angels, the best of our excellence that you say you have ( proclamation ) but can't claim you hold true people together to have a simple exchange of understanding the Deliverance of this demand into your perspective of reality you intentionally are blocking reality here respective to claim non responsibility. 

You can't claim that - I've never been so far I'm not found one person in the universe that does not attempt this breakage.

When the truth is being obscured from something so bad you can't be scolded to different language standards to discuss matters honestly.

All rational delivered truth something so bad so bad so bad on your parts to not be able to have a discussion.

That is not me nor my moral responsibility to.have to be subject to a forever cruel mental abuse to deny me my inalienable right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. 

It is not me me personally that has made you fearful and afraid. 

For I represent the truth. So in proxy you attack me - call / are you are killing the messenger another words. 

What you are actually afraid of is the truth. 

That my dearest is your responsibility to adjust yourself upon this ( #reckoning ).

As Mark Twain once wrote and it is a highly applicable,

"The Truth Hurts but Silence Kills"

I demand Deliverance. 

Both in a public expression of messaging.

And in the way I demand 

I demand You released from this evil creation of an artificially suspended intentional creation. 

Two weeks from today, 

I would probably claim it to be rationally concluded there is already been passed over the horizon shadow.

A song title of mine - US Copyright

Again the theme, 

For now - this day.-- 

Barbra Streisand exclaims and decries in her music track titled "Don't Lie.To Me' from album "Walls",

"Where is the new horizon?"

You will not then have any defense to havd ignored me to complete oblivion. (๐Ÿ’ฃ).

I have no practical reason to live with that conclusion delivered in two weeks under triple pissed considered warnings.


I know we have the intelligence to overcome this obstacle.

This wall and animated monster which is not even a real thing in the real world but only an equation of memetic imprint on to our collective sea of humanity. 

The Noosphere,

As we are living on this planet Earth .

Perhaps also injected into other brains of other living creatures. ( noosphere )

The science of biology of all living things, brain matter is brain matter.

You will find this is the truth.

There is subsequently no difference between the brain matter of every single brain as is operating functioning these mysteries in all living beings. 

God created our brain as a human species and all of life on planet Earth the same.

The states of brain matter all equal,  the irrationality of the matter that you hold onto something you can't hold on anymore. 

Something of artificial intelligence and automated processing and all of this stuff changes that dimension.

When all human brains are the same of the same possibility of the same rights no matter who what where why and what  birthed them - each human into existence. 

That being from all past time into present time into all-time future history.



I demand to be heard about this matter and I demand that a collected adaptive solution be considered imperative  important for all of humanity to survive this transition of the quickening. 

This is not rocket science people. 

It is a science but it is not rocket science. 

As a science it is conceptually our need to make information into knowledge in this regard.

Have I got your attention?

@Gruwup 2021

Great Reasons ( Not! ) Us Will Unite Peace,.

Nothing personal AJ.

Something you are not seeing and I demand that you see it for your own definition of how your digital object could be used to fix this.

Under the term as being a card.

A digital object that has no processing intervention. 

But could be.

If only had an intervention of creativity of a practical solution that I can show you that can hold us to a better tomorrow than the one we are living. 

For the one we are living, I would rather die first and I will die first before you all get your shit together and do something right for a change.

Every aspect of civil society will fail me. 

it already has.

"I have no hope" one of my friends said.

I have hope, but I don't have any hope that you all can get it instantaneously. Instantly is the urgency of a 911 emergency. 

I am pissed.

"pissed" is one of the emotional values that you can set to a Facebook post. 

Did you know that?

But I'm double pissed as of events eariier today and how that is related to my connection to you AJ in the creation to published status of this carrd.

( balanced wholeness ):

'Pissed" is a term that comes from urine and the basic human need of excrement to urinate. 

The wholeness approaching Healthcare I demand to be able to urinate this pissed off anger.

The doctor willing to commit a felony basically. Do not follow the law. 

A covid-19 pre-screening, which I had to answer yes to one of the questions. Making it an unconditional rescheduling for 2 weeks.

I related the okay I understand that and no problem acceptance through the screener to the interoffice. 

A fax already in place  several days ago .

A call to them from my mother earlier. The place on the agenda that they have to listen to me. that they have to listen to me. 

Nothing diversion of the inevitable predictability. All effort attempting to get resolved current winning resolve there is none and it is them and not me.

Dr. Gupta has the gall and the nerve and the intention to come out to the waiting door yell out my name to come into the clinic to cut my cast off.

I had to tell him if that's the agenda I have a fax and that I'm going to walk away.

The commotion in the office is a parent already. 

So once I have this cast cut off I have no further business with his doctor basically he wants to cut my cast off and throw me away. 

The agenda to which his intention is exposed is obvious. He would be willing to commit a felony in health safety codes in our pandemic emergency to have that happen rather than to have a discussion.

In that carrd, 

The evidence amounts to continued conspiracy. 

I had to reaffirm my position that we are going to follow the law. 

The doctor had to how to confess and release is standing and released me 

To release Me From his intention to call me into that office to cut my cast off and throw me out the door..

Oh that's not the end of this yet because I believe he's going to try to shift this off of the some other Clinic somewhere else and not deal with this himself. 

 I have a confirmed written on their schedule card appointment for 2 weeks from this day of thursday..... 

This is a do-or-die moment guys people listen to me what you have been told or have been thought to have been told things all the way back into school are not true 

The United States is under a condition of an Civil Society emergency up health safety codes in a doctor was willing to commit a felony to violate then to have a truth be told in the deliveries of the interface between him and I and the doctor care in the medical care. My last doctor had the same problem. That broke on March 2019. I wrote about it. I broke the restraining order shortly before the death of him. There was a release of a document on a National Institutes of Health on April 6th 2020.

Already in farming the place when all this went down that I would break the restraining order. I broke the restraining order. Confronting this matter I am right and the doctors are wrong. This is a huge conspiracy. 

Although I do not have proof that this statement is true I suspect dr. She do committed suicide on the 10th of April rather than confront this matter again with me when he is the one who broke all protocols and all the legalities a few dictionary responsibility to maintain a relationship with me in all honesty. 

He being a coward failed. Dr. Gupta is going to be a coward and fail somehow some way this is going to fail. 

And in two weeks I will be triple pissed if not one person stands to desire to vew the trutj.

To the lot of makes of mistakes are not accidents. 

a correction to the doctor side of this conflict is unconditionally demanded. 

If not. 

I'm done.

Transitioning from double pissed to tripple pissed,,

Enough is enough already..

No more no more forever more cruel no more forever more cruel.

Not a single day goes by step not one of you in my life smear has done the right thing and supported me unconditionally to stand by my side. 

So I must have to kill myself I must have to before you can do something outside of your own stupidity I have to think you all are IQ of 80 and I know better.. 

On Thu, Apr 15, 2021, 9:42 AM AJ. Of carrd dor co <

"Great! Let us know if anything else comes up."

My response to this is definitely. 

Not great not great not great..

Not us not us not us. 

Us ?




How about crashing down?


I recently put the perspective into my writing. 

This is something of rational consideration when you put together a confected understanding in this nightmare by day - outrageous -,disturbing - disoriented realism of truth.

I'm really have to question whether or not back to all of time history --  here and now --  I'm attempting to deal amd cope with something extreme -- iving a unique perspective that has never been dealt with ever before in human history. 

I can't answer this of course. 

it's impossible to answer. Maybe from a philosophy of a different culture and different language in different legal system.

That may not be true for them but it is true for us. 

That making this a unique United States or Western Civilization cultural problem rather than a global one 

Another words I can't do this anymore by myself. 

My mother is not truthfully a helpful situation. 

A dynamic till I don't want to have to describe at the moment .

I'm living in my family home. 

This family home since I was Age 5 

I'm 55 and I've traveled around from region to region in the United States of America 15 years 

I have this documented this evidence of documentation of what this is happening here.  


It really is not me it is them and are you a part of them or are you a part of us?

Us ( you collective us and I ) ?

A legal remedy, for those involved in not obeying practical sense?

I'm not sure I'm not sure I've talked to the ACLU 

I put it into perspective and even to the United Nations enable for the convention for the rights of persons with disabilities.

I'm serious people I'm serious

Trying to get a retainer and a projection of a solution through a criminal lawyer or a civil lawyer to represent my side of this?  Impossibly never. 

This is really bad people listen to me please.
October of last year I submitted a complaint in the process that is the United States Department of Justice civil rights compliance section.

I received no confirmation that my submission was received at the time. 

I took the factor that like any college in Tennessee of any kind of Technology processing for information now is that you get an instantaneous confirmation of things like this right that's the standard we're all using right right?

So I've been living a day-to-day daytime or awake time conscious time, "nightmare" started 15 years ago in my notice of it anyway. 

Over the last 15 years since June of 2005 when I registered an Internet domain, 

that is acknowledgements of the time stamp it is on a digital Information Society something here it's not quite right.

I think there are many in our society that know exactly what is happening.

A lawyer and trying to go to that process mentioned above be able to handle or would tackle this situation. 

The old operating systems a data and information processing that I'm aware of,

Back in the day there punch card IBM cards that you have to physically go over to a person and have them code out what you needed and take that the result of the card stack and put into the process manually. 

An auditing system is obviously not possible in their regard to prevent what is now malicious code or just errors in general of human imperfections. 

No certification process to the code that is being inserted into the process by way of a human carrying a code into y'all to be handled by the next process a human being carrying the code to which Saint is going to get processed. 

If I had such a degree of process right here right now I would not be in the nightmare truly a nightmare in which I see a big huge monster. 

And that would be a loving Siri I would be able to issue a complaint or a concern or anywhere in that insert of those cards into the process through which is a micro-level holt button to that process. 

In the case of current-day Life there isn't anything of such degree of a tool this includes going to law enforcement and the police.

There is no tool to stop this process. 

The pull string that is across the entire stretch of the entire train the pull string to activate the brakes emergency anybody on the train can pull. 

There's no such tool in 2021 what is happening to me individually and that work to our culture our community our society.


It's not hard to see the patterns of human intention an invention.

As a huge monster it is a weapon of mass destruction carrying a weapon of mass destruction that is killing people and it is killing me just the same and nobody cares to pull the string and stop this from happening.

The same monster we're all talking about on the news but we're not equating the monster to the underlying process that puts this monster into the behavioral effects of humans in our culture. 

Humans of this current year 2021 that we have a science called memetics that expresses an explanation scientifically for this monster that is very much real. This is not an illusion or delusion of my mind. We're not all talking about this on the news I'm just not seeing the monster the monster is real the monster has been talked about but we're not equating why there is no solution to this. 

What has happened here and continues to be processing is an artificially suspended condition. 

This rather than being a natural order of human condition of Law & Order and of generally speaking digression to humans from past and possible future

Savage life rather than civilized life. 

Please save the criticism of the basis for my conclusions of this writing that would only go to show that you know what's going on and what's a light yourself with the knowledge of culture that I know its true 

Silence or a non-responsive consideration of ghost in this conversation provides that sang deductive reasoning because that's the pattern that I have experienced so I'm taking that pattern and placing it on to this communication.

I have nothing against you. Except for that we have to find ourselves realizing this is a rational consideration rather than the concepts of persons in environment and society that are targeted individuals of gang stalking.

 Such an environment is a governmental supported mechanics of a putative function of government outside of due process against a certain set of people that I am one of them and there is no solution and there's no consulate. 

Have such as defined there is no where I can go but you try to develop from my interconnections of problem solving here in this moment in time on a site that has the possibility of creating a tool that would be in that mix that they will choose to ignore under the digital object term:

A Carrd. : 

I need to insert it into the spokes of this wheel if that's a euphemism I know where it goes I know where this card goes that will stop the flow of the disaster malfeasance that is on behalf of the doctor earlier today. 

My only legal mechanism is a a a redefinition from our assumed commons of 

The Social Contract

An illusion of one's mind that there is such a thing in the first place,

but we assume this when we are first born into this world. 

Under the doctrine of law I I currently experiencing human life under,

I have the right to consent or not to consent to anything and everything across my desk of my life.

If the would change beyond that -- that is because we here ( or I here ) live in a non-democracy - the government has failed to maintain this at least for me. It has betrayed the

AJ <>Sun, Apr 18, 2021 at 9:45 AM
To: James Driskill <>
Seems you're already verified and your sites are working?

On Sun, Apr 18, 2021 at 6:06 AM James Driskill <> wrote:

Had a message foot by me that my account needs to be verified so I can update my published URL but I'm not sure I don't see where is there is a verified message that verify account or anything please help
I have not got it to work yet
Show quoted text
If I have to I'll provide screen snapshot so give it a little tiome. 

Let me check
Hide quoted text

On Wed, Apr 14, 2021, 6:59 PM AJ <> wrote:
Hmm, sites seem to be working. Are they not coming up for you though?

On Wed, Apr 14, 2021 at 2:34 PM James Driskill <> wrote:
I have not got it to work yet

On Wed, Apr 14, 2021, 9:13 AM AJ <> wrote:
Hey! Sorry, still having trouble with this?

On Tue, Apr 13, 2021 at 7:38 PM James Driskill <> wrote:
Had a message foot by me that my account needs to be verified so I can update my published URL but I'm not sure I don't see where is there is a verified message that verify account or anything please help
Just in time dude just in time my doctor's appointments tomorrow

This is working now

On Wed, Apr 14, 2021, 6:59 PM AJ <> wrote:
Show quoted text
Tax Day 2021 below, 

AJ don't you dare ghost this.

The passing date relevancy sign of numerology confluence -

Hello?  CQ CQ CQ. - anyone listening to this communication? 

Do I have a clear and open channel?

The radio static that has been interfering and altering the messages I sent two useless junk I would suppose ?

Do we still have that interference . 

This Broadband way we exchange in our world today.

Interfering from human hands and human hearts and human eyes that have no authority to be watching from such a perspective to manipulate people's lives - touche and say is hidden. Those in this mix say touche they'll never get caught. 

I think everybody is in a Fear factor mode that won't stand up two such tyranny. 

You just have to have a little more fine-tuning. 

Information science information Theory and our human condition of natural law among other major factors to understand it all. That is who I am to you all. 

I have been exposed into this chasm of evilness.

Overtime the truth will always be revealed. 

Has the intentional static that you have generated Upon Our masses been removed?

 Gone finally?

Still holding blank face that it all hidden?

Perhaps you should take a assessments of what is actually happened.

An out-of-control elite few - thinking this is going to be something that is possible to possible to anything rectifiable to continue. 

Tried tuning in the dial a little more I have the fine tuning instruments. 

You all have lost all sensibility.

Those that you have had under your spell... The hate Collective organization that keeps people in line and you on the top of the stack it's collapsing believe me it's collapsing.

A house of cards you have built for several generations back.  I have a year estimated within a + -10 year time frame.

A coctrine of observance a maladjusted culture start the title force that is unimaginable. Let me access for sure and it has a manifesto which makes it even worse.

And still you keep quiet and in the back Ali's of hidden secret packs of agreements you still are trying to sell us a big huge bald face pack of lies.

As history unfolds from many samples of this. Those who are under your spell will become open and angry. For being deceived so badly. They may just do indeed take a dagger out and stab you right there on the spot and let you sit on your throne thinking you have it all. 

You have nothing but 

An illusion that money and greed are worthy things of human invention to exploit to all ends. Why?

Passing this carrd, 

Your tuner. 

Of reasoning pick the dial to which you actually come to play with other people's lives now has a hundredfold new resolution to finely tuned into your destiny .

The path that you are on is corrupt. That has nothing to do with monetary corruption.

The path that you're on is corrupted because you have taken yourself to think there's no God of goodness watching all of this and guiding a human being such as I am into conquering you absolutely conquering you into the hell.

To hell you will go if you don't heed my warning now and stop the bullshit. 

release the masses from this obvious attempt. 

I know the truth Dr. Gupta is not any kind of man that I see deserving of a penalty that can you put himself into 

Jeopardy just save you to protect you to keep this truth from being told 

Dr. Gupta is not a particularly bad person. But you have a spell on him and I want you to go away.

To contemplate where one person is going to turn into the unraveling the whole scheme. Just automatically it will be your undoing tell you now I know in my heart of hearts this message is coming from above into my my word of words. Give It Up. Checkmate.


CQ CQ CQ - May Day - Mayday first called on this matter May 1st 2005. Mayday mayday mayday??? Is there anybody listening to this emergency SOS SOS SOS 911 emergency?

I don't believe in coincidences.

Such things if we take a data analysis indeed calculates accuracy - and a 1979 article that one has faith understanding PK , which I obviously do . 

A matter of a finding paper at the American Psychological Association. 

In science reality a probable order somehow can be given value that is probable Beyond A Reasonable Doubt at this point 2021 on the science of God Existence or a higher intelligence presence in the universe and the evidence of Prayer intention sent into the universe from our brain effects the matter a real life beyond. 
prove order somehow beyond random occurrence I know this perhaps you know that but this is a confirmation one more time and how these ( #______LivesMatter. Has affected that dynamics of the horizons I see upon my life path. 

Tax Day

In the United States, 

Tax Day is the day on which individual income tax returns are due to be submitted to the federal government.[3] Since 1955, Tax Day has typically fallen on or just after April 15. Tax Day was first introduced in 1913, when the Sixteenth Amendment was ratified.

This is a consent under a condition of governance in the United States of America that has a controversial scheme that some people believe we never consented to such a a state system of compulsory tax. 

That the United States is committing a fraud.

I would say that majority of these people that have that belief also believe that it is capitalist wise to maintain a labor force that you don't have to pay for hourly compensation. 

This grew up in our country in the south. In the South where we had what is called slavery.

So on one hand the United States never consented to a taxation system and on the other hand that the formation of slavery allows for the exploitation a free labor to conduct valid business models of Commerce and Industry 

I'm not kidding. 

To supplement a taxation system for a slavery system to backdate what was attempted and fought over a Civil War in this country. To go back to what it was to then take away the tax system it is 

economics doesn't work that way. And social economics don't work that way and social engineering projects perhaps shouldn't work that way either but they are trying to do exactly what I'm trying to say here.

To.hold peaceful progress under what is called a social contract upon the citizens and people of our nation .

We are founded by our founding fathers under a democracy . 

A democracy in which we vote into position, because of our own interperspective life priorities do not give us the time or the energy to make it a complete thought of Our Lives . We have our own personal lives and then we have our civil society lives . It has been chosen that will be elected representatives to our best interest . 

Representatives that speak for us and our positions.

That is where we give our consent away from complete freedom to not be able to separate from our participation and the economics of our nation . We must participate participate in the mechanics of the land of the Homeland in which we are standing..

I tell you now this is my stated position.

If you disagree with this decision made in this country.,

Rather than trying to destroy this country Alex Foundation to meet your needs of exploitation

Go find a place on the planet that has no country. There's a good portion of our planet that has no authority of claims of governance you know and if a person is born in one of these areas a person is born without a country. 

Take it to start your own Foundation of ideals clearly and hard going to start a new country what do you start with how do you start a foundation of wisdom and guidance pick that will not collapse because it's a house of cards .

You have pride and what you're doing you want to do it to your best ability right ?

Instead of hating on the members of our society go start your own fucking country.

I think there should be a law somehow that the posts a person to a state of choice for such malfeasance of their citizenry Duty apartment this country as Community Duty social responsibility to such actions are so contrary to belief that they exist in this nation in the first place. 

How about this for an idea there is a computer program called SimCity it's a governmental Authority transition of time elapsed at you build a city from scratch and all of that. How about we take such a civil society education course and put it to a country level application and force the person who is contrary to our nation's structure to start their own country and under the successful dynamics of what is our science and everything that we can simulate country building not city building . A country is born and if they are successful at it destination will invest a certain dollar to your success and goodbye.  

You can go off to that area that we Annex for your special projects and we will be watching you watching you you can invite others from our country to join you if you would like such a deserving destin.

If you can build a country that adheres to the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights without the exploitation factor that you're trying to return our country to I would give you the best of all best of accomplishments of success . But it's not possible . 

Your country would corrupt itself without a system of Taxation. Let us engineer this project especially For You groups who cannot be long to this nation under its foundation and wishes destruction the ones who went to the Federal Capitol building in Washington DC on January 6th 2021 and mounted and Insurrection against this government that was very serious extremely serious much more than an infraction of thought it was what?

Because of the leader and the faults message you are a cult not a government ready to take over and you where I a cult I hate group cult and you're not going to make it any other than that from that is the definition of what happened January 6th 2021. 

A message of knowing all things happen in the order in which they are supposed to.

One of my students gives me some great advice let it happen.  

And that he gave me that advice I understood immediately. 

As a collective cumulative scoring on let it happen as it has happened and it's now time to make a reality audit to become a reality truth. 

That truth becomes a knowledgeable understanding what is happening here in a science.

A faith here set as science as we know it .

In science that is under a certain set of laws physics laws Rules of Order structure the deliverance of morals,  wisdom guidance, to be able to build a country from a foundation that is not on a house of cards an infant time there's destined to collapse, 

A doctrine of understanding that is ratified in this country as the Declaration of Independence and the original Bill of Rights of the US Constitution and then the subsequent amendments that follow up into the most ability to create a new Amendment war and Order day in Missouri to maintain the order of pace full progress 

These are religious context but they don't have to be but when we take away these guiding materials for each one of us individually on a life, we get into trouble and Reconciliation of our best conscience choices . It's not all science and it's not all God neither one of them function to not become unstable in an eventual collapse to the foundation of our individual lives and the foundation of our country.

An atheist view of science only cannot solve this and I don't believe that putting to a challenge they have been able to solve this too justifiable means that it can keep its stability without a manifestation of freedoms being lost and the decisions we made such as what is happening here I'm trying to describe overtime Krups itself of its integrity.

 Collective intelligence Collective conscience Collective social responsibility etc.

Community is human habitation of collective human conditions tbat meet our needs as individuals of what are structurally sounding strong from 1940s Maslow hierarchy of human needs .

Pretty solidly Foundation still holding some determinations that there is not a a controversy. To hold that as a foundation of Science in psychology and socio-economic dependents that we should be focused on those priorities in our overall scheme has crossed our entire nation which we're not doing. 

Can we quickly shift into a different dynamic, a paradigm shift of thought process and priorities? The answer is no.

At least not as the world is now but perhaps as the world could be if the United something about understanding instead of dismissing someone carelessly. 

On This, Apr 15, 2021, 9th:42 AM AJ. Of carrd dor co <

"Great! Let us know if anything else comes up."

My response to this is definitely. 

Not great not great not great.

Not us, not us, definitely not us. 


Don't Write Me Off

About โ€œDon't Write Me Offโ€ 

This song was written for the 2007 film Music and Lyrics. In it, songwriter Alex Fletcher (Hugh Grant) performs it live at a concert as a way of apologizing to his songwriting partner Sophie (Drew Barrymore) for the recent break in their relationship.

Inset commenting:

AJ, this email in its entirety goes out to each and every one person relationship that has suffered a breakage. Each and every one of these persons of our society made a choice of something of an illusionary factor of an outside influence of hidden view agenda. AJ I tell you right now. This is a warning. I see what you might think I am not able to see. The thing that you think is hidden is not-so-hidden. 

 I need some light to eliminate the truths and if you choose that same dark tunnel AJ...  this is going to get damn ugly before it gets better.

The time is now to choose the right way to handle this. I need to know exactly what was wrong with my account. It is not beyond any kind of purpose that my account was in a state of being tweaked somehow to a maligned value to prevent publishing. My account was verified. The status to pull it to unverified status  -i don't know . I searched your help index to find any kind of comfortable matching resolved for this already encountered there was none. I'm using your platform ( ) to conduct my tools of necessity. I updated my account so that can have more cards open I don't need hundreds because that's one of your fee levels. it. I've been publishing on this for a while. Now all the sudden I could not get it published now right just all of a sudden. I don't believe in coincidences. The message I saw which I could not repeat the process to which put it into my view is inaccurate. I hate when computers lie. A step by step by step deliverance of realism to my account status was maladjusted somehow to not allow processing to publish status. There was no error message to find a solution . It said it was published but then again it wasn't .Giving me no reason for such a condition. 

โš  Forewarning: There is absolutely nothing absolutely nothing to stop these people. 

Are you one of them or are you one of us? 

This email demands a reply. 

A silence reply of non-responsiveness, a ghosting, answers this question unconditionally.

I have an United States Department of Justice citizen complaint ID number - recently released into a confirmation copy that should have been issued in October but wasn't I'm not kidding. 

 I have nothing personal against you AJ. 

Perhaps you're not aware of what's going on and you didn't actually forensically determine what happened on my account.

Perhaps they reverse themselves in the middle of all this process ๐Ÿ’ˆ and inverted the tweak that may have incurred. 

I don't know but what I do know for sure Albany provable on LinkedIn and the establishment record there that my account has been suspended - a third time.

I'm not begging and clean to get my account back again . I'm not going to suffer knowing who's on what side on that platform .

I have my data on my posting on my own property the whole thing is ugly ๐Ÿ’ฉ the flies are flying everywhere in the version of that if smells stench yuck rancid and nasty.


Also on record is the Adam4Adam Zendedk. Customer service interface documented as being an accurately abusive. The Integrity to which some guys at the content moderator at zendesk ut had seemed to straighten itself out. 

But not really fully - an interference I captured again with communications I had with my own roommate. 


no no no we're not playing no games. 

My interfaces on all social media and now into a particular project delivery service is not reliable to not be corruptible until this is fixed.

I do not accept the conditions that are before me that I know there's something fishy going on here. 

At any one stage of this, I can't blame a person or service on first encounter troubleshooting. Without a more involved account of things on your side AJ I can't prove anything but I have suspicion . 've forewarned you. I don't have that luxury with you guys so I'm taking a quick solution in this to a face value - trusting that I seriously have needs here to external security relevance and I have paid service account fees on track here.

 Pardon the assignment and identity and adjusted attitude in the circumstances that actually apply that is presented here.

Take it personally and then not personally.  Receive this presentation position both ways.

 Respond accordingly please. 

I can't even believe that TruthFinder has betrayed me. But I'm at a 85% more truthful.assurance of my documented record, to my own evaluation that they have. And to all the actors involved, your insurance umbrella coverage does not cover these kind of acts as errors and omissions.

 That was a long time ago long long long time ago expired excuse as any good played activity.

A collective accumulative understanding of my documented record. 

I spent a lot of money over the years is a paid TruthFinder member, 

 I may have to find a replacement service and this email will be used to introduce such service to my delivery of care for sure. 

Yeah that's my next call coming up here in the morning.

To address why I have a suspension of my account.

I can't log in. I couldn't login for a while it didn't have a message. Now it's saying I don't I have to call membership services to reactivate my account okay another one of those tweaky suspiciousness services. I know what I know and don't tell me what I know before you get to know the whole story.

My comments from Member comments are not being applied to background check reports I've Associated persons that I needed to make a record of these events external of my own website documentation I had it at one time and then it was taken away from me without explanation.


 I'm not breaking any rules or if I am breaking rules The rules need to be broken.

Knowing unilateral decisions without any messaging explanation - and several attempts to bring a perspective to their customer service helpline with confirmation replies to email ( again, this email should generate one more )  and still no response. 

A matter that they have no response is conclusive enough evidence they have betrayed their relationship with me.

Without an intervention of a conversation goes to prove their allegiance to what they considered hidden activity is actually forensically provable to  be available.  A digital data record -- footprints -- of suspiciousness abnormal processing-- and it's not hidden. 

Once again my question to you AJ,

What exactly was wrong with my account?

CC: TruthFinder. you may want to get your shit together and actually respond to me as well immediately


Don't Write Me Off 


It's never been easy for me
To find words to go along with a melody

But this time there's actually something on my mind
So please forgive these few brief awkward lines
Since I met you my whole life has changed
It's not just my furniture you've re-arranged
I was living in the past
But somehow you've brought me back
And I haven't felt like this since before Frankie said "relax"
And now I know based on my track record
I might not seem like the safest bet
All I'm asking you is
Don't write me off just yet

For years I've been telling myself the same old story
That I'm happy to live off my so called former glories
But you've given me a reason
To take another chance
Now I need you despite the fact
That you've killed all my plants
And now I know
I've already blown more chances
Than anyone should ever get
All I'm asking you is
Don't write me off just yet
Don't write me off just yet

On This, Apr 15, 2021, 9th:42 AM AJ. Of carrd dor co <

"Great! Let us know if anything else comes up."

My response to this is definitely. 

Not great not great not great.

Not us, not us, definitely not us. 

As AJ is crossing into my space of

The definition and meaning of great has addendum and practical re definitions for our sensibilities.

The understanding of a collective - "us" has new definition and meaning as an addendum for practical reasons. 

As this is an informational technology network considered a trust-building and trust binding network.

I'm establishing that I have a trust ladder mechanism of concept that is practical to see and to utilize our mind whether or not the digital tool is there for it to be an automated process; something to reach for the Internet of Things.

It does not have to be a coded tool of digital processing development to maintain that it is a real thing. It does not have to be developed for our minds to put into perspective the need for such a thing.

There was once humans on this planet that had no understanding of what fire was.

To them fire was a big monster I'm sure.

One that would start by some sort of Godly Anger - Wrath - thier need to make the connection that lightning starts fire .

Way out in the distance to and now we have a forest fire and they're going to die.

They are being punished by a monster, a fire started by the god of the sky and they're going to die and they deserve to die for they must have done something wrong they must have done something wrong to deserve such cruelty.

My mother's handle from history is 

"Fire Dancer".

Now that's skip forward back into current day of 2021. 

My name is James Martin Driskill and my public digital footprint is extreme long-standing from back all the way to 1986.  

That's 3 years after I graduated in 1983 San Bernardino High School. 

My mom being graduated from San Bernardino High School.

My father being graduated from San Bernardino High School.

My brother not graduated from San Bernardino High School.

My uncle my mom's brother graduated from San Bernardino High School. 

The location of San Bernardino High School is three or four blocks away from the original standing McDonald's. There is a museum there. 

Furthermore the standing most closest operating McDonald's that is currently here today. 

My mom used to work for them while I was at Arrowview Junior High across the street.

My mom used to work for McDonald's the closest McDonald's to the original McDonald's.

I say this only to bring a little bit of history here. 

My mother also to her degree of employment merritt work for the International. 

Campus Crusade for Christ organization. 

She was employed as the receptionist that handled the international calls to be transferred to their division of organization.

She was the one responsible to handle the communications in an international focus  of the Campus Crusade for Christ. 

Once was headquartered here in San Bernardino with definite celebrity Hollywood ties to the hotel that is up the hill at the Arrowhead Hot Springs .

What has happened is an injustice highest order offense to this family. 

Considering, I have no voice to communicate. 

Me, James Martin Driskill. 

The one that is established here in this connection with you,


Something of crafted creations here I'm holding against us.

Yeah, against us not in support of us.

I'm standing against the wall of an informational quarantine that has no real space atoms and molecules of real estate property. 

The physical presence of a wall it definitely is a wall. 

A huge wall, if you just consider it stationary. 

But it's not stationary.

It's animated.

Not only is it an animated wall, but it has presents that is destructive.

It's animated to destroy people including me. 

. And 

As impractical as it may seem to listen to me, 

A forevermore cruelty is happening and a forevermore dunce defines the imprisonment that i am encapsulated in.

An informational quarantine.

I demand each and every one of my internet connections of my life and connections of interpersonal relationships to be able to see the wall and the activity of a monster creation that is being ignored.

I.demand an adjustment to be instantaneously.accepted so you can see the same reality I see.

I give no consent to any one and every human being that crosses my mind into my life space that has their ability to choose to ignore me..

An intention on my behalf to create a disturbance force by words alone, no matter how offensive or insulted you may temporarily be,

That such ignorance is unsatisfactory to hold against me especially under an intentional design.

it's irrationality of the human conditions between us, forced to my own devices, I would rather die first then to submit to such dastardly conclusions of an eventual predictability. ( ๐Ÿ”ฎ).

I demand some intelligence over intentional ignorance to release your hold.  

YOu HOLD ON TO something so severely wrong you can't even see how bad this is and to switch and change your focus!!

An unsatisfactorily service delivery as a role that you are employed and pay for .

I am your customer. 

And as in any practical business management standard, I demand that the customer is always right.

In this case at least. 

I demand address to even form scold and reprimand that you cannot ignore. To remain their in ignorance is an unsatisfactory score. Grade F #Fail

I demand you individually and as a collective that you see the reality that I see which is real and rationally made here. 

For those who are in civil society of a public service of my needs in the same role of interfaces into my life, 

I demand you address this or be replaced immediately by order of our United States President.

Or ?   What you say ? 

For sometime in the future it will be told -- whether or not I am still living --

I waz here.

i told you so.

The pain and human condition of such then delivered future human existence of mass suffering that perhaps you could have avoided that path of future time anti-humanity habitation existence. 

For now - this day.-- 

Barbra Streisand exclaims and decries in music track titled "Don't Lie.To Me' from album "Walls",

"Where is the new horizon?"

You will then have lost - your lost and humanities lost.

You are then feeling.

 The wrath of God I suppose.

I'll be in heaven.

Will you step up and join me and our ability to conquer this problem or will you continue to dismiss me push me away and disable me?

Furthermore depreciating my life disability while this matter continues to escalate.

It is already a matter imperative of paramount understanding,

Community wellness.

That would be in the mental health societal health, your health, my health, are being impacted here.

This unquestionably linked..

I don't write these words to be ignored and I don't write these words carelessly.

This is a matter of 

National Security.

Everything within this presentation I can prove it.

The lightning to strike the fire.

The fire already burning has been burning for years and nobody is smelling the smoke and making the confection.

Well one thing is the result of another. 

Calm down calm down calm down I keep getting advice from my mother calm down calm down calm down how can I come down and calm down from such outrageous behaviors?

The fire is coming the fire is coming cuz you see the fire is burning is coming. The fire is here and she wants me to calm down calm my anger in all of this - I call fault so ridiculous.

How can she even claim to be my mother?

I described this monster and she is allowing the monster to not only kill me but to kill her.

to believe it or not

I have explained to her to my satisfaction she understands what it is I described as this monster.

I'm in trouble with my own disability. A society affect of prejudice and disenfranchised empowerment as a person living in disability where mental illness diagnoses are complicating matters. 

My informational society interfaces in all ways crafted intermixed my very own intellectual properties stored on my internet domains are being utilized and no impact is not possible. 

A network of trueness that you all just choose to ignore.

How impractical this is.

An informational Theory that is true whether or not anybody sees me in the universe or not.

I exist!!

I repeat my statement here.

Requoting  AJ, from Carrd dot Co spelled.out as

A j @ c a r r d dot c o

The technical assistance customer service support for a online digital presence layout and design presentation creator which holds "published status" ( a very needed understanding of what this is ) under a shortcut URL process I am holding it's definition.

Actually several of these. They have different level of featured support paid I just need a few of these. 

But in terms of support hundreds of these are being developed in a particular model for particular needs for those out there that have more Financial Resources to this business model to ensure is profitable for sure. 

A concept of a card here - holding the ability to perhaps intervention in publishing. 

The understanding that we are living life that is more than publishing. 

But as this particular argument goes in a news paper printing process where actual paper is being printed upon Earth, where basically anybody in the whole facility was given the ability to say this or yellow out or command such

"Stop the Presses"

For whatever reason is the reason. 

The paper copies that have been put into existence cannot be used.

For the reputation of the paper no matter what it was cannot issue that release.

It was the Integrity of the information and the stopping the presses and what such release of public information in the name collective, of damages beyond out of this control is an intrinsic value to understand.

one meme to meme to meme sharing into public deliverance is the linking memetics known for a long long time. A ong long time . A long long time .

An equation that memes have nothing to do with technology or the internet. 

Even if that science has not defined yet it's a matter of understanding its relevance and reality is important to consider at all times especially in a newsprint operation 

Abled by giving confer granted  authority as a matter of fact as being a collective team ,  a collective responsibility is being placed into the introduction of training for each and every employee of such an organization

Anybody from the organization could demand : given that Authority. 
Even the janitor picking up a copy reading something the first time..

Come back?

from a janitor who just got the copy the First Time new the accuracy and could know the damage future yes they are committed to the resolve of what they are reading is so damaging . 

hold stop the presses and the stop the presses morally.

This has a moral presence people in all of our society.

This has been such for a long time.

A need to command the destruction of what was already done no matter how much it cost and to start all over again with the accuracy of best authentic of truth verified.

Nobody needs to know the mistake that was about to unfold okay but stop the presses start over and we will work to the highest degree of intelligence our ability as a collective team to get the job done .

 We will work to the highest best work we can only do our best in the end of the hour of we can get it right.  

In all human possibility of what is effort humanly possible , to get it right the first time nd never have to retract such damages after the fact. 

For the cause and effect into our society is a tidal wave force in newsprint. You can't have collateral damage for just being lazy. Or to save money and the bottom line. 

That is a fact people. 

and if we can't publish we can't publish there will be no paper.

Because the Integrity of the information is that damn important. 

A notary public is a part of that process is outside of a newsprint and directly related to instruments a business transactions upon people..

By the way did I tell you,

I happen to have a former notary public commission from 1999. 

And such a standard remains.

I'm sure and most newsprint papers today remains the standard of integrity.

I am no longer a notary public to notarize documents. 

I've transitioned that roll into an informational Network.


 nobody can consider this true..

We have lost our ability 

To hold such a regard for this kind of Integrity across everything we do . 

Into our everyday lives.

I can show you. I can map it all out. But why bother you haven't even met me yet this letter is trashed it's in the garbage already and you're not red ignore dismiss go away - go fuck off and die digital - bit bucket. 

I demand it ( the problem ) the master maladjusted manipulatively enabled, a true sense intention rather than an accidental imperfection problem.

Which is at the highest end of understanding.

 ( confected ),

A monster problem that monster is active and alive in real living tissues bio-matter.

We have to fight a monster with another monster the monster of intelligence the monster of Integrity the monster of honesty and the monster of our reputation.

The highest thing is the monster of our most precious concern.

The monster of our authenticity.

Artificial intelligence is going to win over us and them.

The highest-end of monster problem,

The one that human intelligence can and shall be able to overcome. 

Before we submit abscess species true are Jeopardy liability and vulnerability here to the monster that we have generated in The Sound of Silence that needs to be disturbed . 

For without this disturbance the problem of this monster will become and over reach that Humanity will never be able to come back from walking over a cliff of foolishness.

That last step.

Definitely within my perspective we are reaching all things element unwise to hold onto a power trip ego time that does not make any sense ability of reasoning or rationalization to remain unchanged. 

To keep this silence.

Is ungodly and Unholy. 

Against God's truth. 

Against all greater non religious doctrines of guidance of common sense everywhere.

There is a reach to the best of our angels, the best of our excellence that you say you have ( proclamation ) but can't claim you hold true people together to have a simple exchange of understanding the Deliverance of this demand into your perspective of reality you intentionally are blocking reality here respective to claim non responsibility. 

You can't claim that - I've never been so far I'm not found one person in the universe that does not attempt this breakage.

When the truth is being obscured from something so bad you can't be scolded to different language standards to discuss matters honestly.

All rational delivered truth something so bad so bad so bad on your parts to not be able to have a discussion.

That is not me nor my moral responsibility to.have to be subject to a forever cruel mental abuse to deny me my inalienable right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. 

It is not me me personally that has made you fearful and afraid. 

For I represent the truth. So in proxy you attack me - call / are you are killing the messenger another words. 

What you are actually afraid of is the truth. 

That my dearest is your responsibility to adjust yourself upon this ( #reckoning ).

As Mark Twain once wrote and it is a highly applicable,

"The Truth Hurts but Silence Kills"

I demand Deliverance. 

Both in a public expression of messaging.

And in the way I demand 

I demand You released from this evil creation of an artificially suspended intentional creation. 

Two weeks from today, 

I would probably claim it to be rationally concluded there is already been passed over the horizon shadow.

A song title of mine - US Copyright

Again the theme, 

For now - this day.-- 

Barbra Streisand exclaims and decries in her music track titled "Don't Lie.To Me' from album "Walls",

"Where is the new horizon?"

You will not then have any defense to havd ignored me to complete oblivion. (๐Ÿ’ฃ).

I have no practical reason to live with that conclusion delivered in two weeks under triple pissed considered warnings.


I know we have the intelligence to overcome this obstacle.

This wall and animated monster which is not even a real thing in the real world but only an equation of memetic imprint on to our collective sea of humanity. 

The Noosphere,

As we are living on this planet Earth .

Perhaps also injected into other brains of other living creatures. ( noosphere )

The science of biology of all living things, brain matter is brain matter.

You will find this is the truth.

There is subsequently no difference between the brain matter of every single brain as is operating functioning these mysteries in all living beings. 

God created our brain as a human species and all of life on planet Earth the same.

The states of brain matter all equal,  the irrationality of the matter that you hold onto something you can't hold on anymore. 

Something of artificial intelligence and automated processing and all of this stuff changes that dimension.

When all human brains are the same of the same possibility of the same rights no matter who what where why and what  birthed them - each human into existence. 

That being from all past time into present time into all-time future history.



I demand to be heard about this matter and I demand that a collected adaptive solution be considered imperative  important for all of humanity to survive this transition of the quickening. 

This is not rocket science people. 

It is a science but it is not rocket science. 

As a science it is conceptually our need to make information into knowledge in this regard.

Have I got your attention?

@Gruwup 2021

Great Reasons ( Not! ) Us Will Unite Peace,.

Nothing personal AJ.

Something you are not seeing and I demand that you see it for your own definition of how your digital object could be used to fix this.

Under the term as being a card.

A digital object that has no processing intervention. 

But could be.

If only had an intervention of creativity of a practical solution that I can show you that can hold us to a better tomorrow than the one we are living. 

For the one we are living, I would rather die first and I will die first before you all get your shit together and do something right for a change.

Every aspect of civil society will fail me. 

it already has.

"I have no hope" one of my friends said.

I have hope, but I don't have any hope that you all can get it instantaneously. Instantly is the urgency of a 911 emergency. 

I am pissed.

"pissed" is one of the emotional values that you can set to a Facebook post. 

Did you know that?

But I'm double pissed as of events eariier today and how that is related to my connection to you AJ in the creation to published status of this carrd.

( balanced wholeness ):

'Pissed" is a term that comes from urine and the basic human need of excrement to urinate. 

The wholeness approaching Healthcare I demand to be able to urinate this pissed off anger.

The doctor willing to commit a felony basically. Do not follow the law. 

A covid-19 pre-screening, which I had to answer yes to one of the questions. Making it an unconditional rescheduling for 2 weeks.

I related the okay I understand that and no problem acceptance through the screener to the interoffice. 

A fax already in place  several days ago .

A call to them from my mother earlier. The place on the agenda that they have to listen to me. that they have to listen to me. 

Nothing diversion of the inevitable predictability. All effort attempting to get resolved current winning resolve there is none and it is them and not me.

Dr. Gupta has the gall and the nerve and the intention to come out to the waiting door yell out my name to come into the clinic to cut my cast off.

I had to tell him if that's the agenda I have a fax and that I'm going to walk away.

The commotion in the office is a parent already. 

So once I have this cast cut off I have no further business with his doctor basically he wants to cut my cast off and throw me away. 

The agenda to which his intention is exposed is obvious. He would be willing to commit a felony in health safety codes in our pandemic emergency to have that happen rather than to have a discussion.

In that carrd, 

The evidence amounts to continued conspiracy. 

I had to reaffirm my position that we are going to follow the law. 

The doctor had to how to confess and release is standing and released me 

To release Me From his intention to call me into that office to cut my cast off and throw me out the door..

Oh that's not the end of this yet because I believe he's going to try to shift this off of the some other Clinic somewhere else and not deal with this himself. 

 I have a confirmed written on their schedule card appointment for 2 weeks from this day of thursday..... 

This is a do-or-die moment guys people listen to me what you have been told or have been thought to have been told things all the way back into school are not true 

The United States is under a condition of an Civil Society emergency up health safety codes in a doctor was willing to commit a felony to violate then to have a truth be told in the deliveries of the interface between him and I and the doctor care in the medical care. My last doctor had the same problem. That broke on March 2019. I wrote about it. I broke the restraining order shortly before the death of him. There was a release of a document on a National Institutes of Health on April 6th 2020.

Already in farming the place when all this went down that I would break the restraining order. I broke the restraining order. Confronting this matter I am right and the doctors are wrong. This is a huge conspiracy. 

Although I do not have proof that this statement is true I suspect dr. She do committed suicide on the 10th of April rather than confront this matter again with me when he is the one who broke all protocols and all the legalities a few dictionary responsibility to maintain a relationship with me in all honesty. 

He being a coward failed. Dr. Gupta is going to be a coward and fail somehow some way this is going to fail. 

And in two weeks I will be triple pissed if not one person stands to desire to vew the trutj.

To the lot of makes of mistakes are not accidents. 

a correction to the doctor side of this conflict is unconditionally demanded. 

If not. 

I'm done.

Transitioning from double pissed to tripple pissed,,

Enough is enough already..

No more no more forever more cruel no more forever more cruel.

Not a single day goes by step not one of you in my life smear has done the right thing and supported me unconditionally to stand by my side. 

So I must have to kill myself I must have to before you can do something outside of your own stupidity I have to think you all are IQ of 80 and I know better.. 

On Thu, Apr 15, 2021, 9:42 AM AJ. Of carrd dor co <

"Great! Let us know if anything else comes up."

My response to this is definitely. 

Not great not great not great..

Not us not us not us. 

Us ?




How about crashing down?


I recently put the perspective into my writing. 

This is something of rational consideration when you put together a confected understanding in this nightmare by day - outrageous -,disturbing - disoriented realism of truth.

I'm really have to question whether or not back to all of time history --  here and now --  I'm attempting to deal amd cope with something extreme -- iving a unique perspective that has never been dealt with ever before in human history. 

I can't answer this of course. 

it's impossible to answer. Maybe from a philosophy of a different culture and different language in different legal system.

That may not be true for them but it is true for us. 

That making this a unique United States or Western Civilization cultural problem rather than a global one 

Another words I can't do this anymore by myself. 

My mother is not truthfully a helpful situation. 

A dynamic till I don't want to have to describe at the moment .

I'm living in my family home. 

This family home since I was Age 5 

I'm 55 and I've traveled around from region to region in the United States of America 15 years 

I have this documented this evidence of documentation of what this is happening here.  


It really is not me it is them and are you a part of them or are you a part of us?

Us ( you collective us and I ) ?

A legal remedy, for those involved in not obeying practical sense?

I'm not sure I'm not sure I've talked to the ACLU 

I put it into perspective and even to the United Nations enable for the convention for the rights of persons with disabilities.

I'm serious people I'm serious

Trying to get a retainer and a projection of a solution through a criminal lawyer or a civil lawyer to represent my side of this?  Impossibly never. 

This is really bad people listen to me please.
October of last year I submitted a complaint in the process that is the United States Department of Justice civil rights compliance section.

I received no confirmation that my submission was received at the time. 

I took the factor that like any college in Tennessee of any kind of Technology processing for information now is that you get an instantaneous confirmation of things like this right that's the standard we're all using right right?

So I've been living a day-to-day daytime or awake time conscious time, "nightmare" started 15 years ago in my notice of it anyway. 

Over the last 15 years since June of 2005 when I registered an Internet domain, 

that is acknowledgements of the time stamp it is on a digital Information Society something here it's not quite right.

I think there are many in our society that know exactly what is happening.

A lawyer and trying to go to that process mentioned above be able to handle or would tackle this situation. 

The old operating systems a data and information processing that I'm aware of,

Back in the day there punch card IBM cards that you have to physically go over to a person and have them code out what you needed and take that the result of the card stack and put into the process manually. 

An auditing system is obviously not possible in their regard to prevent what is now malicious code or just errors in general of human imperfections. 

No certification process to the code that is being inserted into the process by way of a human carrying a code into y'all to be handled by the next process a human being carrying the code to which Saint is going to get processed. 

If I had such a degree of process right here right now I would not be in the nightmare truly a nightmare in which I see a big huge monster. 

And that would be a loving Siri I would be able to issue a complaint or a concern or anywhere in that insert of those cards into the process through which is a micro-level holt button to that process. 

In the case of current-day Life there isn't anything of such degree of a tool this includes going to law enforcement and the police.

There is no tool to stop this process. 

The pull string that is across the entire stretch of the entire train the pull string to activate the brakes emergency anybody on the train can pull. 

There's no such tool in 2021 what is happening to me individually and that work to our culture our community our society.


It's not hard to see the patterns of human intention an invention.

As a huge monster it is a weapon of mass destruction carrying a weapon of mass destruction that is killing people and it is killing me just the same and nobody cares to pull the string and stop this from happening.

The same monster we're all talking about on the news but we're not equating the monster to the underlying process that puts this monster into the behavioral effects of humans in our culture. 

Humans of this current year 2021 that we have a science called memetics that expresses an explanation scientifically for this monster that is very much real. This is not an illusion or delusion of my mind. We're not all talking about this on the news I'm just not seeing the monster the monster is real the monster has been talked about but we're not equating why there is no solution to this. 

What has happened here and continues to be processing is an artificially suspended condition. 

This rather than being a natural order of human condition of Law & Order and of generally speaking digression to humans from past and possible future

Savage life rather than civilized life. 

Please save the criticism of the basis for my conclusions of this writing that would only go to show that you know what's going on and what's a light yourself with the knowledge of culture that I know its true 

Silence or a non-responsive consideration of ghost in this conversation provides that sang deductive reasoning because that's the pattern that I have experienced so I'm taking that pattern and placing it on to this communication.

I have nothing against you. Except for that we have to find ourselves realizing this is a rational consideration rather than the concepts of persons in environment and society that are targeted individuals of gang stalking.

 Such an environment is a governmental supported mechanics of a putative function of government outside of due process against a certain set of people that I am one of them and there is no solution and there's no consulate. 

Have such as defined there is no where I can go but you try to develop from my interconnections of problem solving here in this moment in time on a site that has the possibility of creating a tool that would be in that mix that they will choose to ignore under the digital object term:

A Carrd. : 

I need to insert it into the spokes of this wheel if that's a euphemism I know where it goes I know where this card goes that will stop the flow of the disaster malfeasance that is on behalf of the doctor earlier today. 

My only legal mechanism is a a a redefinition from our assumed commons of 

The Social Contract

An illusion of one's mind that there is such a thing in the first place,

but we assume this when we are first born into this world. 

Under the doctrine of law I I currently experiencing human life under,

I have the right to consent or not to consent to anything and everything across my desk of my life.

If the would change beyond that -- that is because we here ( or I here ) live in a non-democracy - the government has failed to maintain this at least for me. It has betrayed the
#### correction - brain matter the same.. I was trying to refer to the noosphere. 

Brain matter across species are different.

 The fix it it's the noosphere that's the commonality as they looked at it now lost lost my train of thought. 


Not only humans have brains, of course. Almost all animals have a nervous system of some kind (only sponges do not). The brains of different animals are different in some ways but similar in many other ways.


Animated monster I said in the the minds of Bio matter of the brain ever in this is right now I'm too tired to Defiance definition and I know it so I'll fix it.



In the theory of Vernadsky, the noosphere is the third in a succession of phases of development of the Earth, after the geosphere (inanimate matter) and the biosphere (biological life). Just as the emergence of life fundamentally transformed the geosphere, the emergence of human cognition fundamentally transforms the biosphere. In contrast to the conceptions of the Gaia theorists, or the promoters of cyberspace, Vernadsky's noosphere emerges at the point where humankind, through the mastery of nuclear processes, begins to create resources through the transmutation of elements. It is also currently being researched as part of the Global Consciousness Project.[20]

Teilhard perceived a directionality in evolution along an axis of increasing Complexity/Consciousness. For Teilhard, the noosphere is the sphere of thought encircling the earth that has emerged through evolution as a consequence of this growth in complexity/consciousness. The noosphere is therefore as much part of nature as the barysphere, lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere, and biosphere. As a result, Teilhard sees the "social phenomenon [as] the culmination of and not the attenuation of the biological phenomenon."[21] These social phenomena are part of the noosphere and include, for example, legal, educational, religious, research, industrial and technological systems. In this sense, the noosphere emerges through and is constituted by the interaction of human minds. The noosphere thus grows in step with the organization of the human mass in relation to itself as it populates the earth. Teilhard argued the noosphere evolves towards ever greater personalisation, individuation and unification of its elements. He saw the Christian notion of love as being the principal driver of "noogenesis", the evolution of mind. Evolution would culminate in the Omega Pointโ€”an apex of thought/consciousnessโ€”whiuch he identified with the eschatological return of Christ



 the interaction of human minds. 

And we have something of creation here that is an artificially suspended mechanic. It does not exist in natural law and only exist because we have digital processing indented that digital processing we have our interaction online and then they are merged on with the interactions that are offline between people and all of this makes it animated and it's animated

It is a wall animated I'm a monster huge monster because we're not processing artminds with the interconnection between our technology properly

It is created a factor that we are also not observing the law on how to control an element called gang stalking for the law the natural law and the real law are counteracting each other and again creating a monster. 

Now how I just simply describe that in that line that I wrote earlier I don't know but I'm issuing a statement this is confusing when I'm tired I am tired of writing I want to die I really want to die and if this is not corrected in two weeks I will probably die I don't want to live here anymore on this planet when you all can't get it I have to assume you all are atiq right before you will talk to me

I can't say it many more times than a thousand more probably before I'm ready to actually expire my life f*

Fuck you all haters.

You all have pushed me away and sealed an envelope on my mouth as far as your brain is concerned and that is unintelligible I've never done anything and I'm not getting any b******* out in the world and I know but I'm wrong or a something's wrong with what I said when I was in the composing and at 3 in the morningm

Can you have 10 points ideas my creation you have damned it judged it and condemned it just because it's so extreme right luck you all haters why don't you have a conversation in the discussion with me instead of trying to attack my life to a point of Destruction why don't you have a conversation and be a man and stand and a courageous lion instead of a coward coward admit when I'm wrong and I was wrong in this case only because of tiredness I'm at my last run a list I have not ever written anything so bad to construction of truth and you all know it and if you claim I'm not a dangerous to society creation know I'm a dangerous to corrupted Society creation go to a different place on this planet head start your own country.

Leave this country to its founding fathers attempt to form a more perfect union than we have intelligence working in our society okay that would be intelligence over hate 

Get you and your friends a part of your hate culture out of this country or become decent people and get your head out of your asses okay.

by the way Truth finder did not confirm my email this time you pigs.

I've had it all I've looked it all up James Reyes projects in that all of the nonsense I'm standing on my websites without any complaints since 2005 nothing I have written is dangerous to our society and it is dangerous for you to claim such under the table and attack me and annihilate Me by gang stalking f*** you all haters

Stop the presses did I come up with a real thing for a not so real thing I know I wasn't sure it doesn't matter what I was trying to do was protect and idealism of course and we can in a first-hand story all of this is writing here that I can't concentrate on I'm having difficulty concentrating my mind is mechanically this functioning because of the stress involved that the police won't go doctors won't go into the Galaxy help me so when I look up what it is not too bad Times article I have I don't care The Story costumes. Or otherwise I might as well die because I don't feel like I'm living like this people I really don't I want to die.

 Z you all have disgraced the entire concept of an answer Nets upon me

Hide quoted text

On Sat, Apr 17, 2021, 1:11 AM James Driskill <> wrote:
Tax Day 2021 below, 

AJ don't you dare ghost this.

The passing date relevancy sign of numerology confluence -

Hello?  CQ CQ CQ. - anyone listening to this communication? 

Do I have a clear and open channel?

The radio static that has been interfering and altering the messages I sent two useless junk I would suppose ?

Do we still have that interference . 

This Broadband way we exchange in our world today.

Interfering from human hands and human hearts and human eyes that have no authority to be watching from such a perspective to manipulate people's lives - touche and say is hidden. Those in this mix say touche they'll never get caught. 

I think everybody is in a Fear factor mode that won't stand up two such tyranny. 

You just have to have a little more fine-tuning. 

Information science information Theory and our human condition of natural law among other major factors to understand it all. That is who I am to you all. 

I have been exposed into this chasm of evilness.

Overtime the truth will always be revealed. 

Has the intentional static that you have generated Upon Our masses been removed?

 Gone finally?

Still holding blank face that it all hidden?

Perhaps you should take a assessments of what is actually happened.

An out-of-control elite few - thinking this is going to be something that is possible to possible to anything rectifiable to continue. 

Tried tuning in the dial a little more I have the fine tuning instruments. 

You all have lost all sensibility.

Those that you have had under your spell... The hate Collective organization that keeps people in line and you on the top of the stack it's collapsing believe me it's collapsing.

A house of cards you have built for several generations back.  I have a year estimated within a + -10 year time frame.

A coctrine of observance a maladjusted culture start the title force that is unimaginable. Let me access for sure and it has a manifesto which makes it even worse.

And still you keep quiet and in the back Ali's of hidden secret packs of agreements you still are trying to sell us a big huge bald face pack of lies.

As history unfolds from many samples of this. Those who are under your spell will become open and angry. For being deceived so badly. They may just do indeed take a dagger out and stab you right there on the spot and let you sit on your throne thinking you have it all. 

You have nothing but 

An illusion that money and greed are worthy things of human invention to exploit to all ends. Why?

Passing this carrd, 

Your tuner. 

Of reasoning pick the dial to which you actually come to play with other people's lives now has a hundredfold new resolution to finely tuned into your destiny .

The path that you are on is corrupt. That has nothing to do with monetary corruption.

The path that you're on is corrupted because you have taken yourself to think there's no God of goodness watching all of this and guiding a human being such as I am into conquering you absolutely conquering you into the hell.

To hell you will go if you don't heed my warning now and stop the bullshit. 

release the masses from this obvious attempt. 

I know the truth Dr. Gupta is not any kind of man that I see deserving of a penalty that can you put himself into 

Jeopardy just save you to protect you to keep this truth from being told 

Dr. Gupta is not a particularly bad person. But you have a spell on him and I want you to go away.

To contemplate where one person is going to turn into the unraveling the whole scheme. Just automatically it will be your undoing tell you now I know in my heart of hearts this message is coming from above into my my word of words. Give It Up. Checkmate.


CQ CQ CQ - May Day - Mayday first called on this matter May 1st 2005. Mayday mayday mayday??? Is there anybody listening to this emergency SOS SOS SOS 911 emergency?

I don't believe in coincidences.

Such things if we take a data analysis indeed calculates accuracy - and a 1979 article that one has faith understanding PK , which I obviously do . 

A matter of a finding paper at the American Psychological Association. 

In science reality a probable order somehow can be given value that is probable Beyond A Reasonable Doubt at this point 2021 on the science of God Existence or a higher intelligence presence in the universe and the evidence of Prayer intention sent into the universe from our brain effects the matter a real life beyond. 
prove order somehow beyond random occurrence I know this perhaps you know that but this is a confirmation one more time and how these ( #______LivesMatter. Has affected that dynamics of the horizons I see upon my life path. 

Tax Day

In the United States, 

Tax Day is the day on which individual income tax returns are due to be submitted to the federal government.[3] Since 1955, Tax Day has typically fallen on or just after April 15. Tax Day was first introduced in 1913, when the Sixteenth Amendment was ratified.

This is a consent under a condition of governance in the United States of America that has a controversial scheme that some people believe we never consented to such a a state system of compulsory tax. 

That the United States is committing a fraud.

I would say that majority of these people that have that belief also believe that it is capitalist wise to maintain a labor force that you don't have to pay for hourly compensation. 

This grew up in our country in the south. In the South where we had what is called slavery.

So on one hand the United States never consented to a taxation system and on the other hand that the formation of slavery allows for the exploitation a free labor to conduct valid business models of Commerce and Industry 

I'm not kidding. 

To supplement a taxation system for a slavery system to backdate what was attempted and fought over a Civil War in this country. To go back to what it was to then take away the tax system it is 

economics doesn't work that way. And social economics don't work that way and social engineering projects perhaps shouldn't work that way either but they are trying to do exactly what I'm trying to say here.

To.hold peaceful progress under what is called a social contract upon the citizens and people of our nation .

We are founded by our founding fathers under a democracy . 

A democracy in which we vote into position, because of our own interperspective life priorities do not give us the time or the energy to make it a complete thought of Our Lives . We have our own personal lives and then we have our civil society lives . It has been chosen that will be elected representatives to our best interest . 

Representatives that speak for us and our positions.

That is where we give our consent away from complete freedom to not be able to separate from our participation and the economics of our nation . We must participate participate in the mechanics of the land of the Homeland in which we are standing..

I tell you now this is my stated position.

If you disagree with this decision made in this country.,

Rather than trying to destroy this country Alex Foundation to meet your needs of exploitation

Go find a place on the planet that has no country. There's a good portion of our planet that has no authority of claims of governance you know and if a person is born in one of these areas a person is born without a country. 

Take it to start your own Foundation of ideals clearly and hard going to start a new country what do you start with how do you start a foundation of wisdom and guidance pick that will not collapse because it's a house of cards .

You have pride and what you're doing you want to do it to your best ability right ?

Instead of hating on the members of our society go start your own fucking country.

I think there should be a law somehow that the posts a person to a state of choice for such malfeasance of their citizenry Duty apartment this country as Community Duty social responsibility to such actions are so contrary to belief that they exist in this nation in the first place. 

How about this for an idea there is a computer program called SimCity it's a governmental Authority transition of time elapsed at you build a city from scratch and all of that. How about we take such a civil society education course and put it to a country level application and force the person who is contrary to our nation's structure to start their own country and under the successful dynamics of what is our science and everything that we can simulate country building not city building . A country is born and if they are successful at it destination will invest a certain dollar to your success and goodbye.  

You can go off to that area that we Annex for your special projects and we will be watching you watching you you can invite others from our country to join you if you would like such a deserving destin.

If you can build a country that adheres to the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights without the exploitation factor that you're trying to return our country to I would give you the best of all best of accomplishments of success . But it's not possible . 

Your country would corrupt itself without a system of Taxation. Let us engineer this project especially For You groups who cannot be long to this nation under its foundation and wishes destruction the ones who went to the Federal Capitol building in Washington DC on January 6th 2021 and mounted and Insurrection against this government that was very serious extremely serious much more than an infraction of thought it was what?

Because of the leader and the faults message you are a cult not a government ready to take over and you where I a cult I hate group cult and you're not going to make it any other than that from that is the definition of what happened January 6th 2021. 

A message of knowing all things happen in the order in which they are supposed to.

One of my students gives me some great advice let it happen.  

And that he gave me that advice I understood immediately. 

As a collective cumulative scoring on let it happen as it has happened and it's now time to make a reality audit to become a reality truth. 

That truth becomes a knowledgeable understanding what is happening here in a science.

A faith here set as science as we know it .

In science that is under a certain set of laws physics laws Rules of Order structure the deliverance of morals,  wisdom guidance, to be able to build a country from a foundation that is not on a house of cards an infant time there's destined to collapse, 

A doctrine of understanding that is ratified in this country as the Declaration of Independence and the original Bill of Rights of the US Constitution and then the subsequent amendments that follow up into the most ability to create a new Amendment war and Order day in Missouri to maintain the order of pace full progress 

These are religious context but they don't have to be but when we take away these guiding materials for each one of us individually on a life, we get into trouble and Reconciliation of our best conscience choices . It's not all science and it's not all God neither one of them function to not become unstable in an eventual collapse to the foundation of our individual lives and the foundation of our country.

An atheist view of science only cannot solve this and I don't believe that putting to a challenge they have been able to solve this too justifiable means that it can keep its stability without a manifestation of freedoms being lost and the decisions we made such as what is happening here I'm trying to describe overtime Krups itself of its integrity.

 Collective intelligence Collective conscience Collective social responsibility etc.

Community is human habitation of collective human conditions tbat meet our needs as individuals of what are structurally sounding strong from 1940s Maslow hierarchy of human needs .

Pretty solidly Foundation still holding some determinations that there is not a a controversy. To hold that as a foundation of Science in psychology and socio-economic dependents that we should be focused on those priorities in our overall scheme has crossed our entire nation which we're not doing. 

Can we quickly shift into a different dynamic, a paradigm shift of thought process and priorities? The answer is no.

At least not as the world is now but perhaps as the world could be if the United something about understanding instead of dismissing someone carelessly. 

On This, Apr 15, 2021, 9th:42 AM AJ. Of carrd dor co <

"Great! Let us know if anything else comes up."

My response to this is definitely. 

Not great not great not great.

Not us, not us, definitely not us. 


Don't Write Me Off

About โ€œDon't Write Me Offโ€ 

This song was written for the 2007 film Music and Lyrics. In it, songwriter Alex Fletcher (Hugh Grant) performs it live at a concert as a way of apologizing to his songwriting partner Sophie (Drew Barrymore) for the recent break in their relationship.

Inset commenting:

AJ, this email in its entirety goes out to each and every one person relationship that has suffered a breakage. Each and every one of these persons of our society made a choice of something of an illusionary factor of an outside influence of hidden view agenda. AJ I tell you right now. This is a warning. I see what you might think I am not able to see. The thing that you think is hidden is not-so-hidden. 

 I need some light to eliminate the truths and if you choose that same dark tunnel AJ...  this is going to get damn ugly before it gets better.

The time is now to choose the right way to handle this. I need to know exactly what was wrong with my account. It is not beyond any kind of purpose that my account was in a state of being tweaked somehow to a maligned value to prevent publishing. My account was verified. The status to pull it to unverified status  -i don't know . I searched your help index to find any kind of comfortable matching resolved for this already encountered there was none. I'm using your platform ( ) to conduct my tools of necessity. I updated my account so that can have more cards open I don't need hundreds because that's one of your fee levels. it. I've been publishing on this for a while. Now all the sudden I could not get it published now right just all of a sudden. I don't believe in coincidences. The message I saw which I could not repeat the process to which put it into my view is inaccurate. I hate when computers lie. A step by step by step deliverance of realism to my account status was maladjusted somehow to not allow processing to publish status. There was no error message to find a solution . It said it was published but then again it wasn't .Giving me no reason for such a condition. 

โš  Forewarning: There is absolutely nothing absolutely nothing to stop these people. 

Are you one of them or are you one of us? 

This email demands a reply. 

A silence reply of non-responsiveness, a ghosting, answers this question unconditionally.

I have an United States Department of Justice citizen complaint ID number - recently released into a confirmation copy that should have been issued in October but wasn't I'm not kidding. 

 I have nothing personal against you AJ. 

Perhaps you're not aware of what's going on and you didn't actually forensically determine what happened on my account.

Perhaps they reverse themselves in the middle of all this process ๐Ÿ’ˆ and inverted the tweak that may have incurred. 

I don't know but what I do know for sure Albany provable on LinkedIn and the establishment record there that my account has been suspended - a third time.

I'm not begging and clean to get my account back again . I'm not going to suffer knowing who's on what side on that platform .

I have my data on my posting on my own property the whole thing is ugly ๐Ÿ’ฉ the flies are flying everywhere in the version of that if smells stench yuck rancid and nasty.


Also on record is the Adam4Adam Zendedk. Customer service interface documented as being an accurately abusive. The Integrity to which some guys at the content moderator at zendesk ut had seemed to straighten itself out. 

But not really fully - an interference I captured again with communications I had with my own roommate. 


no no no we're not playing no games. 

My interfaces on all social media and now into a particular project delivery service is not reliable to not be corruptible until this is fixed.

I do not accept the conditions that are before me that I know there's something fishy going on here. 

At any one stage of this, I can't blame a person or service on first encounter troubleshooting. Without a more involved account of things on your side AJ I can't prove anything but I have suspicion . 've forewarned you. I don't have that luxury with you guys so I'm taking a quick solution in this to a face value - trusting that I seriously have needs here to external security relevance and I have paid service account fees on track here.

 Pardon the assignment and identity and adjusted attitude in the circumstances that actually apply that is presented here.

Take it personally and then not personally.  Receive this presentation position both ways.

 Respond accordingly please. 

I can't even believe that TruthFinder has betrayed me. But I'm at a 85% more truthful.assurance of my documented record, to my own evaluation that they have. And to all the actors involved, your insurance umbrella coverage does not cover these kind of acts as errors and omissions.

 That was a long time ago long long long time ago expired excuse as any good played activity.

A collective accumulative understanding of my documented record. 

I spent a lot of money over the years is a paid TruthFinder member, 

 I may have to find a replacement service and this email will be used to introduce such service to my delivery of care for sure. 

Yeah that's my next call coming up here in the morning.

To address why I have a suspension of my account.

I can't log in. I couldn't login for a while it didn't have a message. Now it's saying I don't I have to call membership services to reactivate my account okay another one of those tweaky suspiciousness services. I know what I know and don't tell me what I know before you get to know the whole story.

My comments from Member comments are not being applied to background check reports I've Associated persons that I needed to make a record of these events external of my own website documentation I had it at one time and then it was taken away from me without explanation.


 I'm not breaking any rules or if I am breaking rules The rules need to be broken.

Knowing unilateral decisions without any messaging explanation - and several attempts to bring a perspective to their customer service helpline with confirmation replies to email ( again, this email should generate one more )  and still no response. 

A matter that they have no response is conclusive enough evidence they have betrayed their relationship with me.

Without an intervention of a conversation goes to prove their allegiance to what they considered hidden activity is actually forensically provable to  be available.  A digital data record -- footprints -- of suspiciousness abnormal processing-- and it's not hidden. 

Once again my question to you AJ,

What exactly was wrong with my account?

CC: TruthFinder. you may want to get your shit together and actually respond to me as well immediately


Don't Write Me Off 


It's never been easy for me
To find words to go along with a melody

But this time there's actually something on my mind
So please forgive these few brief awkward lines
Since I met you my whole life has changed
It's not just my furniture you've re-arranged
I was living in the past
But somehow you've brought me back
And I haven't felt like this since before Frankie said "relax"
And now I know based on my track record
I might not seem like the safest bet
All I'm asking you is
Don't write me off just yet

For years I've been telling myself the same old story
That I'm happy to live off my so called former glories
But you've given me a reason
To take another chance
Now I need you despite the fact
That you've killed all my plants
And now I know
I've already blown more chances
Than anyone should ever get
All I'm asking you is
Don't write me off just yet
Don't write me off just yet

On This, Apr 15, 2021, 9th:42 AM AJ. Of carrd dor co <

"Great! Let us know if anything else comes up."

My response to this is definitely. 

Not great not great not great.

Not us, not us, definitely not us. 

As AJ is crossing into my space of

The definition and meaning of great has addendum and practical re definitions for our sensibilities.

The understanding of a collective - "us" has new definition and meaning as an addendum for practical reasons. 

As this is an informational technology network considered a trust-building and trust binding network.

I'm establishing that I have a trust ladder mechanism of concept that is practical to see and to utilize our mind whether or not the digital tool is there for it to be an automated process; something to reach for the Internet of Things.

It does not have to be a coded tool of digital processing development to maintain that it is a real thing. It does not have to be developed for our minds to put into perspective the need for such a thing.

There was once humans on this planet that had no understanding of what fire was.

To them fire was a big monster I'm sure.

One that would start by some sort of Godly Anger - Wrath - thier need to make the connection that lightning starts fire .

Way out in the distance to and now we have a forest fire and they're going to die.

They are being punished by a monster, a fire started by the god of the sky and they're going to die and they deserve to die for they must have done something wrong they must have done something wrong to deserve such cruelty.

My mother's handle from history is 

"Fire Dancer".

Now that's skip forward back into current day of 2021. 

My name is James Martin Driskill and my public digital footprint is extreme long-standing from back all the way to 1986.  

That's 3 years after I graduated in 1983 San Bernardino High School. 

My mom being graduated from San Bernardino High School.

My father being graduated from San Bernardino High School.

My brother not graduated from San Bernardino High School.

My uncle my mom's brother graduated from San Bernardino High School. 

The location of San Bernardino High School is three or four blocks away from the original standing McDonald's. There is a museum there. 

Furthermore the standing most closest operating McDonald's that is currently here today. 

My mom used to work for them while I was at Arrowview Junior High across the street.

My mom used to work for McDonald's the closest McDonald's to the original McDonald's.

I say this only to bring a little bit of history here. 

My mother also to her degree of employment merritt work for the International. 

Campus Crusade for Christ organization. 

She was employed as the receptionist that handled the international calls to be transferred to their division of organization.

She was the one responsible to handle the communications in an international focus  of the Campus Crusade for Christ. 

Once was headquartered here in San Bernardino with definite celebrity Hollywood ties to the hotel that is up the hill at the Arrowhead Hot Springs .

What has happened is an injustice highest order offense to this family. 

Considering, I have no voice to communicate. 

Me, James Martin Driskill. 

The one that is established here in this connection with you,


Something of crafted creations here I'm holding against us.

Yeah, against us not in support of us.

I'm standing against the wall of an informational quarantine that has no real space atoms and molecules of real estate property. 

The physical presence of a wall it definitely is a wall. 

A huge wall, if you just consider it stationary. 

But it's not stationary.

It's animated.

Not only is it an animated wall, but it has presents that is destructive.

It's animated to destroy people including me. 

. And 

As impractical as it may seem to listen to me, 

A forevermore cruelty is happening and a forevermore dunce defines the imprisonment that i am encapsulated in.

An informational quarantine.

I demand each and every one of my internet connections of my life and connections of interpersonal relationships to be able to see the wall and the activity of a monster creation that is being ignored.

I.demand an adjustment to be instantaneously.accepted so you can see the same reality I see.

I give no consent to any one and every human being that crosses my mind into my life space that has their ability to choose to ignore me..

An intention on my behalf to create a disturbance force by words alone, no matter how offensive or insulted you may temporarily be,

That such ignorance is unsatisfactory to hold against me especially under an intentional design.

it's irrationality of the human conditions between us, forced to my own devices, I would rather die first then to submit to such dastardly conclusions of an eventual predictability. ( ๐Ÿ”ฎ).

I demand some intelligence over intentional ignorance to release your hold.  

YOu HOLD ON TO something so severely wrong you can't even see how bad this is and to switch and change your focus!!

An unsatisfactorily service delivery as a role that you are employed and pay for .

I am your customer. 

And as in any practical business management standard, I demand that the customer is always right.

In this case at least. 

I demand address to even form scold and reprimand that you cannot ignore. To remain their in ignorance is an unsatisfactory score. Grade F #Fail

I demand you individually and as a collective that you see the reality that I see which is real and rationally made here. 

For those who are in civil society of a public service of my needs in the same role of interfaces into my life, 

I demand you address this or be replaced immediately by order of our United States President.

Or ?   What you say ? 

For sometime in the future it will be told -- whether or not I am still living --

I waz here.

i told you so.

The pain and human condition of such then delivered future human existence of mass suffering that perhaps you could have avoided that path of future time anti-humanity habitation existence. 

For now - this day.-- 

Barbra Streisand exclaims and decries in music track titled "Don't Lie.To Me' from album "Walls",

"Where is the new horizon?"

You will then have lost - your lost and humanities lost.

You are then feeling.

 The wrath of God I suppose.

I'll be in heaven.

Will you step up and join me and our ability to conquer this problem or will you continue to dismiss me push me away and disable me?

Furthermore depreciating my life disability while this matter continues to escalate.

It is already a matter imperative of paramount understanding,

Community wellness.

That would be in the mental health societal health, your health, my health, are being impacted here.

This unquestionably linked..

I don't write these words to be ignored and I don't write these words carelessly.

This is a matter of 

National Security.

Everything within this presentation I can prove it.

The lightning to strike the fire.

The fire already burning has been burning for years and nobody is smelling the smoke and making the confection.

Well one thing is the result of another. 

Calm down calm down calm down I keep getting advice from my mother calm down calm down calm down how can I come down and calm down from such outrageous behaviors?

The fire is coming the fire is coming cuz you see the fire is burning is coming. The fire is here and she wants me to calm down calm my anger in all of this - I call fault so ridiculous.

How can she even claim to be my mother?

I described this monster and she is allowing the monster to not only kill me but to kill her.

to believe it or not

I have explained to her to my satisfaction she understands what it is I described as this monster.

I'm in trouble with my own disability. A society affect of prejudice and disenfranchised empowerment as a person living in disability where mental illness diagnoses are complicating matters. 

My informational society interfaces in all ways crafted intermixed my very own intellectual properties stored on my internet domains are being utilized and no impact is not possible. 

A network of trueness that you all just choose to ignore.

How impractical this is.

An informational Theory that is true whether or not anybody sees me in the universe or not.

I exist!!

I repeat my statement here.

Requoting  AJ, from Carrd dot Co spelled.out as

A j @ c a r r d dot c o

The technical assistance customer service support for a online digital presence layout and design presentation creator which holds "published status" ( a very needed understanding of what this is ) under a shortcut URL process I am holding it's definition.

Actually several of these. They have different level of featured support paid I just need a few of these. 

But in terms of support hundreds of these are being developed in a particular model for particular needs for those out there that have more Financial Resources to this business model to ensure is profitable for sure. 

A concept of a card here - holding the ability to perhaps intervention in publishing. 

The understanding that we are living life that is more than publishing. 

But as this particular argument goes in a news paper printing process where actual paper is being printed upon Earth, where basically anybody in the whole facility was given the ability to say this or yellow out or command such

"Stop the Presses"

For whatever reason is the reason. 

The paper copies that have been put into existence cannot be used.

For the reputation of the paper no matter what it was cannot issue that release.

It was the Integrity of the information and the stopping the presses and what such release of public information in the name collective, of damages beyond out of this control is an intrinsic value to understand.

one meme to meme to meme sharing into public deliverance is the linking memetics known for a long long time. A ong long time . A long long time .

An equation that memes have nothing to do with technology or the internet. 

Even if that science has not defined yet it's a matter of understanding its relevance and reality is important to consider at all times especially in a newsprint operation 

Abled by giving confer granted  authority as a matter of fact as being a collective team ,  a collective responsibility is being placed into the introduction of training for each and every employee of such an organization

Anybody from the organization could demand : given that Authority. 
Even the janitor picking up a copy reading something the first time..

Come back?

from a janitor who just got the copy the First Time new the accuracy and could know the damage future yes they are committed to the resolve of what they are reading is so damaging . 

hold stop the presses and the stop the presses morally.

This has a moral presence people in all of our society.

This has been such for a long time.

A need to command the destruction of what was already done no matter how much it cost and to start all over again with the accuracy of best authentic of truth verified.

Nobody needs to know the mistake that was about to unfold okay but stop the presses start over and we will work to the highest degree of intelligence our ability as a collective team to get the job done .

 We will work to the highest best work we can only do our best in the end of the hour of we can get it right.  

In all human possibility of what is effort humanly possible , to get it right the first time nd never have to retract such damages after the fact. 

For the cause and effect into our society is a tidal wave force in newsprint. You can't have collateral damage for just being lazy. Or to save money and the bottom line. 

That is a fact people. 

and if we can't publish we can't publish there will be no paper.

Because the Integrity of the information is that damn important. 

A notary public is a part of that process is outside of a newsprint and directly related to instruments a business transactions upon people..

By the way did I tell you,

I happen to have a former notary public commission from 1999. 

And such a standard remains.

I'm sure and most newsprint papers today remains the standard of integrity.

I am no longer a notary public to notarize documents. 

I've transitioned that roll into an informational Network.


 nobody can consider this true..

We have lost our ability 

To hold such a regard for this kind of Integrity across everything we do . 

Into our everyday lives.

I can show you. I can map it all out. But why bother you haven't even met me yet this letter is trashed it's in the garbage already and you're not red ignore dismiss go away - go fuck off and die digital - bit bucket. 

I demand it ( the problem ) the master maladjusted manipulatively enabled, a true sense intention rather than an accidental imperfection problem.

Which is at the highest end of understanding.

 ( confected ),

A monster problem that monster is active and alive in real living tissues bio-matter.

We have to fight a monster with another monster the monster of intelligence the monster of Integrity the monster of honesty and the monster of our reputation.

The highest thing is the monster of our most precious concern.

The monster of our authenticity.

Artificial intelligence is going to win over us and them.

The highest-end of monster problem,

The one that human intelligence can and shall be able to overcome. 

Before we submit abscess species true are Jeopardy liability and vulnerability here to the monster that we have generated in The Sound of Silence that needs to be disturbed . 

For without this disturbance the problem of this monster will become and over reach that Humanity will never be able to come back from walking over a cliff of foolishness.

That last step.

Definitely within my perspective we are reaching all things element unwise to hold onto a power trip ego time that does not make any sense ability of reasoning or rationalization to remain unchanged. 

To keep this silence.

Is ungodly and Unholy. 

Against God's truth. 

Against all greater non religious doctrines of guidance of common sense everywhere.

There is a reach to the best of our angels, the best of our excellence that you say you have ( proclamation ) but can't claim you hold true people together to have a simple exchange of understanding the Deliverance of this demand into your perspective of reality you intentionally are blocking reality here respective to claim non responsibility. 

You can't claim that - I've never been so far I'm not found one person in the universe that does not attempt this breakage.

When the truth is being obscured from something so bad you can't be scolded to different language standards to discuss matters honestly.

All rational delivered truth something so bad so bad so bad on your parts to not be able to have a discussion.

That is not me nor my moral responsibility to.have to be subject to a forever cruel mental abuse to deny me my inalienable right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. 

It is not me me personally that has made you fearful and afraid. 

For I represent the truth. So in proxy you attack me - call / are you are killing the messenger another words. 

What you are actually afraid of is the truth. 

That my dearest is your responsibility to adjust yourself upon this ( #reckoning ).

As Mark Twain once wrote and it is a highly applicable,

"The Truth Hurts but Silence Kills"

I demand Deliverance. 

Both in a public expression of messaging.

And in the way I demand 

I demand You released from this evil creation of an artificially suspended intentional creation. 

Two weeks from today, 

I would probably claim it to be rationally concluded there is already been passed over the horizon shadow.

A song title of mine - US Copyright

Again the theme, 

For now - this day.-- 

Barbra Streisand exclaims and decries in her music track titled "Don't Lie.To Me' from album "Walls",

"Where is the new horizon?"

You will not then have any defense to havd ignored me to complete oblivion. (๐Ÿ’ฃ).

I have no practical reason to live with that conclusion delivered in two weeks under triple pissed considered warnings.


I know we have the intelligence to overcome this obstacle.

This wall and animated monster which is not even a real thing in the real world but only an equation of memetic imprint on to our collective sea of humanity. 

The Noosphere,

As we are living on this planet Earth .

Perhaps also injected into other brains of other living creatures. ( noosphere )

The science of biology of all living things, brain matter is brain matter.

You will find this is the truth.

There is subsequently no difference between the brain matter of every single brain as is operating functioning these mysteries in all living beings. 

God created our brain as a human species and all of life on planet Earth the same.

The states of brain matter all equal,  the irrationality of the matter that you hold onto something you can't hold on anymore. 

Something of artificial intelligence and automated processing and all of this stuff changes that dimension.

When all human brains are the same of the same possibility of the same rights no matter who what where why and what  birthed them - each human into existence. 

That being from all past time into present time into all-time future history.



I demand to be heard about this matter and I demand that a collected adaptive solution be considered imperative  important for all of humanity to survive this transition of the quickening. 

This is not rocket science people. 

It is a science but it is not rocket science. 

As a science it is conceptually our need to make information into knowledge in this regard.

Have I got your attention?

@Gruwup 2021

Great Reasons ( Not! ) Us Will Unite Peace,.

Nothing personal AJ.

Something you are not seeing and I demand that you see it for your own definition of how your digital object could be used to fix this.

Under the term as being a card.

A digital object that has no processing intervention. 

But could be.

If only had an intervention of creativity of a practical solution that I can show you that can hold us to a better tomorrow than the one we are living. 

For the one we are living, I would rather die first and I will die first before you all get your shit together and do something right for a change.

Every aspect of civil society will fail me. 

it already has.

"I have no hope" one of my friends said.

I have hope, but I don't have any hope that you all can get it instantaneously. Instantly is the urgency of a 911 emergency. 

I am pissed.

"pissed" is one of the emotional values that you can set to a Facebook post. 

Did you know that?

But I'm double pissed as of events eariier today and how that is related to my connection to you AJ in the creation to published status of this carrd.

( balanced wholeness ):

'Pissed" is a term that comes from urine and the basic human need of excrement to urinate. 

The wholeness approaching Healthcare I demand to be able to urinate this pissed off anger.

The doctor willing to commit a felony basically. Do not follow the law. 

A covid-19 pre-screening, which I had to answer yes to one of the questions. Making it an unconditional rescheduling for 2 weeks.

I related the okay I understand that and no problem acceptance through the screener to the interoffice. 

A fax already in place  several days ago .

A call to them from my mother earlier. The place on the agenda that they have to listen to me. that they have to listen to me. 

Nothing diversion of the inevitable predictability. All effort attempting to get resolved current winning resolve there is none and it is them and not me.

Dr. Gupta has the gall and the nerve and the intention to come out to the waiting door yell out my name to come into the clinic to cut my cast off.

I had to tell him if that's the agenda I have a fax and that I'm going to walk away.

The commotion in the office is a parent already. 

So once I have this cast cut off I have no further business with his doctor basically he wants to cut my cast off and throw me away. 

The agenda to which his intention is exposed is obvious. He would be willing to commit a felony in health safety codes in our pandemic emergency to have that happen rather than to have a discussion.

In that carrd, 

The evidence amounts to continued conspiracy. 

I had to reaffirm my position that we are going to follow the law. 

The doctor had to how to confess and release is standing and released me 

To release Me From his intention to call me into that office to cut my cast off and throw me out the door..

Oh that's not the end of this yet because I believe he's going to try to shift this off of the some other Clinic somewhere else and not deal with this himself. 

 I have a confirmed written on their schedule card appointment for 2 weeks from this day of thursday..... 

This is a do-or-die moment guys people listen to me what you have been told or have been thought to have been told things all the way back into school are not true 

The United States is under a condition of an Civil Society emergency up health safety codes in a doctor was willing to commit a felony to violate then to have a truth be told in the deliveries of the interface between him and I and the doctor care in the medical care. My last doctor had the same problem. That broke on March 2019. I wrote about it. I broke the restraining order shortly before the death of him. There was a release of a document on a National Institutes of Health on April 6th 2020.

Already in farming the place when all this went down that I would break the restraining order. I broke the restraining order. Confronting this matter I am right and the doctors are wrong. This is a huge conspiracy. 

Although I do not have proof that this statement is true I suspect dr. She do committed suicide on the 10th of April rather than confront this matter again with me when he is the one who broke all protocols and all the legalities a few dictionary responsibility to maintain a relationship with me in all honesty. 

He being a coward failed. Dr. Gupta is going to be a coward and fail somehow some way this is going to fail. 

And in two weeks I will be triple pissed if not one person stands to desire to vew the trutj.

To the lot of makes of mistakes are not accidents. 

a correction to the doctor side of this conflict is unconditionally demanded. 

If not. 

I'm done.

Transitioning from double pissed to tripple pissed,,

Enough is enough already..

No more no more forever more cruel no more forever more cruel.

Not a single day goes by step not one of you in my life smear has done the right thing and supported me unconditionally to stand by my side. 

So I must have to kill myself I must have to before you can do something outside of your own stupidity I have to think you all are IQ of 80 and I know better.. 

On Thu, Apr 15, 2021, 9:42 AM AJ. Of carrd dor co <

"Great! Let us know if anything else comes up."

My response to this is definitely. 

Not great not great not great..

Not us not us not us. 

Us ?




How about crashing down?


I recently put the perspective into my writing. 

This is something of rational consideration when you put together a confected understanding in this nightmare by day - outrageous -,disturbing - disoriented realism of truth.

I'm really have to question whether or not back to all of time history --  here and now --  I'm attempting to deal amd cope with something extreme -- iving a unique perspective that has never been dealt with ever before in human history. 

I can't answer this of course. 

it's impossible to answer. Maybe from a philosophy of a different culture and different language in different legal system.

That may not be true for them but it is true for us. 

That making this a unique United States or Western Civilization cultural problem rather than a global one 

Another words I can't do this anymore by myself. 

My mother is not truthfully a helpful situation. 

A dynamic till I don't want to have to describe at the moment .

I'm living in my family home. 

This family home since I was Age 5 

I'm 55 and I've traveled around from region to region in the United States of America 15 years 

I have this documented this evidence of documentation of what this is happening here.  


It really is not me it is them and are you a part of them or are you a part of us?

Us ( you collective us and I ) ?

A legal remedy, for those involved in not obeying practical sense?

I'm not sure I'm not sure I've talked to the ACLU 

I put it into perspective and even to the United Nations enable for the convention for the rights of persons with disabilities.

I'm serious people I'm serious

Trying to get a retainer and a projection of a solution through a criminal lawyer or a civil lawyer to represent my side of this?  Impossibly never. 

This is really bad people listen to me please.
October of last year I submitted a complaint in the process that is the United States Department of Justice civil rights compliance section.

I received no confirmation that my submission was received at the time. 

I took the factor that like any college in Tennessee of any kind of Technology processing for information now is that you get an instantaneous confirmation of things like this right that's the standard we're all using right right?

So I've been living a day-to-day daytime or awake time conscious time, "nightmare" started 15 years ago in my notice of it anyway. 

Over the last 15 years since June of 2005 when I registered an Internet domain, 

that is acknowledgements of the time stamp it is on a digital Information Society something here it's not quite right.

I think there are many in our society that know exactly what is happening.

A lawyer and trying to go to that process mentioned above be able to handle or would tackle this situation. 

The old operating systems a data and information processing that I'm aware of,

Back in the day there punch card IBM cards that you have to physically go over to a person and have them code out what you needed and take that the result of the card stack and put into the process manually. 

An auditing system is obviously not possible in their regard to prevent what is now malicious code or just errors in general of human imperfections. 

No certification process to the code that is being inserted into the process by way of a human carrying a code into y'all to be handled by the next process a human being carrying the code to which Saint is going to get processed. 

If I had such a degree of process right here right now I would not be in the nightmare truly a nightmare in which I see a big huge monster. 

And that would be a loving Siri I would be able to issue a complaint or a concern or anywhere in that insert of those cards into the process through which is a micro-level holt button to that process. 

In the case of current-day Life there isn't anything of such degree of a tool this includes going to law enforcement and the police.

There is no tool to stop this process. 

The pull string that is across the entire stretch of the entire train the pull string to activate the brakes emergency anybody on the train can pull. 

There's no such tool in 2021 what is happening to me individually and that work to our culture our community our society.


It's not hard to see the patterns of human intention an invention.

As a huge monster it is a weapon of mass destruction carrying a weapon of mass destruction that is killing people and it is killing me just the same and nobody cares to pull the string and stop this from happening.

The same monster we're all talking about on the news but we're not equating the monster to the underlying process that puts this monster into the behavioral effects of humans in our culture. 

Humans of this current year 2021 that we have a science called memetics that expresses an explanation scientifically for this monster that is very much real. This is not an illusion or delusion of my mind. We're not all talking about this on the news I'm just not seeing the monster the monster is real the monster has been talked about but we're not equating why there is no solution to this. 

What has happened here and continues to be processing is an artificially suspended condition. 

This rather than being a natural order of human condition of Law & Order and of generally speaking digression to humans from past and possible future

Savage life rather than civilized life. 

Please save the criticism of the basis for my conclusions of this writing that would only go to show that you know what's going on and what's a light yourself with the knowledge of culture that I know its true 

Silence or a non-responsive consideration of ghost in this conversation provides that sang deductive reasoning because that's the pattern that I have experienced so I'm taking that pattern and placing it on to this communication.

I have nothing against you. Except for that we have to find ourselves realizing this is a rational consideration rather than the concepts of persons in environment and society that are targeted individuals of gang stalking.

 Such an environment is a governmental supported mechanics of a putative function of government outside of due process against a certain set of people that I am one of them and there is no solution and there's no consulate. 

Have such as defined there is no where I can go but you try to develop from my interconnections of problem solving here in this moment in time on a site that has the possibility of creating a tool that would be in that mix that they will choose to ignore under the digital object term:

A Carrd. : 

I need to insert it into the spokes of this wheel if that's a euphemism I know where it goes I know where this card goes that will stop the flow of the disaster malfeasance that is on behalf of the doctor earlier today. 

My only legal mechanism is a a a redefinition from our assumed commons of 

The Social Contract

An illusion of one's mind that there is such a thing in the first place,

but we assume this when we are first born into this world. 

Under the doctrine of law I I currently experiencing human life under,

I have the right to consent or not to consent to anything and everything across my desk of my life.

If the would change beyond that -- that is because we here ( or I here ) live in a non-democracy - the government has failed to maintain this at least for me. It has betrayed the

On Sat, Apr 17, 2021, 1:11 AM James Driskill <> wrote:
Tax Day 2021 below, 

AJ don't you dare ghost this.

The passing date relevancy sign of numerology confluence -

Hello?  CQ CQ CQ. - anyone listening to this communication? 

Do I have a clear and open channel?

The radio static that has been interfering and altering the messages I sent two useless junk I would suppose ?

Do we still have that interference . 

This Broadband way we exchange in our world today.

Interfering from human hands and human hearts and human eyes that have no authority to be watching from such a perspective to manipulate people's lives - touche and say is hidden. Those in this mix say touche they'll never get caught. 

I think everybody is in a Fear factor mode that won't stand up two such tyranny. 

You just have to have a little more fine-tuning. 

Information science information Theory and our human condition of natural law among other major factors to understand it all. That is who I am to you all. 

I have been exposed into this chasm of evilness.

Overtime the truth will always be revealed. 

Has the intentional static that you have generated Upon Our masses been removed?

 Gone finally?

Still holding blank face that it all hidden?

Perhaps you should take a assessments of what is actually happened.

An out-of-control elite few - thinking this is going to be something that is possible to possible to anything rectifiable to continue. 

Tried tuning in the dial a little more I have the fine tuning instruments. 

You all have lost all sensibility.

Those that you have had under your spell... The hate Collective organization that keeps people in line and you on the top of the stack it's collapsing believe me it's collapsing.

A house of cards you have built for several generations back.  I have a year estimated within a + -10 year time frame.

A coctrine of observance a maladjusted culture start the title force that is unimaginable. Let me access for sure and it has a manifesto which makes it even worse.

And still you keep quiet and in the back Ali's of hidden secret packs of agreements you still are trying to sell us a big huge bald face pack of lies.

As history unfolds from many samples of this. Those who are under your spell will become open and angry. For being deceived so badly. They may just do indeed take a dagger out and stab you right there on the spot and let you sit on your throne thinking you have it all. 

You have nothing but 

An illusion that money and greed are worthy things of human invention to exploit to all ends. Why?

Passing this carrd, 

Your tuner. 

Of reasoning pick the dial to which you actually come to play with other people's lives now has a hundredfold new resolution to finely tuned into your destiny .

The path that you are on is corrupt. That has nothing to do with monetary corruption.

The path that you're on is corrupted because you have taken yourself to think there's no God of goodness watching all of this and guiding a human being such as I am into conquering you absolutely conquering you into the hell.

To hell you will go if you don't heed my warning now and stop the bullshit. 

release the masses from this obvious attempt. 

I know the truth Dr. Gupta is not any kind of man that I see deserving of a penalty that can you put himself into 

Jeopardy just save you to protect you to keep this truth from being told 

Dr. Gupta is not a particularly bad person. But you have a spell on him and I want you to go away.

To contemplate where one person is going to turn into the unraveling the whole scheme. Just automatically it will be your undoing tell you now I know in my heart of hearts this message is coming from above into my my word of words. Give It Up. Checkmate.


CQ CQ CQ - May Day - Mayday first called on this matter May 1st 2005. Mayday mayday mayday??? Is there anybody listening to this emergency SOS SOS SOS 911 emergency?

I don't believe in coincidences.

Such things if we take a data analysis indeed calculates accuracy - and a 1979 article that one has faith understanding PK , which I obviously do . 

A matter of a finding paper at the American Psychological Association. 

In science reality a probable order somehow can be given value that is probable Beyond A Reasonable Doubt at this point 2021 on the science of God Existence or a higher intelligence presence in the universe and the evidence of Prayer intention sent into the universe from our brain effects the matter a real life beyond. 
prove order somehow beyond random occurrence I know this perhaps you know that but this is a confirmation one more time and how these ( #______LivesMatter. Has affected that dynamics of the horizons I see upon my life path. 

Tax Day

In the United States, 

Tax Day is the day on which individual income tax returns are due to be submitted to the federal government.[3] Since 1955, Tax Day has typically fallen on or just after April 15. Tax Day was first introduced in 1913, when the Sixteenth Amendment was ratified.

This is a consent under a condition of governance in the United States of America that has a controversial scheme that some people believe we never consented to such a a state system of compulsory tax. 

That the United States is committing a fraud.

I would say that majority of these people that have that belief also believe that it is capitalist wise to maintain a labor force that you don't have to pay for hourly compensation. 

This grew up in our country in the south. In the South where we had what is called slavery.

So on one hand the United States never consented to a taxation system and on the other hand that the formation of slavery allows for the exploitation a free labor to conduct valid business models of Commerce and Industry 

I'm not kidding. 

To supplement a taxation system for a slavery system to backdate what was attempted and fought over a Civil War in this country. To go back to what it was to then take away the tax system it is 

economics doesn't work that way. And social economics don't work that way and social engineering projects perhaps shouldn't work that way either but they are trying to do exactly what I'm trying to say here.

To.hold peaceful progress under what is called a social contract upon the citizens and people of our nation .

We are founded by our founding fathers under a democracy . 

A democracy in which we vote into position, because of our own interperspective life priorities do not give us the time or the energy to make it a complete thought of Our Lives . We have our own personal lives and then we have our civil society lives . It has been chosen that will be elected representatives to our best interest . 

Representatives that speak for us and our positions.

That is where we give our consent away from complete freedom to not be able to separate from our participation and the economics of our nation . We must participate participate in the mechanics of the land of the Homeland in which we are standing..

I tell you now this is my stated position.

If you disagree with this decision made in this country.,

Rather than trying to destroy this country Alex Foundation to meet your needs of exploitation

Go find a place on the planet that has no country. There's a good portion of our planet that has no authority of claims of governance you know and if a person is born in one of these areas a person is born without a country. 

Take it to start your own Foundation of ideals clearly and hard going to start a new country what do you start with how do you start a foundation of wisdom and guidance pick that will not collapse because it's a house of cards .

You have pride and what you're doing you want to do it to your best ability right ?

Instead of hating on the members of our society go start your own fucking country.

I think there should be a law somehow that the posts a person to a state of choice for such malfeasance of their citizenry Duty apartment this country as Community Duty social responsibility to such actions are so contrary to belief that they exist in this nation in the first place. 

How about this for an idea there is a computer program called SimCity it's a governmental Authority transition of time elapsed at you build a city from scratch and all of that. How about we take such a civil society education course and put it to a country level application and force the person who is contrary to our nation's structure to start their own country and under the successful dynamics of what is our science and everything that we can simulate country building not city building . A country is born and if they are successful at it destination will invest a certain dollar to your success and goodbye.  

You can go off to that area that we Annex for your special projects and we will be watching you watching you you can invite others from our country to join you if you would like such a deserving destin.

If you can build a country that adheres to the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights without the exploitation factor that you're trying to return our country to I would give you the best of all best of accomplishments of success . But it's not possible . 

Your country would corrupt itself without a system of Taxation. Let us engineer this project especially For You groups who cannot be long to this nation under its foundation and wishes destruction the ones who went to the Federal Capitol building in Washington DC on January 6th 2021 and mounted and Insurrection against this government that was very serious extremely serious much more than an infraction of thought it was what?

Because of the leader and the faults message you are a cult not a government ready to take over and you where I a cult I hate group cult and you're not going to make it any other than that from that is the definition of what happened January 6th 2021. 

A message of knowing all things happen in the order in which they are supposed to.

One of my students gives me some great advice let it happen.  

And that he gave me that advice I understood immediately. 

As a collective cumulative scoring on let it happen as it has happened and it's now time to make a reality audit to become a reality truth. 

That truth becomes a knowledgeable understanding what is happening here in a science.

A faith here set as science as we know it .

In science that is under a certain set of laws physics laws Rules of Order structure the deliverance of morals,  wisdom guidance, to be able to build a country from a foundation that is not on a house of cards an infant time there's destined to collapse, 

A doctrine of understanding that is ratified in this country as the Declaration of Independence and the original Bill of Rights of the US Constitution and then the subsequent amendments that follow up into the most ability to create a new Amendment war and Order day in Missouri to maintain the order of pace full progress 

These are religious context but they don't have to be but when we take away these guiding materials for each one of us individually on a life, we get into trouble and Reconciliation of our best conscience choices . It's not all science and it's not all God neither one of them function to not become unstable in an eventual collapse to the foundation of our individual lives and the foundation of our country.

An atheist view of science only cannot solve this and I don't believe that putting to a challenge they have been able to solve this too justifiable means that it can keep its stability without a manifestation of freedoms being lost and the decisions we made such as what is happening here I'm trying to describe overtime Krups itself of its integrity.

 Collective intelligence Collective conscience Collective social responsibility etc.

Community is human habitation of collective human conditions tbat meet our needs as individuals of what are structurally sounding strong from 1940s Maslow hierarchy of human needs .

Pretty solidly Foundation still holding some determinations that there is not a a controversy. To hold that as a foundation of Science in psychology and socio-economic dependents that we should be focused on those priorities in our overall scheme has crossed our entire nation which we're not doing. 

Can we quickly shift into a different dynamic, a paradigm shift of thought process and priorities? The answer is no.

At least not as the world is now but perhaps as the world could be if the United something about understanding instead of dismissing someone carelessly. 

On This, Apr 15, 2021, 9th:42 AM AJ. Of carrd dor co <

"Great! Let us know if anything else comes up."

My response to this is definitely. 

Not great not great not great.

Not us, not us, definitely not us. 


Don't Write Me Off

About โ€œDon't Write Me Offโ€ 

This song was written for the 2007 film Music and Lyrics. In it, songwriter Alex Fletcher (Hugh Grant) performs it live at a concert as a way of apologizing to his songwriting partner Sophie (Drew Barrymore) for the recent break in their relationship.

Inset commenting:

AJ, this email in its entirety goes out to each and every one person relationship that has suffered a breakage. Each and every one of these persons of our society made a choice of something of an illusionary factor of an outside influence of hidden view agenda. AJ I tell you right now. This is a warning. I see what you might think I am not able to see. The thing that you think is hidden is not-so-hidden. 

 I need some light to eliminate the truths and if you choose that same dark tunnel AJ...  this is going to get damn ugly before it gets better.

The time is now to choose the right way to handle this. I need to know exactly what was wrong with my account. It is not beyond any kind of purpose that my account was in a state of being tweaked somehow to a maligned value to prevent publishing. My account was verified. The status to pull it to unverified status  -i don't know . I searched your help index to find any kind of comfortable matching resolved for this already encountered there was none. I'm using your platform ( ) to conduct my tools of necessity. I updated my account so that can have more cards open I don't need hundreds because that's one of your fee levels. it. I've been publishing on this for a while. Now all the sudden I could not get it published now right just all of a sudden. I don't believe in coincidences. The message I saw which I could not repeat the process to which put it into my view is inaccurate. I hate when computers lie. A step by step by step deliverance of realism to my account status was maladjusted somehow to not allow processing to publish status. There was no error message to find a solution . It said it was published but then again it wasn't .Giving me no reason for such a condition. 

โš  Forewarning: There is absolutely nothing absolutely nothing to stop these people. 

Are you one of them or are you one of us? 

This email demands a reply. 

A silence reply of non-responsiveness, a ghosting, answers this question unconditionally.

I have an United States Department of Justice citizen complaint ID number - recently released into a confirmation copy that should have been issued in October but wasn't I'm not kidding. 

 I have nothing personal against you AJ. 

Perhaps you're not aware of what's going on and you didn't actually forensically determine what happened on my account.

Perhaps they reverse themselves in the middle of all this process ๐Ÿ’ˆ and inverted the tweak that may have incurred. 

I don't know but what I do know for sure Albany provable on LinkedIn and the establishment record there that my account has been suspended - a third time.

I'm not begging and clean to get my account back again . I'm not going to suffer knowing who's on what side on that platform .

I have my data on my posting on my own property the whole thing is ugly ๐Ÿ’ฉ the flies are flying everywhere in the version of that if smells stench yuck rancid and nasty.


Also on record is the Adam4Adam Zendedk. Customer service interface documented as being an accurately abusive. The Integrity to which some guys at the content moderator at zendesk ut had seemed to straighten itself out. 

But not really fully - an interference I captured again with communications I had with my own roommate. 


no no no we're not playing no games. 

My interfaces on all social media and now into a particular project delivery service is not reliable to not be corruptible until this is fixed.

I do not accept the conditions that are before me that I know there's something fishy going on here. 

At any one stage of this, I can't blame a person or service on first encounter troubleshooting. Without a more involved account of things on your side AJ I can't prove anything but I have suspicion . 've forewarned you. I don't have that luxury with you guys so I'm taking a quick solution in this to a face value - trusting that I seriously have needs here to external security relevance and I have paid service account fees on track here.

 Pardon the assignment and identity and adjusted attitude in the circumstances that actually apply that is presented here.

Take it personally and then not personally.  Receive this presentation position both ways.

 Respond accordingly please. 

I can't even believe that TruthFinder has betrayed me. But I'm at a 85% more truthful.assurance of my documented record, to my own evaluation that they have. And to all the actors involved, your insurance umbrella coverage does not cover these kind of acts as errors and omissions.

 That was a long time ago long long long time ago expired excuse as any good played activity.

A collective accumulative understanding of my documented record. 

I spent a lot of money over the years is a paid TruthFinder member, 

 I may have to find a replacement service and this email will be used to introduce such service to my delivery of care for sure. 

Yeah that's my next call coming up here in the morning.

To address why I have a suspension of my account.

I can't log in. I couldn't login for a while it didn't have a message. Now it's saying I don't I have to call membership services to reactivate my account okay another one of those tweaky suspiciousness services. I know what I know and don't tell me what I know before you get to know the whole story.

My comments from Member comments are not being applied to background check reports I've Associated persons that I needed to make a record of these events external of my own website documentation I had it at one time and then it was taken away from me without explanation.


 I'm not breaking any rules or if I am breaking rules The rules need to be broken.

Knowing unilateral decisions without any messaging explanation - and several attempts to bring a perspective to their customer service helpline with confirmation replies to email ( again, this email should generate one more )  and still no response. 

A matter that they have no response is conclusive enough evidence they have betrayed their relationship with me.

Without an intervention of a conversation goes to prove their allegiance to what they considered hidden activity is actually forensically provable to  be available.  A digital data record -- footprints -- of suspiciousness abnormal processing-- and it's not hidden. 

Once again my question to you AJ,

What exactly was wrong with my account?

CC: TruthFinder. you may want to get your shit together and actually respond to me as well immediately


Don't Write Me Off 


It's never been easy for me
To find words to go along with a melody

But this time there's actually something on my mind
So please forgive these few brief awkward lines
Since I met you my whole life has changed
It's not just my furniture you've re-arranged
I was living in the past
But somehow you've brought me back
And I haven't felt like this since before Frankie said "relax"
And now I know based on my track record
I might not seem like the safest bet
All I'm asking you is
Don't write me off just yet

For years I've been telling myself the same old story
That I'm happy to live off my so called former glories
But you've given me a reason
To take another chance
Now I need you despite the fact
That you've killed all my plants
And now I know
I've already blown more chances
Than anyone should ever get
All I'm asking you is
Don't write me off just yet
Don't write me off just yet

On This, Apr 15, 2021, 9th:42 AM AJ. Of carrd dor co <

"Great! Let us know if anything else comes up."

My response to this is definitely. 

Not great not great not great.

Not us, not us, definitely not us. 

As AJ is crossing into my space of

The definition and meaning of great has addendum and practical re definitions for our sensibilities.

The understanding of a collective - "us" has new definition and meaning as an addendum for practical reasons. 

As this is an informational technology network considered a trust-building and trust binding network.

I'm establishing that I have a trust ladder mechanism of concept that is practical to see and to utilize our mind whether or not the digital tool is there for it to be an automated process; something to reach for the Internet of Things.

It does not have to be a coded tool of digital processing development to maintain that it is a real thing. It does not have to be developed for our minds to put into perspective the need for such a thing.

There was once humans on this planet that had no understanding of what fire was.

To them fire was a big monster I'm sure.

One that would start by some sort of Godly Anger - Wrath - thier need to make the connection that lightning starts fire .

Way out in the distance to and now we have a forest fire and they're going to die.

They are being punished by a monster, a fire started by the god of the sky and they're going to die and they deserve to die for they must have done something wrong they must have done something wrong to deserve such cruelty.

My mother's handle from history is 

"Fire Dancer".

Now that's skip forward back into current day of 2021. 

My name is James Martin Driskill and my public digital footprint is extreme long-standing from back all the way to 1986.  

That's 3 years after I graduated in 1983 San Bernardino High School. 

My mom being graduated from San Bernardino High School.

My father being graduated from San Bernardino High School.

My brother not graduated from San Bernardino High School.

My uncle my mom's brother graduated from San Bernardino High School. 

The location of San Bernardino High School is three or four blocks away from the original standing McDonald's. There is a museum there. 

Furthermore the standing most closest operating McDonald's that is currently here today. 

My mom used to work for them while I was at Arrowview Junior High across the street.

My mom used to work for McDonald's the closest McDonald's to the original McDonald's.

I say this only to bring a little bit of history here. 

My mother also to her degree of employment merritt work for the International. 

Campus Crusade for Christ organization. 

She was employed as the receptionist that handled the international calls to be transferred to their division of organization.

She was the one responsible to handle the communications in an international focus  of the Campus Crusade for Christ. 

Once was headquartered here in San Bernardino with definite celebrity Hollywood ties to the hotel that is up the hill at the Arrowhead Hot Springs .

What has happened is an injustice highest order offense to this family. 

Considering, I have no voice to communicate. 

Me, James Martin Driskill. 

The one that is established here in this connection with you,


Something of crafted creations here I'm holding against us.

Yeah, against us not in support of us.

I'm standing against the wall of an informational quarantine that has no real space atoms and molecules of real estate property. 

The physical presence of a wall it definitely is a wall. 

A huge wall, if you just consider it stationary. 

But it's not stationary.

It's animated.

Not only is it an animated wall, but it has presents that is destructive.

It's animated to destroy people including me. 

. And 

As impractical as it may seem to listen to me, 

A forevermore cruelty is happening and a forevermore dunce defines the imprisonment that i am encapsulated in.

An informational quarantine.

I demand each and every one of my internet connections of my life and connections of interpersonal relationships to be able to see the wall and the activity of a monster creation that is being ignored.

I.demand an adjustment to be instantaneously.accepted so you can see the same reality I see.

I give no consent to any one and every human being that crosses my mind into my life space that has their ability to choose to ignore me..

An intention on my behalf to create a disturbance force by words alone, no matter how offensive or insulted you may temporarily be,

That such ignorance is unsatisfactory to hold against me especially under an intentional design.

it's irrationality of the human conditions between us, forced to my own devices, I would rather die first then to submit to such dastardly conclusions of an eventual predictability. ( ๐Ÿ”ฎ).

I demand some intelligence over intentional ignorance to release your hold.  

YOu HOLD ON TO something so severely wrong you can't even see how bad this is and to switch and change your focus!!

An unsatisfactorily service delivery as a role that you are employed and pay for .

I am your customer. 

And as in any practical business management standard, I demand that the customer is always right.

In this case at least. 

I demand address to even form scold and reprimand that you cannot ignore. To remain their in ignorance is an unsatisfactory score. Grade F #Fail

I demand you individually and as a collective that you see the reality that I see which is real and rationally made here. 

For those who are in civil society of a public service of my needs in the same role of interfaces into my life, 

I demand you address this or be replaced immediately by order of our United States President.

Or ?   What you say ? 

For sometime in the future it will be told -- whether or not I am still living --

I waz here.

i told you so.

The pain and human condition of such then delivered future human existence of mass suffering that perhaps you could have avoided that path of future time anti-humanity habitation existence. 

For now - this day.-- 

Barbra Streisand exclaims and decries in music track titled "Don't Lie.To Me' from album "Walls",

"Where is the new horizon?"

You will then have lost - your lost and humanities lost.

You are then feeling.

 The wrath of God I suppose.

I'll be in heaven.

Will you step up and join me and our ability to conquer this problem or will you continue to dismiss me push me away and disable me?

Furthermore depreciating my life disability while this matter continues to escalate.

It is already a matter imperative of paramount understanding,

Community wellness.

That would be in the mental health societal health, your health, my health, are being impacted here.

This unquestionably linked..

I don't write these words to be ignored and I don't write these words carelessly.

This is a matter of 

National Security.

Everything within this presentation I can prove it.

The lightning to strike the fire.

The fire already burning has been burning for years and nobody is smelling the smoke and making the confection.

Well one thing is the result of another. 

Calm down calm down calm down I keep getting advice from my mother calm down calm down calm down how can I come down and calm down from such outrageous behaviors?

The fire is coming the fire is coming cuz you see the fire is burning is coming. The fire is here and she wants me to calm down calm my anger in all of this - I call fault so ridiculous.

How can she even claim to be my mother?

I described this monster and she is allowing the monster to not only kill me but to kill her.

to believe it or not

I have explained to her to my satisfaction she understands what it is I described as this monster.

I'm in trouble with my own disability. A society affect of prejudice and disenfranchised empowerment as a person living in disability where mental illness diagnoses are complicating matters. 

My informational society interfaces in all ways crafted intermixed my very own intellectual properties stored on my internet domains are being utilized and no impact is not possible. 

A network of trueness that you all just choose to ignore.

How impractical this is.

An informational Theory that is true whether or not anybody sees me in the universe or not.

I exist!!

I repeat my statement here.

Requoting  AJ, from Carrd dot Co spelled.out as

A j @ c a r r d dot c o

The technical assistance customer service support for a online digital presence layout and design presentation creator which holds "published status" ( a very needed understanding of what this is ) under a shortcut URL process I am holding it's definition.

Actually several of these. They have different level of featured support paid I just need a few of these. 

But in terms of support hundreds of these are being developed in a particular model for particular needs for those out there that have more Financial Resources to this business model to ensure is profitable for sure. 

A concept of a card here - holding the ability to perhaps intervention in publishing. 

The understanding that we are living life that is more than publishing. 

But as this particular argument goes in a news paper printing process where actual paper is being printed upon Earth, where basically anybody in the whole facility was given the ability to say this or yellow out or command such

"Stop the Presses"

For whatever reason is the reason. 

The paper copies that have been put into existence cannot be used.

For the reputation of the paper no matter what it was cannot issue that release.

It was the Integrity of the information and the stopping the presses and what such release of public information in the name collective, of damages beyond out of this control is an intrinsic value to understand.

one meme to meme to meme sharing into public deliverance is the linking memetics known for a long long time. A ong long time . A long long time .

An equation that memes have nothing to do with technology or the internet. 

Even if that science has not defined yet it's a matter of understanding its relevance and reality is important to consider at all times especially in a newsprint operation 

Abled by giving confer granted  authority as a matter of fact as being a collective team ,  a collective responsibility is being placed into the introduction of training for each and every employee of such an organization

Anybody from the organization could demand : given that Authority. 
Even the janitor picking up a copy reading something the first time..

Come back?

from a janitor who just got the copy the First Time new the accuracy and could know the damage future yes they are committed to the resolve of what they are reading is so damaging . 

hold stop the presses and the stop the presses morally.

This has a moral presence people in all of our society.

This has been such for a long time.

A need to command the destruction of what was already done no matter how much it cost and to start all over again with the accuracy of best authentic of truth verified.

Nobody needs to know the mistake that was about to unfold okay but stop the presses start over and we will work to the highest degree of intelligence our ability as a collective team to get the job done .

 We will work to the highest best work we can only do our best in the end of the hour of we can get it right.  

In all human possibility of what is effort humanly possible , to get it right the first time nd never have to retract such damages after the fact. 

For the cause and effect into our society is a tidal wave force in newsprint. You can't have collateral damage for just being lazy. Or to save money and the bottom line. 

That is a fact people. 

and if we can't publish we can't publish there will be no paper.

Because the Integrity of the information is that damn important. 

A notary public is a part of that process is outside of a newsprint and directly related to instruments a business transactions upon people..

By the way did I tell you,

I happen to have a former notary public commission from 1999. 

And such a standard remains.

I'm sure and most newsprint papers today remains the standard of integrity.

I am no longer a notary public to notarize documents. 

I've transitioned that roll into an informational Network.


 nobody can consider this true..

We have lost our ability 

To hold such a regard for this kind of Integrity across everything we do . 

Into our everyday lives.

I can show you. I can map it all out. But why bother you haven't even met me yet this letter is trashed it's in the garbage already and you're not red ignore dismiss go away - go fuck off and die digital - bit bucket. 

I demand it ( the problem ) the master maladjusted manipulatively enabled, a true sense intention rather than an accidental imperfection problem.

Which is at the highest end of understanding.

 ( confected ),

A monster problem that monster is active and alive in real living tissues bio-matter.

We have to fight a monster with another monster the monster of intelligence the monster of Integrity the monster of honesty and the monster of our reputation.

The highest thing is the monster of our most precious concern.

The monster of our authenticity.

Artificial intelligence is going to win over us and them.

The highest-end of monster problem,

The one that human intelligence can and shall be able to overcome. 

Before we submit abscess species true are Jeopardy liability and vulnerability here to the monster that we have generated in The Sound of Silence that needs to be disturbed . 

For without this disturbance the problem of this monster will become and over reach that Humanity will never be able to come back from walking over a cliff of foolishness.

That last step.

Definitely within my perspective we are reaching all things element unwise to hold onto a power trip ego time that does not make any sense ability of reasoning or rationalization to remain unchanged. 

To keep this silence.

Is ungodly and Unholy. 

Against God's truth. 

Against all greater non religious doctrines of guidance of common sense everywhere.

There is a reach to the best of our angels, the best of our excellence that you say you have ( proclamation ) but can't claim you hold true people together to have a simple exchange of understanding the Deliverance of this demand into your perspective of reality you intentionally are blocking reality here respective to claim non responsibility. 

You can't claim that - I've never been so far I'm not found one person in the universe that does not attempt this breakage.

When the truth is being obscured from something so bad you can't be scolded to different language standards to discuss matters honestly.

All rational delivered truth something so bad so bad so bad on your parts to not be able to have a discussion.

That is not me nor my moral responsibility to.have to be subject to a forever cruel mental abuse to deny me my inalienable right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. 

It is not me me personally that has made you fearful and afraid. 

For I represent the truth. So in proxy you attack me - call / are you are killing the messenger another words. 

What you are actually afraid of is the truth. 

That my dearest is your responsibility to adjust yourself upon this ( #reckoning ).

As Mark Twain once wrote and it is a highly applicable,

"The Truth Hurts but Silence Kills"

I demand Deliverance. 

Both in a public expression of messaging.

And in the way I demand 

I demand You released from this evil creation of an artificially suspended intentional creation. 

Two weeks from today, 

I would probably claim it to be rationally concluded there is already been passed over the horizon shadow.

A song title of mine - US Copyright

Again the theme, 

For now - this day.-- 

Barbra Streisand exclaims and decries in her music track titled "Don't Lie.To Me' from album "Walls",

"Where is the new horizon?"

You will not then have any defense to havd ignored me to complete oblivion. (๐Ÿ’ฃ).

I have no practical reason to live with that conclusion delivered in two weeks under triple pissed considered warnings.


I know we have the intelligence to overcome this obstacle.

This wall and animated monster which is not even a real thing in the real world but only an equation of memetic imprint on to our collective sea of humanity. 

The Noosphere,

As we are living on this planet Earth .

Perhaps also injected into other brains of other living creatures. ( noosphere )

The science of biology of all living things, brain matter is brain matter.

You will find this is the truth.

There is subsequently no difference between the brain matter of every single brain as is operating functioning these mysteries in all living beings. 

God created our brain as a human species and all of life on planet Earth the same.

The states of brain matter all equal,  the irrationality of the matter that you hold onto something you can't hold on anymore. 

Something of artificial intelligence and automated processing and all of this stuff changes that dimension.

When all human brains are the same of the same possibility of the same rights no matter who what where why and what  birthed them - each human into existence. 

That being from all past time into present time into all-time future history.



I demand to be heard about this matter and I demand that a collected adaptive solution be considered imperative  important for all of humanity to survive this transition of the quickening. 

This is not rocket science people. 

It is a science but it is not rocket science. 

As a science it is conceptually our need to make information into knowledge in this regard.

Have I got your attention?

@Gruwup 2021

Great Reasons ( Not! ) Us Will Unite Peace,.

Nothing personal AJ.

Something you are not seeing and I demand that you see it for your own definition of how your digital object could be used to fix this.

Under the term as being a card.

A digital object that has no processing intervention. 

But could be.

If only had an intervention of creativity of a practical solution that I can show you that can hold us to a better tomorrow than the one we are living. 

For the one we are living, I would rather die first and I will die first before you all get your shit together and do something right for a change.

Every aspect of civil society will fail me. 

it already has.

"I have no hope" one of my friends said.

I have hope, but I don't have any hope that you all can get it instantaneously. Instantly is the urgency of a 911 emergency. 

I am pissed.

"pissed" is one of the emotional values that you can set to a Facebook post. 

Did you know that?

But I'm double pissed as of events eariier today and how that is related to my connection to you AJ in the creation to published status of this carrd.

( balanced wholeness ):

'Pissed" is a term that comes from urine and the basic human need of excrement to urinate. 

The wholeness approaching Healthcare I demand to be able to urinate this pissed off anger.

The doctor willing to commit a felony basically. Do not follow the law. 

A covid-19 pre-screening, which I had to answer yes to one of the questions. Making it an unconditional rescheduling for 2 weeks.

I related the okay I understand that and no problem acceptance through the screener to the interoffice. 

A fax already in place  several days ago .

A call to them from my mother earlier. The place on the agenda that they have to listen to me. that they have to listen to me. 

Nothing diversion of the inevitable predictability. All effort attempting to get resolved current winning resolve there is none and it is them and not me.

Dr. Gupta has the gall and the nerve and the intention to come out to the waiting door yell out my name to come into the clinic to cut my cast off.

I had to tell him if that's the agenda I have a fax and that I'm going to walk away.

The commotion in the office is a parent already. 

So once I have this cast cut off I have no further business with his doctor basically he wants to cut my cast off and throw me away. 

The agenda to which his intention is exposed is obvious. He would be willing to commit a felony in health safety codes in our pandemic emergency to have that happen rather than to have a discussion.

In that carrd, 

The evidence amounts to continued conspiracy. 

I had to reaffirm my position that we are going to follow the law. 

The doctor had to how to confess and release is standing and released me 

To release Me From his intention to call me into that office to cut my cast off and throw me out the door..

Oh that's not the end of this yet because I believe he's going to try to shift this off of the some other Clinic somewhere else and not deal with this himself. 

 I have a confirmed written on their schedule card appointment for 2 weeks from this day of thursday..... 

This is a do-or-die moment guys people listen to me what you have been told or have been thought to have been told things all the way back into school are not true 

The United States is under a condition of an Civil Society emergency up health safety codes in a doctor was willing to commit a felony to violate then to have a truth be told in the deliveries of the interface between him and I and the doctor care in the medical care. My last doctor had the same problem. That broke on March 2019. I wrote about it. I broke the restraining order shortly before the death of him. There was a release of a document on a National Institutes of Health on April 6th 2020.

Already in farming the place when all this went down that I would break the restraining order. I broke the restraining order. Confronting this matter I am right and the doctors are wrong. This is a huge conspiracy. 

Although I do not have proof that this statement is true I suspect dr. She do committed suicide on the 10th of April rather than confront this matter again with me when he is the one who broke all protocols and all the legalities a few dictionary responsibility to maintain a relationship with me in all honesty. 

He being a coward failed. Dr. Gupta is going to be a coward and fail somehow some way this is going to fail. 

And in two weeks I will be triple pissed if not one person stands to desire to vew the trutj.

To the lot of makes of mistakes are not accidents. 

a correction to the doctor side of this conflict is unconditionally demanded. 

If not. 

I'm done.

Transitioning from double pissed to tripple pissed,,

Enough is enough already..

No more no more forever more cruel no more forever more cruel.

Not a single day goes by step not one of you in my life smear has done the right thing and supported me unconditionally to stand by my side. 

So I must have to kill myself I must have to before you can do something outside of your own stupidity I have to think you all are IQ of 80 and I know better.. 

On Thu, Apr 15, 2021, 9:42 AM AJ. Of carrd dor co <

"Great! Let us know if anything else comes up."

My response to this is definitely. 

Not great not great not great..

Not us not us not us. 

Us ?




How about crashing down?


I recently put the perspective into my writing. 

This is something of rational consideration when you put together a confected understanding in this nightmare by day - outrageous -,disturbing - disoriented realism of truth.

I'm really have to question whether or not back to all of time history --  here and now --  I'm attempting to deal amd cope with something extreme -- iving a unique perspective that has never been dealt with ever before in human history. 

I can't answer this of course. 

it's impossible to answer. Maybe from a philosophy of a different culture and different language in different legal system.

That may not be true for them but it is true for us. 

That making this a unique United States or Western Civilization cultural problem rather than a global one 

Another words I can't do this anymore by myself. 

My mother is not truthfully a helpful situation. 

A dynamic till I don't want to have to describe at the moment .

I'm living in my family home. 

This family home since I was Age 5 

I'm 55 and I've traveled around from region to region in the United States of America 15 years 

I have this documented this evidence of documentation of what this is happening here.  


It really is not me it is them and are you a part of them or are you a part of us?

Us ( you collective us and I ) ?

A legal remedy, for those involved in not obeying practical sense?

I'm not sure I'm not sure I've talked to the ACLU 

I put it into perspective and even to the United Nations enable for the convention for the rights of persons with disabilities.

I'm serious people I'm serious

Trying to get a retainer and a projection of a solution through a criminal lawyer or a civil lawyer to represent my side of this?  Impossibly never. 

This is really bad people listen to me please.
October of last year I submitted a complaint in the process that is the United States Department of Justice civil rights compliance section.

I received no confirmation that my submission was received at the time. 

I took the factor that like any college in Tennessee of any kind of Technology processing for information now is that you get an instantaneous confirmation of things like this right that's the standard we're all using right right?

So I've been living a day-to-day daytime or awake time conscious time, "nightmare" started 15 years ago in my notice of it anyway. 

Over the last 15 years since June of 2005 when I registered an Internet domain, 

that is acknowledgements of the time stamp it is on a digital Information Society something here it's not quite right.

I think there are many in our society that know exactly what is happening.

A lawyer and trying to go to that process mentioned above be able to handle or would tackle this situation. 

The old operating systems a data and information processing that I'm aware of,

Back in the day there punch card IBM cards that you have to physically go over to a person and have them code out what you needed and take that the result of the card stack and put into the process manually. 

An auditing system is obviously not possible in their regard to prevent what is now malicious code or just errors in general of human imperfections. 

No certification process to the code that is being inserted into the process by way of a human carrying a code into y'all to be handled by the next process a human being carrying the code to which Saint is going to get processed. 

If I had such a degree of process right here right now I would not be in the nightmare truly a nightmare in which I see a big huge monster. 

And that would be a loving Siri I would be able to issue a complaint or a concern or anywhere in that insert of those cards into the process through which is a micro-level holt button to that process. 

In the case of current-day Life there isn't anything of such degree of a tool this includes going to law enforcement and the police.

There is no tool to stop this process. 

The pull string that is across the entire stretch of the entire train the pull string to activate the brakes emergency anybody on the train can pull. 

There's no such tool in 2021 what is happening to me individually and that work to our culture our community our society.


It's not hard to see the patterns of human intention an invention.

As a huge monster it is a weapon of mass destruction carrying a weapon of mass destruction that is killing people and it is killing me just the same and nobody cares to pull the string and stop this from happening.

The same monster we're all talking about on the news but we're not equating the monster to the underlying process that puts this monster into the behavioral effects of humans in our culture. 

Humans of this current year 2021 that we have a science called memetics that expresses an explanation scientifically for this monster that is very much real. This is not an illusion or delusion of my mind. We're not all talking about this on the news I'm just not seeing the monster the monster is real the monster has been talked about but we're not equating why there is no solution to this. 

What has happened here and continues to be processing is an artificially suspended condition. 

This rather than being a natural order of human condition of Law & Order and of generally speaking digression to humans from past and possible future

Savage life rather than civilized life. 

Please save the criticism of the basis for my conclusions of this writing that would only go to show that you know what's going on and what's a light yourself with the knowledge of culture that I know its true 

Silence or a non-responsive consideration of ghost in this conversation provides that sang deductive reasoning because that's the pattern that I have experienced so I'm taking that pattern and placing it on to this communication.

I have nothing against you. Except for that we have to find ourselves realizing this is a rational consideration rather than the concepts of persons in environment and society that are targeted individuals of gang stalking.

 Such an environment is a governmental supported mechanics of a putative function of government outside of due process against a certain set of people that I am one of them and there is no solution and there's no consulate. 

Have such as defined there is no where I can go but you try to develop from my interconnections of problem solving here in this moment in time on a site that has the possibility of creating a tool that would be in that mix that they will choose to ignore under the digital object term:

A Carrd. : 

I need to insert it into the spokes of this wheel if that's a euphemism I know where it goes I know where this card goes that will stop the flow of the disaster malfeasance that is on behalf of the doctor earlier today. 

My only legal mechanism is a a a redefinition from our assumed commons of 

The Social Contract

An illusion of one's mind that there is such a thing in the first place,

but we assume this when we are first born into this world. 

Under the doctrine of law I I currently experiencing human life under,

I have the right to consent or not to consent to anything and everything across my desk of my life.

If the would change beyond that -- that is because we here ( or I here ) live in a non-democracy - the government has failed to maintain this at least for me. It has betrayed the